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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/04/25

时间:2014-07-29 03:30来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Paul James with you this Friday, April 25, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening...
The rhetoric is heating up as Ukrainian authorities increase their anti-terror activities against pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.
US President Barack Obama has met with South Korea's President as part of his current Asian tour.
Votes are now being re-counted in Afghanistan's Presidential election.
In business, the Bank of China is reporting a nearly 14-percent jump in profits through the first quarter.
In sports, American swimmer Michael Phelps with a strong showing after coming out of retirement.
In entertainment, the latest installment of the new Spiderman re-boots is set to hit Chinese theaters in just over a week.
Beijing will be rainy tonight with a low of 12 degrees Celsius. Sunny tomorrow with a high of 23 degrees. 
Meanwhile Shanghai will be rainy tonight, with a low of 17, rainy also tomorrow, with a high of 29.
Chongqing will be rainy, 17 degrees the low, also rainy tomorrow with a high of 21.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, sunny with a high of 32.
Kabul, sunny, 23.
Over in Australia
Sydney, overcast, high of 27.
Canberra, overcast, 20.
Brisbane, overcast, 28.
And finally, Perth will be rainy with a high of 25.
Top News
Ukrainian crisis continues to escalate amid barbs trading of rival sides
Ukrainian authorities are calling on Russia to pull back its troops from their shared border.
The call comes in response to Moscow's announcement of military exercises in the region.
CRI's Xie Zhao has more.
The Russian side is conducting the exercises as a response to Kiev's currennt "anti-terror" operations in eastern Ukraine.
In a televised address, interim Ukrainian President Alexandr Turchynov says Russia is "coordinating and openly supporting terrorist killers" in eastern Ukraine.
"I want to declare that we will not retreat when terrorist danger exists and will continue to take measures aimed at defending the lives of our citizens. We demand that the Russian Federation stop interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine, stop permanent threats and blackmail and move troops back from the eastern border of Ukraine."
The Ukrainian crackdown on pro-Russian activists has left at least 5 dead.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is describing the operation as "a serious crime."
He's also warning of -quote- "consequences" if Kiev uses the army against its own people.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is calling on Washington to use its influence over the Ukrainian government to settle the situation.
"I have no doubt and I have already said that our US partners can influence the people who pronounced themselves as the government in Kiev. And the counter-terrorist operation was announced just after the unadvertised visit of the CIA director to Kiev, and the pause for Easter, which was announced in Kiev, was broken after the visit of the US Vice President Joe Biden (to Kiev)."
On the U.S. side, Secretary of State John Kerry is accusing Russia of inaction in eastern Ukraine.
Kerry says the United States is ready to impose additional sanctions on Russia in response.
"So I will say it again, the window to change course is closing. President Putin and Russia face a choice. If Russia chooses a path of de-escalation, the international community will welcome it, if Russia does not, the world will make sure the cost to Russia will only grow and as President Obama reiterated earlier we are ready to act."
Kerry is accusing Russia of not taking a single concrete step in the right direction in the past week since the U.S., the European Union, Russia and Ukraine agreed in Geneva to takes action to de-escalate the tensions in eastern Ukraine.
The current unrest erupted in Ukraine's east in early April when pro-Moscow activists seized government buildings in Ukraine's Donestk region.
Kiev has repeatedly blamed Moscow for inciting the unrest and splitting Ukraine.
Russia has denied the allegations.
For CRI, This is Xie Zhao.
Obama, Park urge DPRK to stop further threats
US President Barack Obama is now in South Korea as part of his current 4-nation tour of Asia.
Obama has met with South Korean President Park Geun-hye.
He says his government is going to maintain close cooperation with the South when it comes to North Korea.
Obama also the United States supports a united Korea.
At the same time, he's calling on the North to stop its threatening actions.
Obama's visit to South Korea comes amid reports North Korea may be planning a fourth nuclear test.
South Korea's Defense Ministry says its been seeing increased activity at the North's main nuclear test site.
Speaking at a joint news conference following their meeting, the two leaders are demanding Pyongyang not take any actions which will violate international obligations and pledges.
They have also agreed to maintain closer economic ties.
Obama also conveyed his condolences for the victims of the South Korean ferry disaster.
China is concerned about U.S.-Japan joint statement
The Chinese government has taken another opportunity today to blast comments made by US President Barack Obama while in Japan.
Ahead of Obama's trip to South Korea today, he and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe released a joint statement.
The statement says, among other things, that both the US and Japan oppose any attempts by China to assert territorial or maritime claims through coercion.
The statement also touches on the Diaoyu Islands dispute and China's establishment of the Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea.
Chinese Foreign Minsitry spokesperson Qin Gang.
"We express serious concerns about some of the contents of the U.S.-Japan joint statement. Interfering in other countries by making use of some issues, would not be helpful in properly resolving the issues and would also have a negative impact on regional stability."
The joint statement comes following comments by Obama yesterday suggesting the Diaoyu Islands would be included in the US-Japan Security alliance.
Death toll rises to 181 in S.Korean ferry sinking disaster
Authorities coordinating the recovery effort from last week's deadly ferry sinking in South Korea are deploying a diving bell to help retrieve the dozens of bodies still trapped below the surface.
121 bodies are still unaccounted for.
Searchers have recovered 181 victims.
At the same time, a South Korean coast guard official says a U.S. Navy recovery vessel is heading to South Korea to help with the recovery.
South Korean coast guard spokesperson Ko Myung-suk.
"The U.S. Navy's recovery-specialized vessel Safeguard is set to arrive at the site of the accident at dawn tomorrow in order to support our search and recovery efforts. The Safeguard will not enter into the area near the sunken ship; it will support the rescue operations from the surrounding area and will also help us prevent bodies from drifting away."
Experts from the United States, the Netherlands, Britain and Japan have been providing technical assistance in the recovery operations.
Investigations into the cause of last week's disaster are being focused on human error or a mechanical fault.
Reports are suggesting the ferry was carrying 3-times its maximum load.
It's also being reported the vessel was poorly loaded, making the ferry unstable.
Australia says the more different tools may be used in searching MH 370
The head of Australia's navy says different equipment may be used in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
This comes as the underwater search nears the completion of its first search grid.
The Bluefin-21 submersible has covered around 95-percent of its 10-square kilometer search zone.
Nothing connected to the missing airliner has been discovered.
Australian naval chief Ray Griggs says they're now consulting with their international partners on the best way to move forward.
"There may well be, if the rest of the search doesn't find anything initially, there may be a further search in the same area with different equipment, but that's something the three governments need to work out."
Australian authorities also say the search will continue in areas adjacent to the current search zone.
Meanwhile, Malaysia's prime minister says a preliminary report on the disappearance of MH370 is expected to be released next week.
The report has already been sent to the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Recounting of votes in Afghan presidential election underway
The re-counting of votes in Afghanistan's presidential election is underway.
At the same time, the Afghan election commission has delayed the planned release of the results by a day.
Reports have been suggesting former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah is in the lead.
Abdullah is said to have garnered around 44-percent of the vote.
Abdullah says he's confident he'll pass the 50-percent mark once all the votes are counted.
This time around I believe that the people of Afghanistan took it very seriously in massive turnout. They are expecting an outcome based on fair counting, then there are rumors, everyday there is news. So we can understand the anxiety of our citizens and hopefully these days will be behind us and Afghanistan will have an opportunity to look forward and to move forward."
The full, but unofficial results are now expected to be released on Saturday.
Official results of the vote will be released mid-May.
China and Denmark inked 10 deals to boost bilateral cooperation
China and Denmark have inked 10 new agreements as part of a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Danish Queen Margrethe II here in Beijing.
CRI's Yu Yang has more.
Queen Margrethe II's visit marks the Danish Queen's second China trip since 1979.
Based on Danish tradition, monarchs usually make only one official visit to a country.
Xi Jinping says the Queen's two visits book-end the historical reform and opening-up of China.
"1979 is a symbolic year. It marks the beginning of China's reform. Back then, you had already visited China and been to a number of cities. I heard from my mother that during your stay in Guangzhou, my parents met up with you. You are the first Western head of state to visit China after China's opening-up. Your visit has played an irreplaceable role in beefing up our bilateral ties. "
Queen Margrethe II says the tremendous transformation China has undergone inspired her to visit again.
"35 years is a very long time. And during all these years, I've heard my husband, both of my sons and many other people I know well telling me how much is happening in China. And now I have the chance to see it myself. It is really wonderful to see even though I've only been here for few hours, how much everything developed, how enormous Beijing has become. And it is impressive the city with its streaming traffic has changed all our recognition."
The two leaders witnessed the signing of ten cooperative deals covering sectors such as energy conservation and maritime technology.
Xi Jinping has suggested the two countries should enhance cooperation on a wider scale including trade, energy and people-to-people exchanges.
He also proposed the two sides make joint efforts to advance the relationship between China and Europe at-large.
China is Denmark's largest trading partner in Asia.
According to Eurostat, the total trade volume between Denmark and China reached nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars last year, up almost 7 percent from 2012.
Queen Margrethe II's visit will last for five days, ending on Monday.
For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
Non-governmental cooperation between China and Denmark
Ties between China and Denmark are in focus this week, with a state visit by Danish Queen Margrethe II.
To that end, CRI's Li Dong caught up with an executive at a Danish pharmaceutical company which has been operating in China for around 20-years.
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with some 90-years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Headquartered in Beijing, Novo Nordisk China has established a distribution network throughout the country, providing services to patients across the mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
At present, Novo Nordisk has around 48-hundred employees in China. Christian Kanstrup is the senior vice president of Novo Nordisk China. He says the Chinese government's healthcare policies over the past few years have not only benefited the Chinese people, but companies like Novo Nordisk.
Act1 English Male
"You have the focus chronic diseases from the government. The focus on improving the treatment of chronic diseases, increasing the awareness of chronic diseases, diabetes being a chronic disease that's of course something which has benefited us as well. Also a very notable thing is the focus on the primary care system in China, the focus on expanding the primary care system, expanding the hospitals in county and lower tier segments of pharmaceutical market. Diabetes being a treatment which naturally is treated in primary care setting, this has of course also benefited us as a company."
However, Kanstrup admits there are still a number of issues his company has to deal with here in China.For example, to get more clarity on rules and regulations.
"Of course it has been significant turbulence around in the pharmaceutical industry in general in China. It is a difficult environment to operate, because not all rules and regulations are equally clear. This is of course the natural state of the maturity of the pharmaceutical market. The European and American pharmaceutical market are more advanced with a lot of rules and clarity around but I do hope we can get more clarity on the rules, making it easier for us to operate in the Chinese pharmaceutical market."
Kanstrup also says Corporate Social Responsibility plays an important part in Novo Nordisk's development in China. He says Novo Nordisk is practicing a so-called "Triple Bottom Line" principle here in China, meaning financially responsible, socially responsible and environmentally responsible.
"We have several initiatives in place to support the social responsibility. One which is of significance is the education of physicians across China, in trying to increase awareness and ability to treat and diagnose diabetes. And also the general awareness among those people with diabetes and general public around diabetes. During the past 10 years, we have been educating more than half million doctors. We have been educating more than 2.5 million patients, so we have done significant efforts in increasing the understanding of diabetes in general and the ability of physicians to treat diabetes."
During Danish Queen Margrethe II's this stay to China, she will visit the Beijing headquarters of Novo Nordisk China on her tight schedule.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Taxi-pooling app becomes pop in Beijing
A new taxi-pooling software app called "Rainbow Way" is becoming more and more popular here in Beijing.
CRI's Chi Huiguang now on how the app works.
The new taxi-sharing app called "Rainbow Way" enables passengers heading in the same direction to share the same taxi. Riders, be they two, three or four, each pay 60 percent of their respective fares. For example, the first passenger to arrive at his or her destination pays 60 percent of the current meter charge through the app. The other passengers continue the same payment method. The last passenger pays the whole taxi bill in cash to the driver, and the app will calculate the payment and return the difference to the last passenger's account through the app.
So,the rule of the app is: all passengers pay 60 percent of their own taxi fees, and the driver will get 20 to 40 percent more than the total fare.
Wang Guozhen is the deputy general manager of Youzhixing Information Technology Co. and the developer of the software. He said that the app can benefit both the passengers and the taxi drivers.
"If two passengers share a taxi, they should pay 60 percent of the fare of their shared-journey distance, and the driver can also get 20 percent more of the fare of the shared-journey distance."
Passengers said the app can be an effective solution during rush-hour, as Beijing, the densely-populated capital, is known for traffic jams and delays on roads.
Zhang Guoqiang works for an information and technology company in Beijing. He usually takes taxis to Zhongguancun Software Park at his own expense. The app can help him save more than 20 yuan per trip.
"The taxi-pooling app helps me save money. This time, I saved more than 20 yuan."
Passengers in Beijing can also get invoices if they use the taxi-pooling service use mobile payment methods to pay for the fares.
Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport issued a regulation about car-pooling on December 31, 2013, making the travel mode legal and a way to help resolve traffic congestion problems in the city.
For CRI, I am Chi Huiguang.
Biz Reports
Asian markets declined broadly today as investors weighed the escalating tensions in Ukraine against positive earnings from a number of U.S. corporate heavyweights.
Japanese shares eked out marginal gains in the wake of strong inflation data, while the markets elsewhere lost ground, despite gains on Wall Street overnight.
The Nikkei closed up 0.2 percent
Here in China, the Shanghai Composite fell 1 percent on concerns about liquidity conditions after Guanghui Energy unveiled plans to issue 50-million preferred shares.
The Shenzhen Component closed down 1.3 percent
Hong Kong's Hang Seng tumbled 1.5 percent to touch a four-week low.
South Korean shares hit four-week lows with the KOSPI closing down 1.3 percent.
The markets in Australia and New Zealand are closed for the Anzac Day holiday.
India's Sensex closed down 0.8 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times dipped 0.4-percent.
BOC's net earnings jump 13.9% in Q1
The Bank of China is reporting a 13.9-percent rise in net profits through the first quarter.
The increase marks a significant jump in profits from the 8.2 percent increase in the same period last year.
Net profits have come in at 45-billion yuan, up from 40 billion yuan a year ago.
Bank of China has seen its non-performing loans rise to 80 billion yuan at the end of March from 73-billion yuan at the end of last year.
The banks NPR now stands at 0.98-percent.
Bank of China is the first among China's "big-4" state-run lenders to release its earnings for the first quarter.
Doug Young on corporate news of the week
It's been another busy week in the corporate world here in China, with a Chinese meat processing company dramatically slashing the size of its IPO in Hong Kong.
And at the same time, a pair of Nasdaq-listed firms have entered into a new partnership connected to video games.
The Beijing Hour's Shane Bigham spoke earlier about these stories with Doug Young, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters.

Doug Young, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters, speaking with CRI's Shane Bigham.
Tesla takes deposits via Alipay
Customers of US electric car manufacturer Tesla are now being allowed to pay their deposits on via Alipay.
The deposit for the Tesla Model S is 15-thousand yuan.
The Model X deposit is 30-thousand yuan.
Apple, Google agree to settle lawsuit alleging hiring conspiracy
Four major tech companies including Apple and Google have agreed to settle a lawsuit accusing them of conspiring to hold down salaries in Silicon Valley.
The terms of the settlement have not been disclosed.
A collection of tech workers filed a class action lawsuit against Apple, Google, Intel and Adobe Systems in 2011, alleging the companies conspired to not hire one another's employees in order to avert a salary war.
Trial had been scheduled to begin at the end of May on behalf of roughly 64-thousand workers represented in the suit.
The companies have acknowledged entering into certain no-hire agreements.
However, they have disputed the allegation they had conspired to drive down wages.
Officials with the companies have not commented on the settlement.
Apple, Google, Adobe and Intel settled a U.S. Department of Justice probe in 2010 by agreeing not to enter into no-hire deals in the future.
Japan's NTT Docomo to sell Tata Teleservices stake
Japan's biggest telecom firm NTT Docomo plans to sell its entire stake in India's Tata Teleservices, effectively exiting the country.
Docomo has also announced plans to spend as much as as 4-dollars-90-cents US buying back shares.
Docomo's decision makes it the latest Japanese company to pull out of India.
Japanese drugmaker Daiichi Sankyo withdrew from India earlier this month after selling its stake in Indian pharmaceutical firm Ranbaxy Laboratories.
Docomo paid 2.7-billion US dollars for a 26.5-percent stake in Tata Teleservices in 2009.
However, the Indian telecom firm has been losing money amid stiff price competition and complicated regulations in the country.
Tata Teleservices has posted losses of 106-million US dollars last fiscal year.
Shares of NTT Docomo closed 0.8-percent higher in Tokyo trading this Friday.
Headline News 
Obama, Park urge DPRK to stop further threats
US President Barack Obama has met with South Korean President Park Geun-hye, and vowed to maintain close cooperation with the South when it comes to North Korea.
Obama also the United States supports a united Korea.
At the same time, he's calling on the North to stop its threatening actions.
Obama's visit to South Korea comes amid reports North Korea may be planning a fourth nuclear test.
South Korea's Defense Ministry says its been seeing increased activity at the North's main nuclear test site.
Speaking at a joint news conference following their meeting, the two leaders are demanding Pyongyang not take any actions which will violate international obligations and pledges.
They have also agreed to maintain closer economic ties.
Ukrainian crisis continues to escalate amid barbs trading of rival sides
Ukrainian authorities are calling on Russia to pull back its troops from their shared border.
In a televised address, interim Ukrainian President Alexandr Turchynov says Russia is "coordinating and openly supporting terrorist killers" in eastern Ukraine.
The call comes in response to Moscow's announcement of military exercises in the region, as a response to Kiev's current "anti-terror" operations in eastern Ukraine.
The crackdown on pro-Russian activists has left at least 5 dead.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is describing the operation as "a serious crime."
He's also warning of -quote- "consequences" if Kiev uses the army against its own people.
Virgin Air Indonesia office denies hijack of plane
A passenger on a Virgin Blue flight from Australia to Indonesia has been arrested after allegedly trying to enter the plane's cockpit.
Initial reports had indicated the passenger was trying to hijack the airline.
However, it's now been confirmed the passenger was drunk, and didn't have any dangerous items with him.
The flight landed safely in Bali, which was its destination from Brisbane.
The initial report of a hijacking did put the Indonesian airforce on alert.
Over 500 hutments gutted in major fire in Indian capital
A major fire has gutted numerous dwellings in a slum in southern Delhi.
Over 500 make-shift homes have reportedly been torched in the fire, which broke out this afternoon.
So far there have been no reports of casualties.
The cause of the fire has not been determined at this point.
Thousands of undocumented workers face deportation in Maldives
Authorities in the Maldives are preparing for a major crackdown on undocumented workers in the island nation.
The head of the country's Immigration Department says a 3 to 4-month sweep is getting underway.
There are an estimated 44-thousand undocumented workers in the Maldives, the vast majority of whom live in the capital, Male.
Authorities are warning that those caught in the sweep will be ejected from the country for up to 10-years.
A previous crackdown on undocumented workers in the Maldives saw some 4-thousand people voluntarily turn them in.
That group was kicked out of the country for 6-months, but then allowed to return legally.
Newspaper Picks
Shanghai Daily
"2nd best' schools send more to college"
GROWING numbers of students from Shanghai's vocational schools are opting to continue onto higher education after graduation, rather than follow a trade.
Last year, just over 57 percent of graduates from vocational schools entered the job market, joined the army or went abroad, said the report.
Meanwhile,41 percent of the city's 40,000 or so secondary vocational graduates pursued higher studies — an increase of 4.2 percent on 2012, the Shanghai Education Commission said yesterday.
The proportion continuing their studies is set to be even higher this year as a new program will allow secondary vocational students to begin undergraduate education without having to sit the unified college entrance exam, the commission said.
Secondary vocational schools in China usually provide students who are aged between 16 and 18 with three years of education.
However, they are often seen as "second best" to high schools, with the view that they are low-status schools that will lead to low-paid jobs.
China Daily
"3D printers print ten houses in 24 hours"
A private company in east China recently used a giant printer set to print out ten full-sized houses within just one day.
The stand-alone one-story houses in the Shanghai Hi-Tech Industrial Park look just like ordinary buildings. They were created using an intelligent printing array in east China's city of Suzhou.
The array consists of four printers that are 10 meters wide and 6.6 meters high and use multi-directional automated sprays. And it emits a combination of cement and construction waste that is used to print building walls layer-by-layer.
The printers can print multi-story houses, but Chinese building codes do not currently include standards for 3D-printed houses.
Quality checks are currently conducted by examining each piece of the structure as it is printed out.
Ma , the inventor of the printers said he and his team are especially proud of their core technology of quick-drying cement. And he hopes his printers can be used to build skyscrapers in the future.
The Telegraph
"Girls' brains help them do better at exams - and at gang crime - scientists say "
Girls have been using their brains to better effect than boys for years when it comes to exams and according to new research , they are now doing the same to increase their status in street gangs.
And there are signs that they are increasingly relied on for money laundering, smuggling weapons in their prams or hiding drug stashes.
Dr Simon Harding is a lecturer at Middlesex University and he spent four years talking to dozens of community workers and eight gang members aged 16-25 in Lambeth.
Dr Harding said : "The rougher, tougher and nastier [boys] are, the higher their status. But the girls and young women could gain status in a different way through their social skills – they can become quite important players but not though violence or brutality. They deal in information – trading and exchanging this daily.
His research challenged the traditional view of girls as powerless hangers-on who had to suffer rape or other abuse as the price of belonging to the gang.
Channel News Asia
"Diabetes research: Good news for caffeine addicts?"
A study in US found that people who boosted their coffee intake by "moderate to large" doses had a lower risk for adult-onset diabetes than those with stable consumption.
The study analyzed the diet and lifestyles of more than 120,000 health sector workers. And it showed that those who increased their daily caffeine dose by about 1.5 cups a day over a four-year period had an 11 per cent lower chance in the subsequent four years of developing type 2 diabetes.
"Furthermore, those who had moderate to large decreases in intake (about two cups a day) had an 18 per cent higher risk," said a research team in Diabetologia,
Those with the highest coffee consumption, three cups or more per day, had the lowest risk of type 2 diabetes -- 37 per cent lower than those who consumed a cup or less per day, said the paper, backing other studies that linked coffee to lower diabetes risk.
Special Reports
Qoros Finds its own way to debut to the world
A new vehicle from a Chinese joint-venture is stirring up a lot of discussion at this year's Beijing International Auto Show.
The details from CRI's Liu Min.
Most vehicles connected to China are often given little attention from Chinese consumers, given China's somewhat checkered history as an auto producer.
However, at this year's auto show, a new vehicle from a Chinese-Israeli joint venture, the Qoros 3 Hatch, has been creating a lot of buzz among both consumers and professional automotive observers.
A fashionable design, a five-star safety level and a reasonable price seem to be impressing a lot of people.
Stefano Villanti is the Executive Director of Sales, Marketing and Product Strategy at Qoros.
"This year to Beijing Auto Show, Qoros has brought the Qoros 3 Hatch. It is the second model. It is built on the same platform of the Qoros 3 sedan this year that is at my back here. It's got the same structure of the sedan that has won the Euro Car five stars in 2013. "
Founded in 2007, Qoros is a joint venture between Chery Automotive and investment group Israel Corp.
Guo Qian, CEO of Qoros, says one of the keys for getting his company's product in the forefront of Chinese consumers' minds is creating a model and brand that screams quality.
"Our company's original goal was to build a European standard car from the very beginning. We've got people from 26 countries. Stefano Villanti was among the first of several managers who abandoned their comfortable, high salary jobs in Europe to start the project with Qoros. They are all very excited to create something from scratch together. We did expect to have good recognition from auto show because we are confident that the product is good enough to compete with its peers."
Produced in an assembly plant in the suburbs of Suzhou, the Qoros 3 Sedan is the first of an all-new range of models being designed and engineered by an international team of experienced specialists.
The vehicle has been engineered to international quality and safety standards.
Qoros has also achieved maximum scores in both European and Chinese crash safety tests.
And unlike other Chinese automakers, Qoros took a different development path, producing its first vehicles for the international market, rather than trying to focus on the Chinese market.
As such, its supply chain and dealership network have developed on the international level.
But like most companies in the global automotive industry, the China market is one Qoros can't ignore.
The company now has more than 100 dealerships in this country's 2nd and 3rd tier cities.
Qoros is also planning to establish dealerships in Beijing and Shanghai.
For CRI and China.com, I'm Liu Min.
Phelps takes second place in first competitive meet out of retirement
Olympic champion Michael Phelps made his big return to competitive swimming yesterday with a 100 meter butterfly race at the Arena Grand Prix in Phoenix.
He made it through to the final where he came in second to Olympic teammate Ryan Lochte.
"It's one meet, it's one race. It's a long way whether I decide to continue or not. This was awesome. I'm really excited about how things went and I do know what I need to do if I want to continue and I want to swim faster, and obviously I like swimming faster and faster each race."
For his part, Lochte seemed glad to have Phelps back as a competitor.
"Every time I go on those blocks and he's right next to me, it's gonna be one of the hardest races you do because he'll know how to push you to limits that you don't want your body to go to, and I love it."
It was Phelp's first meet since he retired after the 2012 London Olympics. Next up, he'll be competing in the 50 meter freestyle.
Norwich travels to Manchester United for first match since David Moyes sacking
In football,
Benfica defeated Juventus 2-1 in Lisbon in the first leg of their UEFA Europea League semifinal. The two sides were tied up 1-1 with the clock ticking down, but substitute Lima scored with six minutes left to go to give Benfica the win. In the other semifinal clash, Sevilla defeated Valencia 2-0 in their first leg in Seville.
This weekend, lots of critical matches are coming up in the Premier League. Norwich City is away at Manchester United, and of course all the talk is about how the recent sacking of David Moyes will affect the outcome.
Norwich manager Neil Adams says he's not getting ruffled up about it.
"Obviously, very sorry for David (Moyes) as always it is never nice when managers lose their jobs. I am not too fussed as to what time it has come - we have just got to deal with it. Their will be a lot of speculation: 'is it beneficial for us, is it a hindrance but it is what it is. It is as simple as that. We will be going there with a game plan and again, how we think we can cause Man United a problem."
This will be interim manager Ryan Gigg's first test at the helm of united. Southampton hosts Everton. West Ham is on the road at West Bromwich. Swansea hosts Aston Villa, Hull travels to Fulham,and Stoke hosts Tottenham.
China's Peng Shuai continues to advance in Morocco
In tennis,
Rafael Nadal is through to the quarterfinals at the Barcelona Open after dispatching Ivan Dodig of Croatia 6-3 6-3. Also through to the quarters are Marin Cilic, Kei Nishikori, Nicolas Almagro and Philipp Kohlschreiber.
Over at the Porsche Grand Prix,
Maria Sharapova set up a quarterfinal clash with top seed Agnieszka Radwanska.
Ana Ivanovic, Jelena Jankovic, Svetlana Kuznetsova are all through to the quarters, but second seed Simona Halep and fourth seed Angelique Kerber both crashed out today.
In Morocco,
China's Peng Shuai will fight top seed Daniela Hantuchova for a place in the semifinals at the La Princess Lalla Meryem.
Ben Martin leads at Zurich Classic
In golf,
Ben Martin shot a course-record round of 10-under-62 to lead at the PGA's Zurich Classic after round one. The interesting background story is that Martin has been struggling lately, missing seven of eight cuts. So he started meeting with a sports psychologist and hired an old college buddy to caddie for him. Treatment seems effective.
Meanwhile, the European Tour is over here in China for the Volvo China Open. France's Alexander Levy leads after carding a 14 under opening round.
In the LPGA,
The swinging skirts classic is underway in California.
Karine Icher leads with a 6-under-66, two shots over a big second place group that includes Lydia Ko, who celebrated her 17th birthday on the course.
Wins for Atlanta, Memphis, and LA Clippers in NBA playoffs
In NBA action,
The Atlanta Hawks took a 2-1 series lead after defeating the top-seeded Indiana Pacers 98-85 today.
Jeff Teague led Atlanta with 22 points and Kyle Korver added 20, going 4-for-7 from three point land.
"This is, it's a great position to be in, we'd like to be up 3-0 but we'll take 2-1 and we have some more home games coming - which is great - but every game in the playoffs is it's own monster and there's going to be adjustments being made and we might go 2-for-16 in a half again, you know? So I mean you never know what's going to happen. Obviously we like where we're at but we gotta stay hungry and we're going to have to go out there and take two more games, we're not, they're not going to lay down and give us two more games because we have two more home games, we have to go out there and take them."
The Memphis Grizzlies have a 2-1 series advantage after defeating Oklahoma City 98-95 in overtime in game 3.
And it was another loss for the Golden State Warriors, but not a blowout this time. The LA Clippers beat their California rivals 98 to 96 in game 3 for a 2-1 series lead. Blake Griffin played another solid game with 32 points and 8 boards, and Klay Thompson led the Warriors with 26.
It was a physical game. Clippers forward Matt Barnes was called for a flagrant foul after shoving Andre Iguodala to the floor, and a few plays later David Lee sent Chris Paul to the floor with a blind-side screen. Another flagrant foul was called on Warriors reserve Drawymond Green, after his arm came down hard on Griffin under the basket. But the Warriors home crowd saw it differently, the consensus being that Griffin is a big fat flopper.
LA Kings avoid elimination after big 6-3 win in game 4
In Stanley Cup playoff action,
The Boston Bruins are on the brink of advancing to the next round. They defeated the Detroit Red Wings 3-2 in game 4 to pull ahead with a 3-1 series lead. For Detroit, this is the worst three game start in any plaoff series since they were shut out in the first trio of the 1945 Stanley Cup finals.
The Minnesota Wild earned their second straight win against the Colorado Avalanche 2-1 to level their first round series at two apiece.
And the Los Angeles Kings got a taste of what winning feels like after beating the San Jose Sharks 6-3 in game 4. The Kings were in a do or die situation as the Sharks led the series 3-0. Marian
Gaborik and Justin Williams both scored twice for the Kings, with the other points coming from Dustin Brown and Tyler Toffoli.
Weekly TV series promotion by Tencent
Starting today, The Beijing Hour will introduce you to a TV series recommended by Tencent Video every Friday evening during our entertainment segment.
Today's selection is the Chinese TV series, 'Bu Bu Jing Qing', also known as 'Scarlet Heart 2'.
'Bu Bu Jing Qing' is a sequel to the 2011 hit TV series 'Bu Bu Jing Xin'—the first "Scarlet Heart."
This latest installment of the "Scarlet Heart" series starts where the first one left off. Time-traveling protagonist, Zhang Xiao, returns to modern time following the death of Ma'ertai Ruoxi, her lover in the first series.
Needing to get back into the groove of regular life, Zhang finds work at an internet company called "Zhen Tian." There, she meets her supervisor, Yin Zheng, who helps her through various obstacles in her adjustment to the daily grind. The beginnings of love develop between Yin and Zhang, but before their love can fully bloom, an individual named Kang Si Han enters their world. Zhang Xiao then finds herself at the center of a long triangle and a power struggle.
Regulars Cecilia Liu, Nicky Wu and Damian Lau return for another gripping series, with new additions Sun Yizhou, Chen Xiang and Jiang jin zhou.
'Bu Bu Jing Qing' premiered on Tencent Video this Tuesday.
You can watch the unabridged series by logging on to v.qq.com under the 'Television Series' tab.
'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' to Reach Chinese Theaters Soon
American superhero film "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" swings onto Chinese screens next Sunday on May 4th.
The film is the sequel to the 2012 blockbuster, "The Amazing Spider-Man".
Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx star in the next Spidey film.
Leading man, Garfield, came to Beijing to promote the movie last month.
Garfield plays Peter Parker, an orphaned teenage boy who gains amazing spider-like superpowers after being bitten by a radio-active spider.
Parker initially uses his powers to hunt down his uncle's killers in "The Amazing Spider-Man" but soon decides to use his powers to fight crime instead, becoming the vigilante known as Spider-Man.
NBC taps Seth Meyers as next Emmys host
NBC announced Thursday (April 24) that "Late Night" host Seth Meyers will be the next host of the Emmy Awards.
Meyers, himself an Emmy winner, debuted as host of "Late Night With Seth Meyers" in February, taking over the slot of Jimmy Fallon, who moved on to "The Tonight Show".
Before that, he was part of the cast of "Saturday Night Live" beginning in 2001. He made his way to head-writer for the sketch-comedy show in 2006.
The 66th Emmy Awards is set to air live on NBC on August 25th.
Michelle Williams makes Broadway debut in 'Cabaret'
American actress Michelle Williams makes her Broadway debut as Sally Bowles in the latest revival of "Cabaret".
The newest production also stars Alan Cumming as the Emcee and is directed by Sam Mendes.
The role of Sally Bowles was made famous in the 1972 film version by Liza Minnelli and in the last Broadway revival by Natasha Richardson.
Williams says she's familiar with the production's legacy.
"Absolutely. And Judi Dench and Julie Harris...I feel overwhelmed, honestly, overwhelmed that I am allowed to walk in their footsteps. And truthfully, I admire every single one of them. And I look up to every single one of them and I take every single one of them with me on this journey. It's like we're all in it together now."
"Cabaret" is currently playing at Studio 54 on Broadway.
Ricky Martin records 'Vida' for the 2014 World Cup
Ricky Martin's new song, "Vida," will be featured on "One Love, One Rhythm: The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Album".
"Vida" is the winning entry from Sony's Global Music Contest for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
The song is Martin's second World Cup anthem.
The Grammy and multiple Latin Grammy winner voiced the 1998 FIFA World Cup anthem, "La Copa de la Vida," a.k.a. "The Cup of Life."
The Spanish and English versions of "Vida" were written by Elijah King, winner of the 2014 FIFA World Cup SuperSong competition, and produced by Salaam Remi.
Burberry opens new flagship store in Shanghai
London-based luxury brand, Burberry, opened a new flagship store in Shanghai Thursday night (24 April).
The new store is the eighth in the Chinese city and by far the largest in the Asian-Pacific region.
Chinese stars Angelababy, Lin Chi-ling and Chen Kun joined Burberry models Cara Delevingne, Suki Waterhouse and Jamie Campbell Bower at the launch of the store.
Inspired by the global flagship at 121 Regent Street in London, the space of the new store was designed to incorporate the brand's heritage through British-made decor, while matching the London store's dedication to embracing the digital age.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
The rhetoric is heating up as Ukrainian authorities increase their anti-terror activities against pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.
US President Barack Obama has met with South Korea's President as part of his current Asian tour.
Votes are now being re-counted in Afghanistan's Presidential election.
In business, the Bank of China is reporting a nearly 14-percent jump in profits through the first quarter.

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