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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/05/06

时间:2014-07-29 07:22来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition

Shane Bigham with you on this Tuesday, May 06th, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
China and the African Union are developing closer ties... an agreement has been signed at AU headquarters by the Chinese premier...
Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the abduction of hundreds of schoolgirls, saying those children are going to be sold...
and in the latest violence in Ukraine, four Ukrainian soldiers have been killed during a confrontation with protesters...
In Business...a nationwide social credit system for China...
In sports...Liverpool blows a 3-0 lead...
In entertainment...Actress Sally Field finally gets her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame..
But first... lets get a check on the weather...
Beijing will be sunny today, but turn to thundershowers this afternoon with a high of 21 degree Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to around 10.
Shanghai will be cloudy during the daytime with a high of 23.
Overnight, it will be clear with a low of 13.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy with a high of 27.
Overnight lows are expected to be around 18.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia.
Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 34.
Kabul will have slight rain with a high of 22.
Over to North America.
New York will be cloudy today with a high of 18 degrees.
Washington will be cloudy with a high of 22 degrees.
Honolulu, slight rain, 28.
Toronto, Canada, will be cloudy with a high of 13 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires will be overcast with a high of 21.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Top News
China, AU to comprehensively deepen cooperation
A joint statement has been issued by representatives from China and the African Union, agreeing to deepen cooperation in development and international affairs.
The statement follows Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to the AU headquarters in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.
CRI's Jordan Lee has more.
The statement hails China-Africa cooperation as playing an important role in promoting the development of the two sides, and in the peace, stability and development of the world as a whole.
It says China will continue its support of the AU in advancing the African integration process, and upholding Africa's peace and security.
The AU pledges in the statement that it will play an active role in promoting China-Africa cooperation in all fields.
The both sides also call the international support for the development in the continent.
During his visit to the AU headquaters, the Chinese premier also gives a speech in which he expounded China's Africa policy.
" We are willing to communicate and share the experience and opportunities with African countries to pursue inclusive development. China is willing to share the advanced technologies it has developed with AU members. We are also willing to transfer some labor-intensive industries to Africa to improve employment here, which is beneficial for both China and African countries and also benefits people on both sides. China also sincerely supports the diversification partners here in Africa and hopes the international community increase its investment in Africa."
He proposes that China and Africa upgrade collaboration in industry, finance, poverty reduction, ecological protection, people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security.
With regard to industrial cooperation, he notes the rapid growth of bilateral trade over recent years and urges the two sides to bring the volume to 400 billion U.S. dollars by 2020.
The figure stood at just over 210 billion in 2013.
He's also suggested all of Africa's capitals should be connected by high-speed rail to help better-establish pan-African communication and development.
Li Keqiang says China is ready to work with Africa to try to make this a reality.
"China is ready to expand cooperation with Africa in building road, rail, telecommunications, power grid and other infrastructure so as to help the continent realize regional interconnection. China has decided to increase its loans for African countries by 10 billion dollars, which brings the total pledged amount to 30 billion dollars."
China has already funded Ethiopia's first expressway project and is building a light-rail transit system in Addis Ababa.
The 470 million US-dollar light rail system is scheduled to carry passengers next year on a trial basis.
Li Keqiang also notes that China will further support the poverty reduction effort in the region.
Ethiopia is the first leg of Li Keqiang's four-nation tour.
He will also visit Nigeria, Angola and Kenya.
FOr CRI, I am Jordan Lee.
Boko Haram claims responsibility for abduction of schoolgirls in Nigeria: local media
Nigeria's Islamic extremist leader is threatening to sell nearly 300 abducted schoolgirls.
The teenagers were taken away from a school in the remote northeast three weeks ago.
The group also claimed responsibility for the mass abduction, warning of attacks on more schools and the abduction of more girls.
Since the abduction of the school girls, Nigerians have been demanding the government rescue the abductees.
The admission by Boko Haram comes on the heels of a deadly blast in the capital, Abuja, which left 20-people dead.
Abuja will play host to a World Economic Forum meeting on Africa later this week.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is due to attend that meeting.
Four Ukrainian soliders killed in Slavyansk
At least four Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and some 30 wounded during a military operation against pro-Russian protesters in the eastern city of Slavyansk.
The casualties come after government troops launched a fresh wave of anti-terror operations in the city against 800 pro-Russian forces.
Slavyansk, a city of 125,000 people, has been the center of an uprising in east Ukraine against the authorities in Kiev.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities also sent an elite National Guard unit to re-establish control over the southern port of Odessa.
Earlier, over 40 people, mostly pro-Russian activists, were killed while occupying a local trade union building which was set on fire.
Maryna Ostapenko is the spokesperson of Security Service of Ukraine:
"The activities of pro-Russian forces can't get any lower. The situation remains acute. The separatists are increasing their activity with the aim of destabilising the situation in eastern Ukraine. The main forces of the anti-terrorist operation are relocating and strengthening on state borders to prevent armed people from entering Ukraine from the Russian Federation."
Kiev has repeatedly blamed Moscow for inciting unrest and trying to split Ukraine apart.
Russia has denied any involvement.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, reiterating his call for talks between Kiev and pro-Russian demonstrators.
Meanwhile, Kiev expressed its support for Germany's initiative to hold a second round of diplomatic talks in Geneva to halt violence in Ukraine.
Last month, Ukraine, Russia, the U.S. and the EU reached a deal calling for all sides in the conflict to refrain from violence.
Sisi says army will not rule Egypt if he wins presidency
Egyptian ex-military chief and presidential candidate Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi says the military will not rule the country if he wins in the upcoming presidential election.
Sisi made the comment during his first extended television interview.
He says he will not involve the army in politics and if possible, the army's missions will be restricted to safeguarding and helping in social development.
The 59-year-old also says he did not announce his candidacy until March in order to respect the rules set out by the country's elections committee.
"Silence was, in reality, necessary. The first reason being is that if I am going to represent for Egyptians the hope that they had been waiting for, or a future they could have hope in, then I had to take into consideration that what they see in me are all good things, and they should see me as a role model."
The first round of Egypt's presidential election is planned for the 26th and 27th this month.
Sisi faces only one challenger, leftist Hamdeen Sabahi.
The former general, who enjoys huge popularity in Egypt, is expected to win an outright majority in the first round.
Top Chinese legislator meets Japanese lawmakers amid strained ties
Top Chinese legislator Zhang Dejiang has met with a delegation of Japanese lawmakers despite strained bilateral ties.
Zhang says the visit by the Japanese lawmakers reflects determination to move the strained bilateral ties forward.
Masahiko Komura, vice president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said he would like to make efforts to bring ties back to a strategical relationship that is mutually beneficial.
China and Japan have seen few high-level political contacts since the Japanese government's so-called "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands in September 2012.
The islands are Chinese territory.
Zhang's meeting with Komura, who is leading the 9-member delegation for the three-day Beijing visit, is the highest contact between leaders of the two countries in recent months.
China urges Japan to make a real effort sincerely
Meanwhile, the Chinese government has issued a new statement saying it welcomes delegations from Japan, from all walks of life.
The comments come as several Japanese delegations visit China.
At the same time, the Chinese government is calling on Japan's leadership to make efforts to try to restore bilateral ties.
Australia host a meeting to determine the way forward in the search for the plane
Authorities from China, Malaysia and Australia have met to discuss how to proceed in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
CRI's Australia Correspondent Wang Xiao has more.
The meeting in the Australian capital Canberra has seen the transport ministers of Malaysia and China come together to try to determine the best way forward.
Chinese Transport Minister Yang Chuantang says China will maintain its resolve in the search for the missing jet.
He outlines four priorities.
"first, when it comes to the search in the transitional period, the Chinese government is deploying three vessels to continue the search. Secondly, we will support the selection of a commercial company to lead the search in the new phase. Thirdly, China will participate in the follow up search through various means. Fourthly, we will continue to deploy our experts to assist in the investigation of the accident."
Ministers agreed that an intensified undersea search with sonar is the best way to proceed.
Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss says sub-surface equipment should be operational within two months.
"The key element of next stage will involve deep ocean search with specialist equipment It's possible that some of it may be owned by navies or governments around the world, but it's likely that the majority will have to be provided from the private sector. We're looking at calling tenders for a single operator to maintain and lead in the new elements of this search."
Truss says another meeting is scheduled for Wednesday in Canberra with international experts to analyse all the data and information collected so far.
Malaysian Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein says they remain determined to find the missing flight.
"The fact that australia, Malaysia and China have got together......"
The US Navy has chartered the underwater submersable Bluefin-21 for a further month.
Its mothership, the 'Ocean Shield' is refitting in port and is due to return an expanded search area in the near future.
For CRI, I'm Wang Xiao from Australia.
22 drowned as boats capsized off Greek island
22 migrants have drowned and at least 10 others are missing after two boats capsized off the Greek island of Samos.
12 women and 4 children are among the dead.
The vessels, a yacht and a lifeboat, carrying about 68 migrants, capsized in the eastern Aegean Sea, close to the Turkish coast.
Authorities say they have rescued 36 people.
Coast guard officials say most of those who drowned were trapped inside one of the boats.
"We found the boat upside down, and from there we can see there are bodies inside. There could be seven or eight bodies inside. There is an operation going on to remove them. I towed it in. I tied buoys around it so it would not sink, and brought it to shore in Vathi."
The nationality of the migrants remains unknown.
Thousands of migrants from Africa and the Middle East pack into unsafe boats to get into the European Union through Greece, Italy, Malta and other coastal states.
The numbers have increase since "Arab Spring" uprisings triggered unrest across North Africa and civil war in Syria.
Earlier in March, seven migrants drowned after their boat capsized off the eastern Greek island of Lesbos.
Greece, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency, has made tackling illegal immigration a priority.
WHO warns poliovirus spread an international emergency
The World Health Organization has declared the international spread of wild poliovirus in 2014 an international emergency.
The agency says the international spread of the virus to date in 2014 is an extraordinary event and calls for coordinated international response.
The WHO has recorded 68 cases by the end of last month this year, up from 24 in the same period last year.
Cameroon, Pakistan and Syria reportedly pose the greatest risk of exporting the virus to other countries.
The agency recommends that affected countries ensure that all residents and long-term visitors be vaccinated before traveling and be provided with proof of vaccination.
Climate change threatens to worsen U.S. ozone pollution: study
Americans may be facing a 70 percent rise in unhealthy summertime ozone levels by the year 2050 because of climate change.
A study published in the US Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres states that warmer temperatures, higher atmospheric levels of methane, and other changes related to climate change will spur reactions that increase ozone levels.
Ozone pollution is not formed directly. It is the result of chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the presence of sunlight.
Researchers say pollution levels related to those oxides and compounds need to be reduced in order to mitigate America's future summertime smog problem.
Weak China property sales to continue into Q2
Property developers here in China appear to be feeling the pinch, with sales down dramatically through the recent May Day holiday.
CRI's Li Dong has more.
In Beijing, 169 newly built properties were sold during the three day holiday, down 80 percent compared to the same period last year.
Zhang Dawei, chief market analyst with Zhongyuan Real Estate, says the price of certian second hand properties are dropping sharply.
"The price declines in the second hand property market in Beijing's downtown areas is noticeable, about 5 percent. Basically, the current price is more than 10 percent lower than the prices listed as of the end of last year."
Data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows the average price of newly built homes in China's 70 major cities rose 8.7-percent year-on-year in February, slightly lower than the 9 percent growth seen in January.
57 cities saw home prices increase through February.
This is down from the 62 cities that saw a price increase in January.
Weak demand has forced both government and developers into action.
Authorities in Guangxi's capital Nanning have relaxed their home purchasing policies recently.
Analysts expect more second and third tier cities to loosen their grip on property curbs if demand remains subdued.
However, Cui Zheng, a scholar from Beijing Technology and Business University, says this is not expected to be the case in China's first tier cities.
"The property policy in Nanning can be seen as a turning point for the property market of the second and third tier cities. But in first tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, people are still flocking there. So the rigid demand in the property market is still high. Plus, nearly all the wealthy consumers head to these cities to buy properties. The potential for the market is still huge."
Cui Zheng also notes the property market is a major reflection of the country's economy.
He says to maintain stable development, governments at different levels need to make long term strategies.
"Currently, the finances of many local governments rely heavily on property transactions. To realize healthy economic development, governments are being advised to better design their economic structures and social welfare systems so authorities won't need to put too much expectations on property transactions."
Rating agency Moody's is warning the weak home sales will continue into the second quarter as a result of tight bank liquidity and weakened market sentiment.
Moody's is also predicting year-on-year growth in property prices across China's 70 major cities will slow further over the next 12 months.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Biz Reports
First off, a check on the closing numbers in North America and Europe.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Jordan Lee.
U.S. stocks ended slightly higher on Monday boosted by strong service sector data.
The Institute for Supply Management said its services sector index rose in April, hitting the fastest pace in eight months and topping expectations.
At market close, the Dow edged up 0.1 percent.
The S&P 500 gained 0.2 percent.
The Nasdaq added 0.3 percent.
On the corporate front, shares of Apple rose 1.4 percent and closed above 600 dollars per share for the first time since October 2012.
On the downside, shares of JPMorgan Chase fell 2.4 percent as the bank expects second-quarter revenue to decline by about 20 percent from a year earlier.
Pfizer shares fell 2.6 percent after the biggest U.S. drugmaker reported revenues well below analysts' expectations.
Over in Europe, concerns over an escalation of tensions between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists continue to sap investors' appetite for risk.
At close, the UK's FTSE 100 closed 0.2 percent higher.
Germany's DAX lost 0.3 percent.
And France's CAC 40 picked up 0.1 percent.
Beijing to Unveil Plan for Establishing Social Credit System Shortly
Internal sources are suggesting the draft plan for establishing a new nationwide social credit system has been submitted to the State Council for review.
As part of the plan, an information platform will be set up to process personal and industrial credit information.
The platform will also deal with commercial registrations, as well as tax and pension information.
For more on this, we're joined live now by Gao Shang, Analyst with GuanTong Futures.
1 Why does China need this? What is the government's goal here?
2 The credit system adopted in the banking sector caused trouble for eligible candidates seeking loans for homes and cars. What lessons have been learned that can prevent similar problems as this major new social credit platform is rolled out?
3 What do individuals and businesses need to do under this new system to protect their reputations, considering the sensitivity of the information to be gathered and its potential uses?
4 What do you think will be the prime concern for the government to consider when tabulating all the information, accuracy of the data, security, or transparency of the information?
Back Anchor
Gao Shang, Analyst with GuanTong Futures
China lifts import suspension on Virginia poultry
China has ended a ban on importing poultry and poultry products from the US state of Virgina.
That prohibition had been in place for almost seven years.
The ban was imposed after a case of avian flu was identified in a Virginia turkey flock during routine testing back in 2007.
China is the third largest export market for U.S. poultry and products, importing nearly half a billion US dollars worth in 2013.
Virginia was the fifth largest turkey-producing state in the US, and the top chicken producing state.
Canton Fair sees buyers, deals shrink
China's largest trade fair, the Canton Fair, saw fewer overseas buyers and trade deals this past spring session.
Organizers say the fair attracted some 180 thousand overseas buyers during the recent session, a fall of 7 percent compared to the same time last year.
Meantime, exports sales dropped 12 percent year on year to 30 billion US dollars.
The drop in attendance and turnover indicated that overseas demand for Chinese products remains weak amid a continuing sluggish export market.
First held in 1957, the biannual Canton Fair is considered a barometer of the country's foreign trade.
The autumn session takes place from mid-October to early November.
China National seeks US$2.6b from IPO
State-owned China National Nuclear Power Group is planning to raise at least 2.6 billion US dollars in an initial public offering at the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
The Beijing-based company said it plans to use the raised capital to fund the construction of four nuclear plants in four eastern Chinese provinces and also to replenish its working capital.
The IPO plan comes amid a government push for cleaner energy to cut reliance on coal and curb pollution.
China National's bigger rival, Shenzhen-based China General Nuclear Power Group, was also reported to be seeking to raise about 2 billion dollars in a Hong Kong IPO in the second half of this year.
China is currently building 29 nuclear reactors, the most in the world.
Headline News
China, AU to comprehensively deepen cooperation
China and the African Union have issued a joint statement, agreeing to deepen cooperation in development and international affairs.
This follows premier Li Keqiang's visit to the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
The premier made a speech to the assembled African leaders, pledging to share technology with AU members and even transfer select labour-intensive industries to Africa.
He proposed that China and Africa upgrade collaboration in industry, finance, poverty reduction, ecological protection, people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security.
Ethiopia is the first leg of Li Keqiang's four-nation tour.
He will also visit Nigeria, Angola and Kenya.
Top Chinese legislator meets Japanese lawmakers amid strained ties
Top Chinese legislator Zhang Dejiang has met with a delegation of Japanese lawmakers despite strained bilateral ties.
Zhang says the visit by the Japanese lawmakers reflects determination to move the strained bilateral ties forward.
Masahiko Komura, vice president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said he would like to make efforts to bring ties back to a strategical relationship that is mutually beneficial.
China and Japan have seen few high-level political contacts since the Japanese government's so-called "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands in September 2012.
The islands are Chinese territory.
Zhang's meeting with Komura, who is leading the 9-member delegation for the three-day Beijing visit, is the highest contact between leaders of the two countries in recent months.
Four Ukrainian soliders killed in Slavyansk
At least four Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and some 30 wounded during a military operation against pro-Russian protesters in the eastern city of Slavyansk.
The casualties come after government troops launched a fresh wave of anti-terror operations in the city against 800 pro-Russian forces.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities also sent an elite national guard unit to re-establish control over the southern port of Odessa.
Earlier, over 40 people, mostly pro-Russian activists, were killed while occupying a local trade union building which was set on fire.
Kiev has repeatedly blamed Moscow for inciting unrest and trying to split Ukraine apart.
Russia has denied any involvement.
Last month, Ukraine, Russia, the U.S. and the EU reached a deal calling for all sides in the conflict to refrain from violence.
Germany has proposed the sides hold a second round of talks in Geneva, a call that has received support from leaders in Kiev.
Poll shows U.S. Republicans gain ground in support for mid-term elections
A new poll from Pew Research Center suggests that US Republicans are gaining ground, as support for Democrats slips.
The results come just six months ahead of mid-term elections in the US, and seem to show a reversal of fortunes for the two major American political parties.
As recently as last October, the Democrats had 49 percent support to the Republican's 43.
The new poll puts Republican support at 47 percent. The Dems are at 43 and were leading in the polls as recently as two months ago.
The president's overall job approval rating has shown virtually no change dating back to last December, with 44 percent of Americans currently approving the job Barack Obama is doing and 50 percent disapproving.
Newspaper Picks
Foreign spy ring busted in Guangdong
National security agencies have cracked open a case in which foreign intelligence agencies recruited Chinese nationals on the Internet to steal military secrets.
A suspect, surnamed Li, received a 10-year jail sentence for disclosing 13 highly classified documents and 10 classified military secrets.
Metro network to grow by 100km this year
Authorities in Shanghai say the construction of more than 100 kilometers of new Metro lines will get under way in 2014.
The projects include extensions to Lines 10 and 11, and the new Line 17.
Construction of the Disney Special Line, an extension of Line 11, is already under way and set for completion in October.
Crowds pay respects to 2 lost firefighters
Thousands of people gathered at the Longhua Funeral Home yesterday morning to pay their respects to the two firefighters who plunged to their deaths from a 13th story window last Thursday.
Officials said the officers were honored as Revolutionary Martyrs and members of the Communist Party of China, and awarded Top-Level Merit Citations and Shanghai May 4 Youth Medals.
Cops arrest 9 suspects in cheap iPhone sales scam
Shanghai police have arrested nine people suspected of scamming hundreds of consumers over the Internet by pretending to sell iPhones at deep discounts.
The suspects set up a logistics website last September and claimed the iPhones were purchased abroad at lower prices.
The arresting officers confiscated 39 bank cards and seven computers. Police froze about 1 million yuan, or roughly 160,000 US dollars, in bank accounts related to the case.
Primary school buses to meet national standards
Authorities in Beijing will enact new regulations for buses on September 1 this year and guarantees a three-year transition period for all schools to meet new standards.
Currently, about 500 school buses are registered under the city's education authority.
Direct flight from Hunan to Europe
Middle China's Hunan province has inked an agreement with China Southern Airlines to operate its first direct flight to Germany's Frankfurt.
The first flight is scheduled on June 23.
It is estimated that passengers could save five to eight hours and 1,000 to 3,000 yuan after the new line put into operation.
Earlier, passengers in Hunan traveling to Europe have had to take a connecting flight in Guangzhou, Shanghai or Beijing.
10 billion yuan to renovate urban-villages
Guangzhou municipality is going to invest 10 billion yuan, about 1.6 billion US dollars, to renovate 304 urban-villages. The region has a population of about 6 million.
The renovation scheme includes fire protection, gas transformation, water supply and garbage distribution, etc.
Special Reports
Merging Network Platforms to Mobilize the Next 5 Billion
Under the theme "Mobilizing the Next 5 Billion", the Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC) 2014 has attracted over 15,000 people to discuss how to grasp the business opportunity presented by the 5 billion 'net users who are still using the traditional internet only.
CRI's Alexander Aucott has the detail.
As smartphone technology improves, more and more people are using them to surf the net instead of using a PC.
The number of mobile internet users has already surpassed 1 billion worldwide.
Wu Hequan, president of Internet Society of China, says the growth of mobile internet has been extremely fast in recent years.
"The yearly flow rate of mobile internet users in the world in 2013 is 81% more than that in 2012. And this increase rate will continue to remain at over 60% for the next few years. The monthly flow-rate increases rapidly as well."
However, there are still about 5 billion users in the world who only access the internet using home computers.
So the business opportunity in the mobile industry lies in converting those people into smartphone users.
Jeff Chen is the CEO of Maxthon Ltd., an internet browser company which has also developed its product on the smartphones. He says mobile internet, as its name suggests, has unique advantages compared with traditional internet.
"Mobile internet brings the internet to us closer. In the traditional internet era, people must go back home or stay in the office to use the internet. You cannot use the internet when you're on the street. But in the mobile internet era, you can surf on the internet and share your views at anytime, anywhere."
However, mobile internet users have totally different using habits and needs. Based on his experience, Chen suggests that products on the mobile platform should be designed specially for smartphones.
"When we're waiting for the bus or taking the subway, we may only have 10 minutes to use the internet. So the products must go right to the heart of the matter, and be simple enough for users to understand and finish what they want to do immediately."
If the world's 5 billion traditional internet users suddenly go mobile, what impact will that have on the industry and home-computing habits?
Yuan Foyv, General Marketing Manager for Yixin, a wechat-like app developed by 163.com, doesn't think traditional internet service will be totally replaced.
"I think the two modes will exist at the same time. Mobile internet is what you use when you're moving. But when you're at home, with your family, you may need a bigger screen, you'll still choose the traditional internet."
Wu Hequan shares a similar view. He points that the trend of using internet should be a mixture on multi-platforms.
"Now the trend is the interaction between smartphones, PC and televisions. The three platforms use three different networks in the past, but in the future many applications can be used among the three platforms through cloud technology."
For CRI, this is Alexander Aucott .
Liverpool chokes, 3-3 draw with Crystal Palace
In football,
Title chasers Liverpool blew a 3-0 lead to end on a 3-3 with Crystal Palace.
Allen, Sturridge, and Suarez scored for Liverpool to give Brendan Rodger's side a comfortable lead margin, but instead of closing out the game, Liverpool played abysmal defense, allowing three Crystal Palace goals in the span of 11 minutes.
Liverpool fans watched in helpless dismay as their team threw away the game, and possibly the title along with it. At full-time, Crystal Palace fans and players explode with celebration while the Liverpool side crumbles. Luis Suarez started crying his eyes out and headed into the tunnel with his shirt over his head.
Mathematically it's still possible for Liverpool to win the title. They lead by a point, with one last game to go against Newcastle. But second place Manchester City has two more games, Aston Villa and West Ham.
But after the game, a dejected Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers said that the title race is over and "Manchester City will go on and win it now."
Williams, Li, and Radwanska through round one at the Madrid Open
In tennis,
The first round of clay court action is underway at the Madrid Open.
For the women, top seed and defending champion Serena Williams easily brushed aside Belinda Bencic of Switzerland 6-2, 6-1 to open her campaign in Madrid. Williams will face China's Peng Shuai in the second round, after Peng got past Japan's Kurumi Nara in her opening round.
Number two seed Li Na battled through a tough second set to eventually overwhelm Belgium's Kirsten Flipkens 6-1, 7-6. Li set up a second round against countrymate Zheng Jie, who beat Columbian Mariana Duque-Marino in round one.
And third seeded Agnieszka Radwanska ousted Canada's Eugenie Bouchard 7-6, 6-2.
On the mens side,
Kei Nishikori of Japan defeated Croatia's Ivan Dodig in straight sets 6-4, 6-4.
Jo Wilfried Tsonga of France beat countrymate Edouard Roger-Vasselin 6-3, 4-6, 6-3.
And American John Isner also advanced to round two after dispatching Russia's Teymuraz Gabashvili, 7-6, 6-4.
China beats Japan to claim World Team Championship title
In table tennis,
China defeated host Japan 3-0 to successfully defend the Corbillon Cup at the World Team championship yesterday.
Ding Ning set the tone by beating Ishigaki Yuka 11-8, 8-11, 11-2, 11-5. Liu Shiwen rounded out the final by beating Hirano Sayaka, 11-4, 11-2, 11-5.
Then reigning Olympic and world champion Li Xiaoxia beat Ishikawa Kasumi 11-8, 11-7, 11-7.
The Chinese took the title after a flawless tournament; they didn't lose a single individual match over the course of eight days of play.
76ers guard Michael Carter-Williams named NBA rookie of the year
In the NBA,
Later at 9:30, the LA Clippers open their second round series against the Oklahoma City Thunder.
Also in basketball news,
Philadelphia 76ers guard Michael Carter-Williams was named NBA rookie of the year yesterday.
Carter-Williams became only the third player since the 1950-51 season to lead all other rookies in scoring, rebounding, and assists.
He had a game average of 16.7 points, 6.3 boards, and 6.2 assists.
"You know, this award is great, it's greatly appreciated. But I'd definitely trade this award in for a second to be in the play-offs. And watching what I'm seeing now, event the coach is still telling me now 'watch the play-offs, look at how different the game is'. You know, I do see it, it's a whole different season. You know, this game is about winning, you know, it's not about individual awards. And last but not least, again, I want to thank the Philadelphia fans. The show a great amount of love even when we were at pour worst point." 
As the saying goes about the strength of maternal love, only a mother could love that face; only a true 76ers fan could love that team after this past season.
The Sixers finished 19-73, tying an NBA record by losing 26 games in succession.
SCP game preview
Over in hockey,
Two second Stanley Cup playoff games are coming up this morning.
The Pittsburg Penguins are in New York to face the Rangers for game 3, their series is tied at a game apiece. Those teams just hit the ice at 7:30.
And later at 10, the Los Angeles Kings, the comeback kids of this playoff series, take on Anaheim in game 2 of their second round. The Kings lead the series 1-0 after a big overtime win in game one.
JB Holmes wins Wells Fargo Championship
In golf,
J.B. Holmes shot a 1-under par 71 in the final round of the Wells Fargo Championship to secure a one shot victory over Jim Furyk.
That was only the third career win for the American, who was diagnosed with a serious brain condition in 2011.
"You know, it's been a long journey for me. And been a lot of, had some ups and downs. So, it's a great feeling to be out here and to get one done. And I'm happy the way the year's going so far, so I'm happy about it."
Phil Mickelson started the day out two shots behind the leader, but he missed four putts from inside a 4-foot range to close with a 76.
2010 winner, Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy, finished five shots behind.
Sally Field gets star on Hollywood Walk of Fame
Sally Field has received the 2,524th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 
The two-time Oscar winner known for playing the mother in Mrs Doubtfire as well as the mother in Forest Gump can currently be seen in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 playing Peter Parker's Aunt… Good to see she's diversifying her roles there.
The 67-year old won Oscars for her roles in 1979's "Norma Rae" and 1984's "Places in the Heart." And was nominated last year for Steven Spielberg's historical drama, Lincoln.
After 50-years in Hollywood Sally Field shared some of what she has learned:
"To have a long-term career, you have to want what you want, more than you think you're capable of wanting. You have to constantly step aside anything having to do with ego, entitlements, and just head for the work wherever it might lead. I've ridden the highs and tried to learn from the lows. I have flown on wires and surfed in the ocean and rode on horses in covered wagons, and in fast cars. I've worked in mills and picked cotton and done stand up, I've done a love scene with a pelican, but then I've also done a love scene with Paul Newman."
Born in Pasadena, California and raised in a show business family, she began in television in 1964 in the series "Gidget.
24 returns to the small screen
The hit series 24 is back on our screens this week after a four year hiatus.
For eight seasons of this Fox thriller, Jack Bauer repeatedly saved the United States from the brink of disaster at grave cost to himself.
But far from receiving gratitude he was branded a most-wanted villain. He had no choice but to go on the run.
Kiefer Sutherland plays Bauer and his co-star Mary Lynn Rajskub who returns to the show looking very different, describes where it picks up.
"Jack (Bauer) is a fugitive,. "He is on the run, he is wanted by everyone and he has actually started working, it's revealed, with the Russian mob a little bit and it's believed that he now is plotting to kill the president. And there's a CIA agent who is trying to find him, which tune in to find out if that's actually true or not, and Jack (Bauer) finds me (Chloe O'Brien) and breaks me out of an extreme circumstance that's crazy. My mother did not like what she watched at the premiere. I am in a really bad situation."
It's worth recalling that "24" premiered in the Autumn of 2001 and just before it was set to be launched, the whole landscape changed. What had been created as slick TV escapism seemed suddenly, for some, too close for comfort.
Eurovision acts preview
And finally a look ahead to the weekend's Eurovision song contest…
Performers from the 37 European countries taking part this year have been walking the red carpet at the opening party in Copenhagen, Denmark.
One of the bookies favorites this year is Swedish singer Sanna Nielsen. She has tried out many times but this year made it through with her song "Undo".
Of course a competition in which artists must impress the judges and thousands of viewers with just a single song often leads to a few colorful characters..
Do you remember this?
That was the transsexual Israeli artist Dana International's winning entry from 1998.
Well it looks like Austria have looked at that as a winning strategy, electing to send Conchita Wurst, a drag artist who still sports a full beard and will be performing the song "Rise Like a Phoenix".
Another one to look out for are Icelandic group "Pollaponk" who will be performing "No Prejudice."
While most of the singers will be performing in English for Eurovision 2014 RUTH LORENZO competing for SPAIN said she's proud to use her native language:
"I'll sing it from my heart in both languages. Spanish is a language that sounds absolutely stunning and half of the world speak it so I'm really proud of singing part of it in Spanish."
Only 26 countries will compete in the final on Saturday meaning eleven acts will have to leave the competition after two semi-finals. One held tonight (May 6) and another on Thursday (May 8). 
The so-called Big 5 countries - Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and Germany - as well as hosts Denmark qualify for the final automatically and do not compete in the semi-finals.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
China and the African Union are developing closer ties... an agreement has been signed at AU headquarters by the Chinese premier...
Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the abduction of hundreds of schoolgirls, saying those children are going to be sold...
and in the latest violence in Ukraine, four Ukrainian soldiers have been killed during a confrontation with protesters...
In Business...a nationwide social credit system for China...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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