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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/05/08

时间:2014-07-29 07:27来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Paul James with you this Thursday, May 8, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is promising closer Chinese collaboration with Nigeria as part of his time in the country.
Ousted Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is facing a possible end to her political career in connection with her rice-pledging scheme.
Separatists in eastern Ukraine are moving forward with plans to hold an independence referendum, despite a call by Russia's President to back down.
In business, new data shows a rise in exports here in China through April.
In sports, Li Na in-tough against an American teenager in 3rd round action at the Madrid Open.
In entertainment, a joint Chinese-US project is in the works to create a Monkey King movie.
Beijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of 14 degrees Celsius. showers tomorrow with a high of 20 degrees.
Meanwhile Shanghai will be clear tonight, with a low of 16, overcast tomorrow, with a high of 20.
Chongqing will have showers, 19 degrees the low, also showers tomorrow with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, sunny with a high of 36.
Kabul, thundershowers, 23.
Over in Australia
Sydney, sunny, high of 21.
Canberra, overcast, 17.
Brisbane, rainy, 24.
And finally, Perth will also be rainy with a high of 21
Top News
Chinese, Nigerian leaders vow to expand cooperation, upgrade ties
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has issued a call for strengthening ties between China and Nigeria and exploring new areas of cooperation as part of his time in the west African country.
CRI's Xie Zhao has more.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has met with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan in the capital, Abuja.
Li Keqiang says if China and Nigeria, the biggest and most populous economies in Asia and Africa respectively, can strengthen their cooperation, it will help promote regional and world development.
"Economics and trade, as well as people-to-people exchanges, are the foundation of bilateral cooperation, and it is also the focus of my trip. We are willing to further expand our cooperation in areas such as infrastructure, financing, trade and investment, agriculture, aviation and aerospace, as well as exchanges among people."
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan says his government is looking forward to working with China on developing the country's coastal railway network.
For his part, Li Keqiang has also expressed Beijing's readiness to participate in Nigeria's railway development.
"The Nigerian government and people are attaching a lot of importance to the coastal railway project. Chinese companies are also looking forward to working on the project. The Chinese government will help finance these projects and other areas of mutual cooperation. We hope to get these projects started soon, as they will bring significant benefits to both sides."
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan says his government appreciates Li Keqiang's visit to his country, particularly given the seriousness of the current security situation in Nigeria. Johnathan says a friend in need is a friend indeed.
He also notes he supports an expansion of bilateral ties with China, and is looking forward to more economic cooperation.
The two leaders have also overseen the signing of a series of agreements connected to economics, technology, infrastructure, agriculture, aviation and health care.
As part of his current trip to Nigeria, Li Keqiang is also due to attend the this year's World Economic Forum on Africa, where he's expected to meet with a number of African leaders.
Li Keqiang's current African tour has already seen him make a stop in Ethiopia.
He's also due to travel to Angola and Kenya to round-out his four-nation trip.
For CRI, I'm Xie Zhao.
African Official Speaks Highly of Chinese Premier Li's Visit
Premier Li Keqiang's current visit to Africa is drawing praise from one leading African official.
CRI's Wu You has more.
Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of African Union Commission, highlighted the importance of Premier Li's visit for African countries and people.
"This high-level exchange of visits inspire confidence to our people, the people of Africa and people of China, and it is one that brings us closer, and one symbolizing the confidence of our two people to work together to tackle issues of poverty and bring about prosperity."
Erastus Mwencha also said that the African Union Conference Center, which was constructed with assistance from China, showcases the firm friendship between China and Africa, and China's consistent support of Africa.
"If it wasn't for China's growth, the economic crisis could be worse. So China has been the pillar for the global economy. And we Africa have benefited from it, especially from the strong demand. China has been consistent for a long time supported African, you know, the development, the infrastructure. "
China's efforts to help African nations maintain peace and security were highly praised by Erastus Mwencha. He said that China is not only helping to mediate the conflict, but also participating in the re-establishment of conflict regions. Africa expects China to offer more support for mediating the conflicts. And the Africa Union will continue to collaborate closely with China in maintaining regional peace and security in the future.
CRI's Wu You reporting.
China urges Philippines to "immediately" release fishermen and boat
The Chinese government is calling on Philippine authorities to "immediately" release a group of Chinese fishermen and their boat.
The Chinese boat was seized Wednesday morning by Philippine Police in the waters surrounding the Nansha Islands.
Eleven Chinese fishermen are currently being held.
The Chinese government is demanding an explanation from Philippine authorities.
Foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying.
"China has undisputable sovereign rights over the sea area, including the Half Moon Shoal of Nansha Islands, where the incident occurred. Chinese maritime police boat has arrived at the sea area. Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines have already lodged representations with the Philippine side and urged "immediate" release of Chinese fishermen. We have warned the Philippine side again to "take no more provocative action."
Reports suggest a group of several armed men, though to be Filipino Police officers, stormed the boat, firing warning shots and then seizing control of the vessel.
Another Chinese vessel in the area managed to escape after witnessing the incident.
One assailant shot dead, another captured in attack on Xinjiang police
One suspect is dead, and another is in custody, after police were ambushed by a group of attackers in the city of Aksu in Xinjiang this afternoon.
Responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle shortly after one this afternoon, the officers were attacked, with the assailants hurling burning objects at their patrol cars and attacking them with knives.
The police officers responded, shooting dead one of the attackers.
Another was subdued and is now in custody.
One auxiliary police officer has been seriously injured in the attack.
The motivation behind the attack has not been determined.
Yingluck indicted on rice-pledging scheme
Thailand's anti-corruption agency has voted to indict former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in connection with her controversial rice-pledging scheme.
The case will be forwarded to the Senate for her potential impeachment.
If impeached, she will be banned from Thai politics for 5-years.
Yingluck has already been dismissed as the Prime Minister for abuse of power.
The decisions this week have created speculation the July election may be postponed.
However, Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, the new acting Prime Minister, says the caretaker government's first duty is to ensure the elections go forward.
"Certainly, the caretaker government has two main duties. The first one is to make sure that the election of the new government happens as soon as possible, which means that the new government will come from democratic elections, and after we have the new government, the caretaker government will finish its term."
Thailand's political system has been in limbo for months after the courts overturned the results of the last election earlier this year.
Putin calls for postponement of Ukraine referendum
Pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk are still moving forward with plans for a referendum on splitting from Kiev, despite a call by Russian President Vladimir Putin to postpone the planned vote.
CRI's Alexander Accout has more.
Putin commented while meeting with Swiss president Didier Burkhalter, who is also Chairman of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, or OSCE.
Putin says troops that had been stationed along the border are now back at their bases and at training ranges, though he has not specified how close those locations are to Ukrainian territory.
Authorities in Kiev have repeatedly blamed Moscow for inciting unrest in eastern and southern Ukraine, charges denied by Russian leaders.
The Russian President has called on Ukraine's military to halt all operations against pro-Russian activists who have seized government buildings across a dozen towns in eastern Ukraine.
Putin says Ukraine's upcoming election is a step in the right direction, but warns it alone will not solve the problems in Ukraine.
"We believe that the most important thing is to create direct, full-fledged dialogue between the Kiev authorities and representatives of southeast Ukraine. Because of this, we ask the representatives of southeast Ukraine, supporters of federalization in the country to postpone the May 11th referendum."
OSCE will send up to 1,000 observers to Ukrainian during the election.
Pro-Russian activists in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk say they will consult later today with their members before making decisions on whether to postpone the referendum.
But the activists stress that Kiev must withdraw all of its troops from the east before they will consider moving the date of the referendum.
Pro-Russian activists have re-taken city hall in the southern port city of Matiupol, shortly after it was taken over by Ukrainian government forces.
Government forces have arrested some 16 protestors, leading to clashes between security forces and the protestors' relatives and friends.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk describes Putin's suggestion as "hot air," and says the activists must disarm.
"This situation consists of two parts. The first is to carry out an anti-terrorist operation, and second - the political solution of problem. Those who have weapons and are shooting must surrender their weapons and take their punishment. Those who surrender their weapons willingly and leave buildings will be pardoned, if they haven't committed any serious crimes."
As a response to the latest development, the White House says postponing the referendum is not enough --- it must be cancelled.
The U.S. also calls on Russia to use its influence to ensure the safety of presidential elections in Ukraine slated for later this month.
Meanwhile the US President has notified Congress of his intention to remove Russia from the Generalized System of Preferences, a program that allows duty-free imports of certain goods.
The move follows the announcement by the US and the European Union this week of more sanctions against Russia because of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
Russian goods that were protected under the program will immediately be subject to normal rates of duty.
For CRI, this is Alexander Accout
First results in South Africa election announced
The preliminary results in South Africa's local and parliamentary elections are starting to trickle out.
Pansy Tlakula is the chair of South Africa's Independent Electoral Commission.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it now gives me great pleasure to announce that we have our first results in. It is from Mzimvubu in Mount Ayliff, in the Eastern Cape. Voting proceeded without serious incident in most...in almost all areas."
The African National Congress is widely expected to return to power, despite a vigorous challenge from opposition parties hoping to capitalize on discontent with corruption and economic inequality.
The final results aren't expected any earlier than Saturday to allow time to address any objections to the process.
About 25 million South Africans, roughly half the population, were registered to vote in elections, which will also determine the president.
Incumbent Jacob Zuma is widely expected to earn another term in office.
S.Korea says discovered drones sent by DPRK
South Korea's Defense Ministry says its now been able to confirm three separate drones discovered on the South Korean side of the border did originate in North Korea.
Defense Ministry spokesperson Kim Min-seok.
"After analysing the flying route of the three drones, it was confirmed that all three of them were programmed to be launched from North Korea and were to return to the North, which is clear scientific evidence proving that the North had sent them."
The drones themselves are equipped with digital cameras, and had been taking pictures of military installations and other sensitive sites in South Korea, including the official residence of the President.
The South Korean defense ministry says the drones are not sophisticated, and not large enough to do much damage, even if they were equipped with explosives.
Still, the South Korean side is deeming their findings a violation of the armistice treaty.
In response to the discovery of the three drones, the South Korean military is preparing to buy new radar equipment to spot them.
North Korea has denied any connection with the drones.
Head of firm that owned sunken ferry detained over overloading claims
South Korean prosecutors have detained the president of the Chonghaejin Marine.
This is the company that owns the ferry that sank last month.
The company is being accused of overloading the ferry with cargo, which authorities say could be part of the reason the ferry capsized.
Chonghaejin president Kim Han-sik.
"I feel very sorry for the victims and their families. I have committed a grave sin."
Four employees of Chonghaejin who handled the cargo on the ferry have already been arrested.
All 15 surviving crew members of the ferry have also been arrested.
They're accused of negligence and failing to protect the passengers.
Meanwhile, the search for the remaining 34 bodies thought to still be aboard the sunken ferry are being hampered today by dangerous currents.
Dozens of divers tasked with retrieving the victims have been injured in the recovery effort, one of whom later died.
Nigerian police offer reward for information on schoolgirls
Nigerian police have offered a 300-thousand U.S. dollar reward for information leading to the rescue of over 200 schoolgirls abducted by Islamist extremists last month.
The move comes amid rising public anger following the abduction of another eight girls, who were kidnapped over the weekend from the same northeastern area of the country.
It's believed the militant Islamic group Boko Haram, which already claims responsibility for the mass kidnapping last month, is responsible for the recent abductions as well.
The group has threatened to sell the girls.
Police have opened up hotlines and are urging people to call if they feel they have credible information.
Nigerian political analyist Jibrin Ibrahim.
"I'm a bit disturbed that it took them over three weeks to realise they needed to give incentives as well as punitive action immediately this thing happened to increase the chances of recovery however I think it's good they have finally decided to offer the incentive and let's hope somebody will take the bait and provide the information to bring back our girls."
Leaders from China, the U.S and the U.K have all offered Nigeria assistance in tracking down and freeing the kidnapped schoolgirls.
As the search for the girls intensifies, some 300 people have been killed after Boko Haram attacked a town in the country's northeast.
It's being reported the town was left unguarded as soldiers based there were redeployed in an effort to rescue the schoolgirls.
Air quality worsening in world's cities: WHO
The World Health Organization is warning most people living in cities around the world are being exposed to air pollution levels that are considered unsafe.
The WHO is also warning the situation is getting worse.
Maria Neira, WHO director for public health, has delivered an updated version of the WHO's Urban Air Quality database in Geneva.
"Globally, unfortunately, the situation of air pollution is deteriorating. And in fact, half of the population living in cities is now under a situation, in the city where they are living, where is not complying with WHO-recommended standard for air pollution."
The database covers 16-hundred cities across 91 countries.
The updated database shows only 12-percent of the world's urban residents, mostly in developed nations, are enjoying air quality in line with WHO guidelines.
The WHO data shows the most polluted city in China in 2010 was Gansu's capital Lanzhou.
Lanzhou is followed by Urumqi, Xi'an, Xining and Beijing on the list.
Biz Reports
Asian stocks rose on Thursday, bolstered by positive Chinese trade data and upbeat comments from Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen about the U.S. economic outlook.
On the mainland, the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index added around a quarter of a percent.
But the Shenzhen Component Index dropped nearly 1-percent, .
And in Hong Kong, the Hang Seng gained two fifths of a percent.
In Tokyo, the Nikkei tacked on just under 1-percent.
South Korea's KOSPI gained half a percent.
Australia's ASX gained nearly three quarters of a percent.
And finally, the Straits Times in Singapore rose a quarter-of-a-percent.
China's exports up 0.9 pct in April
New customs data shows Chinese exports have increased less than one-percent through April.
The 0.9 percent year-on-year increase amounts to nearly 190-billion U.S. dollars.
The same data also shows imports increased less than one percent to 170 billion U.S. dollars.
As such, the trade surplus has only increased by 18 billion dollars in April.
That represents an increase of less than 2-percent.
Thursday's data release also shows total foreign trade volumes are down half-a-percent so far this year.
OECD cuts growth forecast for China's economy
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has cut its growth forecast for China this year.
The OECD is now predicting Chinese economic growth for the year will come in at 7.4-percent, significantly down from the 8.2-percent forecast it put out in November.
At the same time, the Paris-based agency expects world growth to slow down to 3.4-percent this year, slightly lower than its previous estimate of 3.6-percent.
For more on this, The Beijing Hour's Shane Bigham spoke earlier with Cao Can, CRI's financial commentator.

Cao Can, CRI's financial commentator, speaking with The Beijing Hour's Shane Bigham.
New Zealand expects to double food, beverage exports by 2030
New analysis by the New Zealand government is anticipating food and beverage exports from the country are expected to double in value over the next 15-years to 40 billion U.S. dollars, driven by demand in China and the rest of Asia.
The New Zealand government report suggests food producers in the country still have a lot of potential for growth.
The report suggests New Zealand is in a "fundamental transition" from feeding westerners to feeding the Asia-Pacific region.
In 2012, 40-percent of all New Zealand food and beverage exports were directed at Asia, with China being the largest single destination.
U.S. SEC warns investors over bitcoin risks
The US Securities and Exchange Commission has issued an alert about Bitcoin and other forms of virtual currency.
The warning is specific to potential investment risks inherent to the largely-unregulated market for these products.
The Commission says new products, technologies, and innovations -- such as Bitcoin -- come with the potential for fraud and high-risk investment opportunities.
Bitcoin, created in 2009, is the most well-known virtual currency.
It can be exchanged for traditional currencies, but is often used to buy goods and services.
However, regulators are warning that bitcoin operates without a central authority, and is not backed by any government.
People's Bank of China governor Zhou Xiaochuan is on-record saying bitcoins are more like tradable assets than a currency.
To guard against the risk, the central bank has prohibited domestic financial institutions from doing business with bitcoin.
U.S. adds up to 141 million to support offshore wind power
The US Energy Department is planning to allocate up to 47-million US dollars for each of three new offshore wind turbine projects.
The over 140-million US dollars will be spent over the next four years.
The three projects in question are being built off the coasts of New Jersey, Oregon, and Virginia.
China removes price cap for low-cost medicines
The retail price cap on low-cost medicine here in China is being scrapped.
The move is being made to try to revive production, which has been stifled by weak profits for drug makers.
The National Development and Reform Commission is lifting the price caps on 280 different imported drugs, and 250 drugs holding a Chinese patent.
Producers of these drugs will now be able to set their own prices based on their production costs.
Supplies of low-cost drugs here in China have been dwindling, as producers have been shifting their focus to more profitable medications.
Local authorities are being asked to keep an eye on drug prices to ensure producers are not raising costs at unreasonable levels.
Ctrip's net profit slumps despite soaring revenues
Ctrip.com is reporting a 25 percent drop in its first-quarter profits, despite a 36-percent rise in revenues.
Ctrip is blaming a "price war" in the online travel booking sector for increasing marketing costs and diminishing profitability.
Ctrip, which is listed on the Nasdaq, says its net profits have come in at just 115 million yuan, or some 18 million US dollars, even though its net revenues have increased to 1.6-billion yuan.
The company says its sales and marketing fees have jumped over 60-percent year on year in the first three months.
Headline News
Li Keqiang promises more collaboration with Nigeria
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has issued a call for strengthening ties between China and Nigeria and exploring new areas of cooperation as part of his time in the west African country.
Li Keqiang has met with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan in the capital, Abuja.
The Premier says if China and Nigeria, the biggest and most populous economies in Asia and Africa respectively, can strenghen their cooperation, it will help promote regional and world development.
For his part, Goodluck Jonathan says his government is looking forward to working with China on developing the country's coastal railway network.
Yingluck indicted on rice-pledging scheme
Thailand's anti-graft agency has indicted ousted prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra over a controversial rice subsidy scheme.
The case will now be voted on in the Senate for possible impeachment.
If impeached, Yingluck will be barred from politics for five years.
Yingluck was thrown out of office on Wednesday by the Constitutional Court for abuse of power.
S.Korea says discovered drones sent by DPRK
South Korea's Defense Ministry says its now been able to confirm three separate drones discovered on the South Korean side of the border did originate in North Korea.
Defense officials in the South say they've analyzed the built-in memory chips on the drones, and have determined they were programmed to fly from, and return to, North Korean territory.
The South Korean side is deeming their findings as a violation of the armistace treaty.
North Korea has denied any connection with the drones.
Powerful explosion rocks Syria's Aleppo
Syrian state media is reporting rebels have bombed a hotel in the northern city of Aleppo, destroying the structure and damaging nearby historic buildings.
Reports say the Carlton Hotel has been destroyed after rebel fighters detonated explosives inside a tunnel under the building.
The same reports are suggesting the explosion was set off in an attempt to storm government-controlled areas in the western part of the city.
Aleppo, Syria's largest city and economic hub, has emerged as one of the main battlefields since the rebels vowed to "liberate" it from government forces in June of 2012.
Bomb attack kills eight soldiers in Pakistan
A roadside bombing in Pakistan's northwestern tribal region has left 8 Pakistani soldiers dead.
Several other soldiers have been injured.
The explosion hit near the regional headquarters for the military in the North Wasiristan tribal region.
There's been no claim of responsibility.
But the Pakistani military is pointing the finger at the Taliban.
The attack comes at a time when the Pakistani government is engaged in talks with the Pakikstani Taliban to try to bring the years of violence to an end.
French soldier killed in Mali
A French soldier has been killed in an explosion in Mali.
The French government says the soldier was killed by an improvised explosive device.
France has been spearheading an over-year long military operation in Mali to oust Islamist rebels who had taken control of the northern half of the country.
So far 8 French servicemen have been killed in the former French colony.
Newspaper Picks
"Survey reveals Beijinger's support for 'auxiliary capital'"
A survey published on Thursday shows more than three-quarters of Beijing residents accept the need to build an "auxiliary capital" to address its megacity woes.
The survey was conducted by the China Youth Daily. It shows that over half believe an auxiliary center would help to ease traffic, relocate surplus population, cut pollution, and be a better use of resources.
According to the survey, respondents want labor-intensive industries, auto equipment manufacturing, traditional manufacturing and low-end service sectors to move out of the city.
Meanwhile, they want medical institutions, commercial centers, government agencies, college and research facilities, nursing homes and high-tech companies to stay.
Half of those surveyed expressed their willingness to move to an "auxiliary capital" while nearly 30 percent said they would not.
Nearly one third, however, are worried about the possible side effects of an auxiliary center. They say it may give rise to a hike in commodity and real estate prices, inconvenience and new inter-city traffic problems.
China News Service
"China planning to connect high speed rail lines to US"
China is planning to build a railway that could reach the United States.
Wang Mengshu, a tunnel and railway expert at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said the line is 13,000-kilometer long.
It would go from China's northeast all the way to the US via Russia and Canada.
With a planned speed of 350 km per hour, the train would take approximately two days for travelers to get from China to the US.
Since the line will cross the Bering Strait, which links the Chukchi Sea of the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Sea of the Pacific Ocean, a 200-kilometer underwater tunnel would be needed.
China has the expertise to build the undersea high-speed rail link, and the same technology will be applied to the construction of a rail line linking Fujian and Taiwan.
Negotiations are underway with countries along the railway line to develop the project.
"Handshake strength reveals education, age"
Researchers have discovered that the strength of someone's grip may reveal how fast they're ageing, their education level — and even their future health.
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis researchers reviewed more than 50 published studies from around the world.
They found that people with more education at age 69 tended to grip just as strongly as less educated people at age 65, suggesting the latter were ageing about four years faster.
In another study, the authors reviewed those with lower handgrip strength were significantly more likely to die earlier, have heart disease, be at higher risk of suicide and experience psychological problems.
Researchers say low handgrip strength has been shown definitively to predict poor outcomes in a wide variety of mortality, morbidity, and other health outcomes.
However, any educational and racial differences that could be parsed by handgrip tended to disappear as people reached their 90s.
Medical Daily
"New York Senate Makes Yogurt The 'Official State Snack,' Citing Its Health And Economic Benefits"
Yogurt is officially New York's "state snack" as of Tuesday, after a long debate and a 52-8 vote.
The snack bill states Increasing demand for milk, the primary component in yogurt, has helped to support and grow the local dairy industry and provide important economic growth to the rural communities.
The idea came from a group of fourth-grade students who wrote to a state senator about touting yogurt's qualities as a healthy food.
The bill also notes that yogurt is quite an "important economic driver across the state."
Special Reports
A bite of China II brings business opportunities and triggers discussion
The second series of the popular food documentary "A Bite of China" is proving to be an economic gold mine for restaurants and producers who create the foods being documented in films.
CRI's Li Dong has more.
The second season of the TV series "A bite of China" is back with a bigger audience. Figures show that some two million people used smart phones to trawl the web for food search at the time when the first episode was aired. More than three-thousand strips of Sichuan bacon and Beijing roast duck were sold at online store Tianmao.com around the same time.
The site's data shows that 3,400 bottles of honey produced in Linzhi county, Tibet autonomous region, were sold in seven days since the first episode was aired. Some 1,100 sales of Shannxi hand-made noodles were made within the two days.
Another big seller is Leishan fish sauce, which only comes from a remote town in Yunnan province. A thousand bags of Leishan fish sauce were sold in half a day. Cao Qiankun is a local resident who lives close to the small town.
"Usually we can have the fish sauce at our daily meal--it's so common. But after 'A Bite of China II' aired, we locals can't afford to eat it. Because so many people are ordering it via the internet, the price of the sauce goes up. We only make it once a year because of the season of the fish and other flavors."
"A Bite of China 2" has blended in a variety of filming and editing techniques. Each episode uses diverse methods to tell a story. Comprised of eight episodes, it covers the stories of more than 150 people and over 300 dishes, with each episode filmed by a different team.
But since the first episode was aired, some netizens have expressed a certain level of regret, saying that the series put too much emphasis on telling stories about emotions and the people's lives, rather than the food itself. Li Wen is one of them.
"It's kind of too much about sensibility and emotion. It will be too much if a documentary puts a lot of efforts on depicting people's lives and relations at a spiritual level. I prefer the focus still be on the food itself."
But Xiaole, another "a Bite of China" fan says, as a documentary, emotion is the soul of a success.
"As a documentary, it needs to have emotion, it makes audience feel attached to it, no matter what it's about. I remember recently, the elderly man, who is in the second series making noodles, passed away. Many people know this piece of news and feel sorry about it. This is an example of how a food documentary making people care about life."
Three episodes of a Bite of China II have aired since April. The show airs every Friday evening.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Third round underway at Madrid Open
Chinese ace and world number-2 Li Na is safe through to the final 32/ fourth round at the Madrid Open.
Li Na came back from one set down to beat 16th seeded American teenager Sloane Stephens, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2.
In 2nd round action from last night,
It was top seed Serena Williams breezing past China's Peng Shuai in straight sets 6-2, 6-3.
Third seed Agnieszka Radwanska had to save three match points in a row before finally edging out Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-3, 4-6, 7-6.
Radwanska is next up against Roberta Vinci in round three after the Italian dispatched 13th seed Caroline Wozniacki.
 On the men's side, world number one and top seed Rafael Nadal only dropped on game to cruise into the third round after hammering Argentina's Juan Monaco 6-1, 6-love.
Seventh seed Andy Murray has also booked a place in the third round with a 6-1, 1-6, 6-4 victory over Spain's Nicolas Almagro.
Murray will meet Santiago Giraldo after the Colombian upset 11th seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.
Grigor Dimitrov, the 12th seed, was given a very tough time by Marius Copil before finally coming through in the 3rd set tie-breaker 4-6, 6-3, 7-6.
The Bulgarian will now face sixth seed Tomas Berdych in the third round.
Oklahoma City Thunder beat the LA Clippers 112-101 to level the WC semi finals series
In NBA playoff action,
The Oklahoma City Thunder have evened up their western conference semi-final at one-game apiece after downing the Los Angeles Clippers 112-101 this morning.
New league MVP Kevin Durant had 32 points and 12 rebounds for the Thunder.
His 9-assists left him just short of recording a triple-double.
The Thunder's Russell Westbrook did register a triple-double, however, with 31 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists.
The series now shifts to Los Angeles for game three on Friday.
The Indiana Pacers have also evened their Eastern Conference semifinal with an 86-82 victory over the Washington Wizards.
The Pacers' Roy Hibbert scored a season-high 28 points and pulled down nine rebounds.
Marcin Gortat led the Wizards with 21 points and 11 rebounds in the loss.
Game 3 in that series will also take place on Friday.
There are two games scheduled for tomorrow morning.
The first one will see Brooklyn try to even its series with the Heat in Miami, after the Nets were thumped in game-1.
The later matchup has San Antonio hoping to take a 2-nothing series lead as they play host to Portland.
Pittsburgh takes 3-1 series lead over Rangers
In the NHL playoffs,
There was just one game played this morning.
The Pittsburgh Penguins now find themselves one-win away from the Eastern Conference finals after downing the New York Rangers 4-2 this morning.
The Rangers, on home ice, only managed to produce 15 shots on Penguins goaltender Marc Andre-Fleury throughout the entire game.
The Penguins balanced their offense, getting goals from four separate players.
Game 5 of the Pittsburgh/Rangers series is set for Friday night back in Pittsburgh with the Penguins holding the 3-1 series advantage.
There are two games scheduled for tomorrow morning.
Montreal is at home to Boston hoping to take a 3-1 series lead in their Eastern Conference semi-final.
And out West, Los Angeles hopes to take a 3-nothing strangle-hold in their series at home to Anaheim.
South Korea, Brazil announce 2014 FIFA World Cup squad
In soccer,
The squad South Korea is sending to this year's World Cup has been revealed.
17 overseas-based players are going to be part of the 23-man squad, including nine currently playing in Germany and the U.K.
Arsenal forward Park Chu-young has been tapped to appear in his third World Cup, despite struggling for playing time with Arsenal.
Only one player on the South Korean squad is over the age of 30.
Head coach Hong Myung-bo says he doesn't think the relative age of his team will be a problem.
"It is a young team. However I won't say that the team is inexperienced. The reason is because our players are already playing in good leagues. Of course, I am not certain how much the other teams know about our individual players. Also as mentioned through the media, people will think our team will be a speedy team."
South Korea is set open their World Cup finals campaign against Russia on June 17th.
Brazil's national team squad has also been unveiled.
The team is made up of a mix of talented young stars such as Neymar and Oscar.
They will also play along-side more experienced players such as Julio Cesar, Dani Alves, David Luiz, Thiago Silva and Hulk.
AC Milan's Kaka and Atletico forward Ronaldinho are among the big names who have not been added to the Brazilian team.
Olympics Nanjing- Youth Olympic Games Organisers Hold News Conference in Beijing
Organisers for this year's Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing say all the prep works is entering in the final stages.
Test events are now being scheduled for later this month.
The second edition of the Youth Games will be hosted in Nanjing from August 16th-28th.
34 venues will be used for both competitions and for training.
Only one facility has been newly-built for the Youth Games.
The Youth Games will feature 222 events in 28 different sports.
Golf and rugby have been newly added for the Nanjing Games.
Over 38-hundred athletes from over 200 countries are set to take part.
China's delegation includes 123 athletes competing in all 28 sports.
Jordan Burroughs Wins the Wrestling Game in Time Square
Olympic wrestling champs from Russia and US have gone head-to-head in a charity event in New York's Times Square.
The "2014 Beats the Streets" competition has been organized to benefit the similarlily-titled non-profit.
The event saw 11 wrestlers from the United States square-off against 11 international wrestling stars.
Among the pairings included a match between reigning Olympic champion Jordan Burroughs, a New Jersey native, and Russia's Atsamaz Sanakoev.
Burroughs' was triumphant.
"We are all wrestlers so it's in the spirit of the event, spirit of wrestling games. And we know the hard work and sacrifice we make to be here so we appreciate those guys. There is always a language barrier and we know what is going on between our governments but we kind of squash that out when we step here on the wrestling mat."
In the end, the American team won eight out of the 11 matches.
'Journey to the West' expects 3D film
Renowned Monkey King performer Zhang Jinlai says production teams from the US and China are planning to jointly shoot a 3D version of the Chinese classic "Journey to the West"
The actor, better known as Liuxiaolingtong here in China, has also revealed he will be cast in the role of the Monkey King.
Zhang says the new version is going to be loyal to the original literature.
If the film adopts certain chapters of the book, the four main characters from the TV version of the story are likely to reunite in the new film.
The film is expected to be out in 2016.
Actress Zhou Xun discloses her boyfriend
Chinese actress and singer Zhou Xun has revealed her new boyfriend via her microblog.
She wrote on her weibo "This is Archie. Please take care of him."
The posting also shows them together in a photo, with the two smiling and standing in front of a river.
The photo was taken in Paris on May 4th.
Archie David Kao is an American-Chinese actor in Hollywood.
The 44-year-old is best known for his role as Archie Johnson in the hit television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
He has also appeared on a number of other TV shows, including Desperate Housewives and Heroes.
He was named one of People Magazine's "Hottest Bachelors" in 2006.
Bryan Cranston: Godzilla is Coming...to China!
"Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston has announced a new "Godzilla" film is going to stomp into Chinese theatres on June 13th.
Cranston plays Joe Brody in the latest iteration of the sci-fi classic.
"Hello, everyone in China. I'm Bryan Cranston. I'm excited to show you a trailer of my new film 'Godzilla' to be released in China on June 13th. We hope you enjoy it. "
In the film, Cranston's character becomes suspicious of the sound patterns that others are trying to write off as earthquakes.
"Godzilla" is joint production by Legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers.
Obama receives humanitarian award from Spielberg
U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted a humanitarian award from director Steven Spielberg at the University of Southern California's Shoah Foundation.
The Foundation is a Holocaust museum founded by Spielberg after he made the film "Schindler's List."
Obama also delivered a speech to mark the 20th anniversary of of the creation of the Foundation, which is dedicated to gathering video testimony from Holocaust survivors and other witnesses.
"Every day that you have lived, every child and grandchild that your families have brought into this world has served as the ultimate rebuke to evil, and the ultimate expression of love and hope. And you are an inspiration to every single one of us. And on behalf of all of us, thank you for the example of your lives, and sharing your stories with us and the world. Thank you."
The Shoah Foundation's annual gala has also featured Bruce Springsteen performing "Promised Land" and "Dancing in the Dark," as well a comedy routine from Conan O'Brien.
Wu-Tang Clan's secret album to feature two collaborations with Cher
Cher has confirmed her appearance on the Wu-Tang Clan's forthcoming, one-of-a-kind album.
Cher has contributed vocals to two songs on the Wu-Tang Clan's upcoming "secret" album "The Wu - Once Upon a Time in Shaolin."
A video posted online has the voice of Cher singing the line "Wu-Tang, baby. They rock the world," at the end of one song.
A representative for Cher has revealed she recorded her parts separately, so there weren't any direct interaction between Cher and the hard-core rap group.
"Once Upon a Time in Shaolin" is the Wu-Tang Clan's album they've been recording in secret over the past year.
The group is only releasing one copy of it.
The 128-minute album will be played at festivals and exhibitions.
The group then plans to sell the album at auction to the highest bidder.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is promising closer Chinese collaboration with Nigeria as part of his time in the country.
Ousted Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is facing a possible end to her political career in connection with her rice-pledging scheme.
Separatists in eastern Ukraine are moving forward with plans to hold an independence referendum, despite a call by Russia's President to back down.
In business, new data shows a rise in exports here in China through April.

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