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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/05/12

时间:2014-07-29 07:30来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition

Paul James with you on this Monday, May 12, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
The Chinese and Kenyan governments have inked a new railway deal as part of Li Keqiang's visit to the country.
Voting has come to an end in eastern Ukraine as part of a controversial independence referendum.
Protests are continuing in Bangkok despite a grenade attack on one of the protest sites this weekend.
In Business... Chinese telecom firms are being given full autonomy to set their own prices.
In sports... Man City takes home this year's Premiership title.
In entertainment.... A drag queen takes this year's Eurovision song contest.
But first... lets get a check on the weather...
Beijing will be sunny today with a high of 29 degree Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to around 14.
Shanghai will be sunny during the daytime with a high of 27.
Overnight, it will be overcast with a low of 17.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast with a high of 24.
Overnight lows are expected to be around 18.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia.
Islamabad will see slight rain with a high of 27.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 18.
Over to North America.
New York will be overcast today with a high of 26 degrees.
Washington will be cloudy with a high of 31 degrees.
Honolulu, slight rain, 27.
Toronto, Canada, will have slight rain with a high of 19 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 20.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 23 degrees Celsius.
Top News
China and Kenya reach co-financing railway deal
The Chinese and Kenyan governments have signed a new deal to build a railway linking Nairobi to Mombasa.
The deal has been inked as part of the conclusion of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's 3-day visit to Kenya.
"We welcome Kenyan companies to promote their products in major Chinese trading platforms, the Chinese government will facilitate greater access for them. We will also encourage more Chinese investment in Kenya's manufacture industry, to help improve the product process capability here in Kenya. We would like to assist and participate in the construction of industrial parks in Kenya, to conduct more bilateral cooperation in this regard, which we hope can further improve the competiveness of Kenyan exports."
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta says his government is looking to expand its relationship with China.
"Undoubtedly the partnership that Kenya has had with China especially over the last 10 to 12 years is a partnership that has been mutually beneficial and has gone a long way towards helping us achieve our social and economic agenda. We are very keen to looking forward to increasing that partnership, but also to see how it can diversify that partnership just as the premier has said."
The two leaders have also signed off on a number of agreements connected to economics, finance and agriculture.
The Chinese government is also putting forward 10-million US dollars to help with the protection of wildlife in Kenya.
Kenya is the last stop of the Li Keqiang's four nation African tour, which has also seen him make stops in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Angola.
Review of Premier Li Keqiang's African tour
For more on the premier's African tour, CRI's Zheng Chenguang spoke earlier with Ambassador Liu Guijin, China's former special representative on African affairs.
Ambassador Liu Guijin, the Chinese Government Former Special Representative on African affairs, speaking with CRI's Zheng Chenguang.
Polling stations closed in eastern Ukraine
Vote counting is underway in the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk where polling is underway to determine whether or not to split from Kiev.
Voters have been forced to make their way to polling stations through streets blocked by barricades of felled trees and tires.
Natalia Vorobyova chairs the make-shift election commission.
"The voting is going really well. People are coming to us like it's a holiday. Today for Luhansk residents in general it's a holiday. The referendum is a big holiday in our city. Not only in our city, but in the whole of Donbass, where the referendum is being held. The turnout is really big."
Around 75-percent of those eligable have voted.
Roman Lyagin is the head of Donetsk's electoral commission.
"We just want to express our right to self-determination. The status of the Donetsk region after the announcement of the outcome of the referendum will change absolutely nothing. We do not want to cease to be part of Ukraine, we do not want to become a part of Russia, we just want to tell the world that we want to change."
In the Donetsk region, pro-Ukrainian government gunmen have stormed a polling station, killing one person.
Authorities in Kiev are blasting the referendum, saying the vote has no legal consequences.
The referendum is similar to the one in Crimea in March which saw the Ukrainian region vote to join Russia.
The referendum by pro-Russian supporters comes despite a call by Russian President Vladimir Putin to hold off on the vote.
For more on the referendum, CRI's Xiao Yi spoke earlier with Gao Fei with China Foreign Affairs University.
(callin with G new) '
Gao Fei, professor with China Foreign Affairs University, speaking with CRI's Xiao Yi.
Protestors gathered in Bangkok despite overnight violence
The Thai government has issued a warning to people to stay away from protest sitse following an explosion which injured two people in Bangkok.
Attackers hurled a grenade at anti-government protesters outside Government House over the weekend.
Tharit Pengdit is the chief of Thailand's department of Special Investigation.
"We would like to warn all Thais to stay away from the protest sites as we have to tighten our security forces in a bid to avert a crisis."
Despite the attack, both anti and pro-government protestors continue to demonstrate in Bangkok.
The demonstrations follow the ouster of Yingluck Shinawatra as the Prime Minister by the country's Constitutional Court last week.
Yingluck's Puea Thai party still maintains a caretaker government.
Anti-government protesters are hoping to topple the interim administration ahead of the July 20th election.
El-Sissi supporters rally in support of his presidential candidacy
Supporters of Egypt's former military chief and presidential candidate, Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, have held their first rally to support his campaign.
The rally has drawn several thousand people.
However, it was much smaller than originally hoped for by organizers.
"I am demanding from el-Sissi (if he gets elected) to be fair and just. We are with him, behind him, backing and supporting him."
"I came to say yes to el-Sissi as the president for Egypt. He is the only one at this stage who can protect Egypt, as he did before (from rule of ousted president Mohammed Morsi ) and I hope he will win (the elections) and viva Egypt."
Al-Sissi, who led the overthrow of former President Mohammed Morsi last summer, is the front-runner in the presidential elections scheduled for later this month.
As part of his approach toward the Presidency, the former military chief has also met privately with representatives of professional groups, business and tribal leaders.
It's widely expected al-Sissi, who has only one challenger, will be elected President in the first ballot.
Dozens dead as migrant boat capsizes off Libya coast
Dozens of bodies have been recovered after a boat carrying a group of migrants capsized off the Libyan coast.
The eight-meter-long boat carrying around 130 people capsized about 50-kilometers from the capital, Tripoli.
So far 51 people have been pulled from the water alive.
However, over 20 are still missing.
Ibrahim al-Qathi is a health official on the scene.
"We have 48 dead bodies in coroner's vans, there is not a hospital accepted to receive them. I call upon Ministry of Health to interfere to find a hospital morgue, and I also call upon Ministry of Justice to allow us to bury the dead bodies directly, because the corpse on the sea shore causing pollution, environmental problems and diseases for holidaymakers."
It's believed the boat was on its way to Italy.
Migrants from North Africa often use Libya as a staging point to try to make their way to the Italian-held island of Lapadusa, which lies about 100-kilometers off the coast of Tunisia.
Jordan confirms new death of MERS virus infection
Jordanian authorities have confirmed a new death connected to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS.
The victim is a nurse who works at a private hospital.
She tested positive for virus last week and died on Sunday.
Nine MERS cases have been detected in Jordan since 2012.
Five have died.
MERS broke out in Saudi Arabia two years ago.
The virus, much like SARS, has killed over 100 people since it was first detected.
Close to 400 people have been infected with the disease.
Hagel says rescuing kidnapped girls in Nigeria will be 'very difficult'
US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is moving to try to moderate a growing demand in the US to help liberate over 270 Nigerian school girls kidnapped by radical Islamists.
Hagel, speaking on the ABC program "This Week," says putting US troops on the ground in Nigeria is not an option the White House is considering at this point.
"Well, I think you look at everything. But there's no intention at this point to be putting any American boots on the ground."
At the same time, French President Francois Hollande is offering to hold a summit in Paris with Nigeria and its neighbors about the abductions.
France already has troops on the ground in the Central African Republic to the north of Nigeria.
More than 300 girls have been abducted in northeastern Nigeria over the past month.
Islamic rebel group Boko Haram has threatened to sell the girls into slavery as wives or concubines.
ASEAN leaders pledge unity
ASEAN leaders are gathered in Myanmar for this year's annual ASEAN summit.
Representatives from the 10-member bloc are vowing to promote peace and reconciliation in the region.
Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa:
"Once again, as I have said before, ASEAN coming together is not a reflection of animosity towards anyone, because what we are reinforcing is a message of peace, message of peaceful settlement of disputes."
Attendees have also agreed to strengthen cooperation for the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
The declaration, which was signed to try to ensure stability in the region, calls for dealing with disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiations.
This is the first time Myanmar has hosted the ASEAN annual summit since joining the grouping in 1997.
Biz Reports
Let's get a preview of what's set to take place in the business world this week.
Here's CRI's Alexander Aucott.
This week will see earnings reports from companies including Wal-Mart, Cisco and John Deere.
On Thursday, Federal Reserve Chair Yellen is scheduled to speak at a Small Business Administration event in Washington.
But ahead of Yellen's speech, some of her Fed colleagues are also due to make speeches, which may give a hint about which direction the Federal Reserver is headed.
Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser is set to make a speech later on this Monday.
On Tuesday, Atlanta Fed Bank President Dennis Lockhart will speak in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
On Thursday New York Fed President William Dudley will speak in New York.
And on Friday St Louis Fed President James Bullard will talk on the economy and monetary policy in Arkansas.
The latest data scheduled for release this week include retail sales and business inventories, due on Tuesday.
Atlanta Fed business inflation expectations and the housing market index are due Wednesday.
The consumer price index, weekly jobless claims, industrial production, and the Philadelphia Fed survey are due Thursday.
The housing stats are due Friday.
In Europe, investors will be keeping an eye on the ZEW Center's May index of German investor confidence, due Tuesday.
European investors are also keeping a close eye on the Bank of England's quarterly Inflation Report, which will come out on Wednesday.
On Thursday, a Bloomberg report is expected to show that the euro-zone economy grew 0.3 percent in the first quarter.
Here in the Asia-Pacific, Japan will release first quarter GDP data on Thursday.
The Australian government is also set to release its federal budget this week.
Telecom carriers granted full pricing autonomy
Chinese authorities have granted telecom carriers full autonomy in making their own pricing decisions.
As of now, telecom operators are free to design their own service packages and price them based on consumer demand.
However, authorities are also warning the telecom providers they can't exaggerate their services or mislead consumers.
They're also being encouraged to provide special offers to low-income subscribers.
China's three main telecom carriers, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom, have been frequently accused of poor service and high fees.
Call-in with Mike Emerging property market bust in small and medium sized Chinese cities
Questions are starting to swirl around the Chinese property market, with developers struggling to turn a profit in recent months.
This past week saw China Vanke, one of this country's largest developers, announce quarterly losses for the first time in 12-years.
Real estate firms in the city of Tangshan in Hebei have reportedly halved their prices for new homes in an attempt to try to move them off the market.
In an effort to try to stimulate the market, a number of cities have cut their property-purchase restrictions.
For more on what's happening in the property market here in China, we're joined on the line by Mike Bastin, visiting professor of China's University of Economics and Business.
1. What has been the key factor that has driven down the property boom in the smaller cities?
Do you seen their fleeting boom in the past few years a phenomenon rather abnormal?
2. Many local governments seem very keen to relax control on the property market despite the central government's repeated calls to tighten it.
What is at stake for those local governments that they are defying central orders?
3. Do you visualize a landslide property bust in those smaller cities this year or do you think the central government, particularly the central bank will ease its credit control and help those property markets survive?
Back Anchor:
Mike Bastin, Visiting Professor of China's University of Economics and Business.
China's chain store giants see slow growth
New industry stats show sales among the top-100 chain stores are up just under 10-percent to around 2-trillion yuan this past year.
This marks the slowest growth in some 16 years.
The China Chain Store and Franchise Association says this is the first time the country's largest chain store operators have reported sales growth of under 10-percent since 1998.
Among the chain store giants, 21 retail outlets have shut down stores through last year.
15 of them have also posted sales declines.
E-commerce is being cited as one of the main factors, despite two-thirds of the firms on the list opening their own sites online.
Ministry of Finance vows regulation of online lottery sales
The Ministry of Finance is cracking down on Internet lottery sales.
The ministry is warning that welfare or sports lottery sales will not be allowed to sell lottery tickets online without formal approvals.
A number of unlicensed agencies, using smartphone apps, have been selling tickets without approvals.
Online lottery sales here in China hit 42-billion yuan last year.
This is an increase of over 80-percent compared with last year.
Hungarian PM backs Bank of China expansion in the country
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is welcoming the Bank of China plans to set up its Eastern and Central Europe business development center and Renminbi clearing center in Hungary.
Orban says the BOC's expansion in the region and the internationalization of the renminbi is part of Hungary's policy of Opening to the East.
He says Hungary is ideally located geographically to facilitate the growth of the Bank of China.
Orban also says he's hoping to see the BOC help in developing infrastructure in Hungary.
Qatar Airways offers online visa service to Chinese passengers
Qatar Airways has launched online visa services for Chinese travellers.
The service allows Chinese passengers to apply for a month-long, single-entry tourist visa.
Applicants need to submit a confirmed return or onward air ticket on a Qatar Airways flight.
You also need proof of a confirmed hotel reservation at a hotel subsidiary the airliner.
China is one of Qatar Airways' biggest markets.
The carrier currently serves Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
Headline News
China and Kenya reach co-financing railway deal
The Chinese and Kenyan governments have signed a new deal to build a railway linking Nairobi to Mombasa.
The deal has been inked as part of the conclusion of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's 3-day visit to Kenya.
The two governments have also signed off on a number of agreements connected to economics, finance and agriculture.
The Chinese government is also putting forward 10-million US dollars to help with the protection of wildlife in Kenya.
Kenya is the last stop of the Li Keqiang's four nation African tour, which has also seen him make stops in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Angola.
Polling stations closed in eastern Ukraine
Vote counting is underway in the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk where polling is underway to determine whether or not to split from Kiev.
Around 75-percent of those eligible have voted.
In the Donetsk region, pro-Ukrainian government gunmen have stormed a polling station, killing one person.
Authorities in Kiev are blasting the referendum, saying the vote has no legal consequences.
The referendum by pro-Russian supporters comes despite a call by Russian President Vladimir Putin to hold off on the vote.
Protestors gathered in Bangkok despite overnight violence
The Thai government has issued a warning to people to stay away from protest sitse following an explosion which injured two people in Bangkok.
Attackers hurled a grenade at anti-government protesters outside Government House over the weekend.
Despite the attack, both anti and pro-government protestors continue to demonstrate in Bangkok.
The demonstrations follow the ouster of Yingluck Shinawatra as the Prime Minister by the country's Constitutional Court last week.
Yingluck's Puea Thai party still maintains a caretaker government.
Anti-government protesters are hoping to topple the interim administration ahead of the July 20th election.
Dozens dead as migrant boat capsizes off Libya coast
Dozens of bodies have been recovered after a boat carrying a group of migrants capsized off the Libyan coast.
The eight-meter-long boat carrying around 130 people capsized about 50-kilometers from the capital, Tripoli.
So far 51 people have been pulled from the water alive.
However, over 20 are still missing.
It's believed the boat was on its way to Italy.
7 police commandos killed by leftwing rebels in central India
Seven police officers have been killed in a bombing in central India.
The commandos were on patrol about 50-kilometers outside the city of Nagpur.
Naxalite rebels are being blamed for the attack.
This comes as India enters the final phase of its 9-phase elections.
ASEAN leaders pledge unity
ASEAN leaders are gathered in Myanmar for this year's annual ASEAN summit.
Representatives from the 10-member bloc are vowing to promote peace and reconciliation in the region.
Attendees have also agreed to strengthen cooperation for the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
The declaration, which was signed to try to ensure stability in the region, calls for dealing with disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiations.
This is the first time Myanmar has hosted the ASEAN annual summit since joining the grouping in 1997.
Newspaper Picks
Navy shells found in car
Police in Shanghai have discovered two large naval artillery shells in the trunk of a car.
The car's owner claims the shells were gifts from relatives.
Authorities are still investigating.
University offers anti-terrorism class
The People's Public Security University of China is recruiting 80 students across the country for its newly-created subject of anti-terrorism.
Course studies include mastering tactics to deal with terrorist attacks.
Shanghai cops shoot suspect
Police officers have shot a driver allegedly trying to force his way through a roadblock.
This represents the first shots fired since police in Shanghai began carrying guns last month.
Heavy rain in Shenzhen
Shenzhen has been hit with its strongest rainfall since 2008
Around 130 flights were cancelled, while another 70 were delayed for more than four hours.
Young mothers rally on Mother's Day
A group of just under 30 young mothers have announced online they are not going to do any housework on the Mother's Day.
The group's organizers says she hopes to draw attention to all the work a young mother has to do on a daily basis.
Stats compiled by the OECD show men in China only do 48 minutes of housework a day, while women do 155 minutes.
Armed patrol cars in Beijing
Starting later this morning, armed patrol cars are going to be on the streets in Beijing.
Beijing police say the move is meant to combat terrorism and mass riots.
Missing radioactive materials found
A lost radioactive source in Nanjing has been recovered.
An engineering company in Tianjin lost a sample of iridium-192 on Wednesday.
This prompted a city-wide emergency response.
No one is believed to have been exposed to it.
Special Reports
Unfold the Tempo of Africa through Dance
The Republic of Congo's National Ballet has given a presentation at this year's "Meet in Beijing" Arts Festival.
CRI's Xiong Siqi has more.
Two percussionists wearing traditional headwear stand at the right corner of the stage whilst playing large cylindrical drums to a fast beat.
Jiving to the tempo, men and women in long robes painted head-to-toe in white dots, greet the chief of the tribe, a man dressed in red.
This is the beginning of the dance drama, "Congo of Yesterday and Today". It is created and performed by the National Ballet of the Republic of Congo.
According to Célestin Ganongo, the director of the dance troupe, the drama extends beyond these depictions of historical Congolese life.
"You will witness a creation that incorporates elements of dance and theatre. The performance will illustrate to the Chinese audience the significance of Congolese history before and after French colonization. From this dance, you will understand how the traditional way of living in Congo was disrupted by colonial power; how people revolted against the colonists and how we gained independence. "
The Chinese audience may not have understood the lyrics, but many were moved by the intense emotions and rich narratives delivered in the performance.
"The show was really good. Even though we don't understand the language, from the performance, we have come to know how people in Africa harvest and how hardworking they are."
"The drama has distinctive African features, which helped me to experience a different culture. For example, every dance movement matches a drumbeat. It feels so wonderful and passionate. "
The dance performance not only serves to deepen the Chinese public's understanding of Congolese culture, it also marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations.
Daniel Owassa, the Congolese Ambassador to China, says:
"The title of this drama, 'Congo of Yesterday and Today', was not deliberately chosen, but it has certain hidden meanings. Every country has its own yesterday, today and future. Since China and The Republic of Congo has worked together for 50 years and built a friendship spanning half a century, we hope the relationship between our two countries may further develop. "
The ambassador adds that in addition to the exchange visits between art troupes, an implementation plan for cultural exchange will be signed in the future to encourage further bilateral cultural exchange between Congo and China.
Back Anchor:
CRI's Xiong Siqi reporting
Manchester City clinch Premiere League Title
Manchester City have claimed the Premiership title for the second time in three seasons following a 2-0 victory over West Ham.
Manuel Pellegrini's side only needed a point to put them out of reach of Liverpool, but they never looked in trouble taking control of the game from the beginning.
Man City got their work done fairly early on in the match. Samir Nasri scored with a shot from just outside the box minutes before the break and then in the second half Team Captain Vincent Kompany doubled that lead.
From then on it was just a case of seeing that through to the end.
Pellegrini, the reserved Sky Blues manager who also guided his side to victory in the League Cup this season, says they'll not rest on their laurels for long however:
 "I think it is important to celebrate today and tomorrow and then start on Tuesday working for next season. Now, like I said last week, that we have won the title we are going to do a balance of the whole year - the positive and negative things - and where we can improve our squad."
Meanwhile Liverpool, who might have snatched the title if Man City had lost, looked as though they may be ending their season disastrously.
They began the match by conceding a first half goal to Newcastle United. They took that deficit well into the second half until two Daniels Agger and Sturridge scored back-to-back goals to give them the lead that they'd take to the end of the match.
But as Man City had won their game there was nothing more they could do and they ended the season second in the league.
Liverpool Manager Brendan Rodgers:
"Well, first and foremost, congratulations to Manchester City. It's been an incredible campaign, 38 really competitive, tough games in the most competitive league in football and they're the Champions so congratulations to them. My overriding feeling at the moment is one of sheer pride in the players. We finished the season winning 12 games out of 14, drew one and obviously one a few weeks back ( to Chelsea) so the players have shown an incredible level of consistency and quality over that period"
Liverpool will now enter the next season 25 years without a Premiership title.
Looking briefly at the rest of the table Chelsea and Arsenal finish third and fourth in the league.
They defeated Cardiff City and Norwich City 2-1 and 2-0 respectively.
It's Fulham joining those two teams being relegated down to the Championship.
Meanwhile my side Leicester City are back up to the Premiership next season for the first time in a decade, and will be joined by Burley.
The last spot is down to the playoffs between Derby County, QPR and Wigan.
Beijing Guoan catch up with Guangzhou Evergrande in Chinese Super league
A look at the Chinese Super League results over the weekend.
Reigning Champions Guangzhou Evergrande suffered a 1-0 loss in the derby against R&F on Friday.
This has allowed Beijing Guoan to draw level with them on points. They're both now on 27 though Evergrande still top the table with a huge goal difference advantage.
Guangzhou R&F now sit third in the Chinese top division while Shanghai Greenland Shenhua who lost out 1-0 to Shanghai Greenland FC on Saturday is now 4th.
Sunday's 5-3 victory for Shanghai East Asia FC against Guizhou Renhe sees them move to 5th in the table.
NBA and NHL playoff results
IN the NBA playoffs this morning,
The LA Clippers have managed to even their series with Oklahoma City, edging the Thunder 101-99.
The Clippers Darren Collison scoring 10 of his 18-points in the last three minutes to help LA to the victory.
The series is now knotted up at 2.
Coming up at 8am, it's Washington hoping to even its series at 2 with Indiana as they play host to the Pacers.
In the National Hockey League Playoffs,
There are two games this morning.
The New York Rangers hope to stay alive in game-6 of their series with the Pittsburgh Penguins.
The Rangers are down 3-games-2.
At 9am, it's Chicago hoping to gain a 3-games-2 advantage at home to Minnesota.
Lewis Hamilton claims fourth consecutive F1 victory
In Formula One,
Lewis Hamilton has continued his unstoppable run claiming victory at the Spanish Grand Prix this weekend.
After retiring with a technical fault in the opening race in Australia, the British Mercedes Driver has gone on to win the next four races.
Hamilton's German team-mate Nico Rosberg had been piling on the pressure throughout the race but in the end he said he just ran out of time:
"I think one more to be honest, one more I could have given it a good go. I wasn't close enough to give it a go there but next lap I would've but unfortunately that was it, so a bit gutted but still, second place…"
Hamilton, now has 100 points to Rosberg's 97 after his 26th career victory and leads the standings for the first time since 2012 when he was at McLaren.  
Daniel Ricciardo was third for reigning champions Red Bull.
It's the first podium finish of his F1 career after being stripped of his second-place for a fuel irregularity in his home season-opener in Melbourne in March. 
His Quadruple world champion team mate Sebastian Vettel, who started 15th after a five-place grid penalty for a gearbox change, ended a weekend of setbacks with a strong fourth place.
A solid drive for him there..
They were followed by the two Ferraris of Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen.
Nadal and Sharapova claim Madrid Open titles
In Tennis,
Rafael Nadal has won his first title of the European clay court season after a back injury forced his Japanese opponent Kei Nishikori to retire from the final in Madrid.
The World Number One had led 2-6, 6-4, 3-0 when Nishikori decided he could go no further and hobbled away.
Nadal, had lost in the quarter finals of his last two tournaments in Monte Carlo and Barcelona, but the 27-year-old Spaniard looks almost back to full fitness as he becomes the first man to win four Madrid titles and extends his Masters 1000 record to 27 victories.
Meanwhile in the women's event Maria Sharapova recovered from a nervous beginning to claim her first Madrid Open title.
The Russian was up against Romanian fourth seed Simona Halep who claimed the first set 1 to 6.
But the former world-number-one dug deep and battled back to claim the next two sets 6-2 6-3.
With this the 27-year-old extends her unbeaten record on clay to 11 matches in a row. She's only been beaten on clay three times since 2011, all of them against Serena Williams.
Williams, the defending champion, retired with a thigh strain this year just before her quarter final match.
Austria wins Eurovision song contest
Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst has been proclaimed the winner of this year's Eurovision Song Contest.
The 25-year-old, whose real name is Tom Neuwirth, has taken the top prize with a James Bond-theme-like ballad "Rise Like a Phoenix."
"This Eurovision family is a family I always wanted to join because this project is based on tolerance, acceptance and love and so it really felt like coming home actually and I know that there is a world beside the Eurovision Song Contest but believe that also the people outside the Eurovision think, hopefully, the way I do."
This is only Austria's second victory in the competition.
A singer from the Netherlands came in 2nd.
A Swedish performer finished 3rd.
The Eurovision Song Contest has been held every year since 1956.
X-Men held global premiere
(X-Men trailer)
X-Men fans have turned out in droves in New York for the super-sized premiere of "X-Men: Days of Future Past".
Hugh Jackman walked the red carpet with a bandage over his nose after having minor surgery to remove a potentially-cancerous skin growth.
Jackman has been joined by co-stars James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence.
Lawerence, who also stars as Katniss Everdeen in the 'Hunger Games' film series, says the characters she plays in each film have their differences.
"I really love all the physical parts of it. I love her fights and I love - it's very different from Katniss. That's a lot of archery practice and kind of running. Mystique moves very differently, so the training is very different and really fun."
The new X-men film takes place in the future, where humans and mutants on the verge of annihilation.
Wolverine is sent back to the past in an attempt to change history.
"X-men: Days of Future Past" his theaters on May 23rd.
"Neighbours" unseats "Spider Man" to top of North American box office
Seth Rogan's new film "Neighbours" has racked up 51.5-million US dollars through this Mother's Day Weekend in the US, unseating the "Amazing Spiderman 2" as the top film in the United States.
"Neighbors" has generated the fifth largest opening so far this year.
The film follows the story of a young couple with a new baby, whose quiet suburban lifestyle is ruined when a rowdy frat moves in next door.
The "Amazing Spiderman 2" has seen its ticket sales plunge nearly 60-percent this weekend after its opening this past weekend.
Still, the superhero sequel is in good shape.
The film earned nearly 70-million dollars internationally this weekend.
So far "Amazing Spiderman 2" has grossed over 400-million US.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
The Chinese and Kenyan governments have inked a new railway deal as part of Li Keqiang's visit to the country.
Voting has come to an end in eastern Ukraine as part of a controversial independence referendum.
Protests are continuing in Bangkok despite a grenade attack on one of the protest sites this weekend.
In Business... Chinese telecom firms are being given full autonomy to set their own prices.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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