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  • 原版英语对话1000个:293 France

    Todd: Aaron, sometimes I hear from Australians, the term, have a walk-about, or walk-about! Aaron: A walk-about is an aboriginal word. It basically, means an aboriginal boy, when he is growing up goes for a long walk, maybe for twelve months, and he...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:292 Walkabout

    Todd: Aaron, sometimes I hear from Australians, the term, have a walk-about, or walk-about! Aaron: A walk-about is an aboriginal word. It basically, means an aboriginal boy, when he is growing up goes for a long walk, maybe for twelve months, and he...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:291 Movie

    Michael: Alright, so Simon, do you have a favorite movie? Simon: Again, that's difficult question so I can't say one favorite movie but I can say that I really, really enjoyed The Lord of the Rings, well mainly because as a elementary school student...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:290 Video Games

    Todd: So, Eli, you're young and you're into Manga, so I take it you like video games? Eli: Mm-hm, I do very much. It's my other hobby. Um, almost an obsession sometimes. I think my friends get quite worried about me sometimes, the amount I play, but...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:289 Halloween

    Todd: OK, guys we're going to talk about Halloween. So, what do you think about Halloween? Adrienne: I actually like it. It's a fun holiday for kids especially because you get to dress up in costumes and you get lots of candy if you go trick-or-treat...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:288 Thailand

    Todd: Gloria, what are your plans for the summer? Gloria: I'm going to Thailand for two weeks and then I'm going to England for three weeks and then back to the US. Todd: OK , wait, Thailand, you're going to Thailand? Gloria: Yes. Todd: OK, what are...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:287 Hooligans

    Todd: You were saying that you once came across a hooligan! Mark: Actually, I know quite a few hooligans, yeah, in my local area, there's quite a few guys who are affiliated to my teams hooligan group, so in England most teams have their own hooligan...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:286 The Kiwi

    Todd: OK, Leonard, now, when most people think of Kiwi, at least Americans, we think of the fruit. Leo: Right, right. Also in Japan as well. Todd: Oh, really! OK. But, uh, people from New Zealand are called Kiwis not because of the fruit I take it. L...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:285 My dog

    Todd: So, Gloria , have you ever had any pets? Gloria: Yes, I have. In fact, I still have one in America right now. Todd: You do? Gloria: Mm-hm Todd: Yeah, what? Gloria: He's a dog named Cruiser. Todd: Cruiser. Gloria: Cruiser. Todd: OK, what's Cruis...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:284 India

    Indians are great people. I love Indians. They are very happy and very fun, and very welcoming people even though Indians are poor, many Indians are poor, they're still very nice, and when you go to Indian, India, the Indians welcome you there, and t...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:283 India

    My name is Jeff Eagar. I'm from Canada but I just spent six months in India and I love India. I think India is my favorite country in the whole world. India is very interesting. It's real life. It's the good and the bad, and the rich and the poor, an...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:282 Trip to the Hospital

    Adrienne: Hey, Ian, tell me about the time you were at the hospital. Ian: What, the first time I went to the hospital? Adrienne: Yes, the first time. Ian: The first time I went to hospital was when I was 13 years old and it was the day of my birthday...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:281 Texas

    Todd: So, Ivan, where are you from? Ivan: I'm from Texas. Todd: Texas! Ivan: Yep Todd: OK, what's the difference between Texas and Japan? Ivan: Texas is big and Japan is little. Todd: Yeah, how about the food? Ivan: The food! In Texas we eat a lot of...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:280 Boxing Day

    Todd: So Mark, what happens on boxing day? Mark: On boxing day in England it's usually football day. Everybody goes and watches the football. Usually all the family go, so maybe granddad and grandma will go. In England on Boxing day, it's usually the...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:279 Going Home

    Adrienne: Hi, Doris. You look a little bit down. What's the matter? Doris: Well, I'm leaving Japan and I'm going back to London, tomorrow. Adrienne: Really! Doris: Yeah. Adrienne: How do you feel about that? Doris: Well, I do feel a bit down because...
