Key Sentences(重点句子)
830.I'm calling to report a missing credit card.我打电话报警,我的信用卡丢了。
831.What's the card number,miss?
832.Did you say your card was lost or stolen?
833.I left my purse on the counter in the department store while I went to the fitting room to try the dress on.我去试衣室试衣时,把钱包放在百货公司的柜台上了。
834.When did you discover it was stolen?
835.I didn't discover that until I went to pay.我去付钱的时候才发现。
836.Someone may be charging things to my credit this veryminute.可能现在就有人正用我的信用卡买东西呢。
837.Once we get your card number, you card will be invalidatedall over the world within 30 seconds simply by informing theterminal.我们一弄清您的信用卡号码,只要通知计算机终端,在30秒钟之内,您的信用卡就会在世界各地失效。
838.I'm so relieved to hear that.你这么说我就放心了。
839.My house has been burglarized.我家被偷了。
840.I went to sleep and forgot to lock the window and a burglarcame in the window and cleaned us out.我睡觉时忘了锁上窗户,一个窃贼从窗户钻进来,把我们洗劫一空。
841.I mean he took everything of any value:money,watches,TV,VCD,everything.我是说他把值钱的东西都偷走了:钱、手表、电视、VCD、所有东西。
842.My car was stolen last night.我的车子昨天晚上被偷了。
843.What kind of car is it,sir?
844.The license1 plate number is ABC123.牌照号码是ABC123。
845.And where was it parked?
846.It was parked in my driveway in front of my house.车子原来停在我家前面的车道上。
847.Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen?
848.The car alarm went off,but they must've disengaged it.防盗器响了,但是他们一定把它切断了。
849.We're open all night here.Why didn't you call then?
850.I thought it was my alarm clock,so I looked at the clock,re-set it,and went back to sleep.我以为是闹钟在响,所以看了看钟,重新设定时间后,又睡了。
Dialogue A(A:A Policeman B:Janet Carlson)A:Hello.Fourth.Street Police Station,Can I help you?
B:Yes.I'm calling to report a missing credit card.A:What's the card number,miss?
B:Oh,I don't remember.A:What's your name and address?
B:Janet Carlson,1275 Hasting Street,Vancouver,Canada.A:I see.You are not an American citizen,are you?
B:No,I'm a Canadian.Does that matter?
A:Oh,no,no.Did you say your card was lost or stolen?
B:Stolen.I left my purse on the counter in the department storewhile I went to the fitting room to try the dress on.A:When did you discover it was stolen?
B:I didn't discover that unitl I went to pay.Do you think there isanything you could do?Someone my be charging things to mycredit this very minute.A:You don't need to worry,Miss Carlson.Once we get your cardnumber,your card will be invalidated all over the world within30 seconds simply by informing the terminal.B:Oh,I'm so relieved to hear that.Thank you very much.A:That's all right.Dialogue B(A:A policeman B:Mrs.Green)A:Hello.Police Station.B:Hello.My house has been burglarized.A:What's your name and address,madam?
B:It's 88 Grand Avenue.And this is Mrs.Green.A:Oh,madam,when did that happen?
B:This morning I went to sleep and forgot to lock the windowand a burglar came in the window and cleaned us out.A:Oh?
B:I mean he took everthing of any value:money,watches,TV,VCD,everything.What should I do?
A:I'm sorry about that,madam,but don't worry too much.We'll send someone to you right away.B:Thank you.A:Good-bye.Dialogue C(A:A policeman B:Jack2 Nelson)A:Hello.Fourth Street Police Station.B:Hello.My car was stolen last night.A:what's your name and address,please?
B:My name is Jack Nelson,and my address is 66 WashingtonStreet.A:What kind of car is it,sir?
B:It's a blue 1989 Ford3 Escort.The license plate number isABC123.A:And where was it parked?
B:It was parked in my driveway,in front of my house.A:Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen?
B:I can tell you the time—it was 4∶20 a.m.A:Wait——you mean you saw the perpetrators stealing the vehi-cle?
B:No,I heard them.The car alarm went off,but they must'vedisengaged it.A:Oh,sir,we're open all night here.Why didn't you call then?
B:I was so sleepy,I thought it was my alarm clock.So I looked at the clock,reset it,and went back to sleep.A:Oh,I see.

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n.执照,许可证,特许;v.许可,特许 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.浅滩,水浅可涉处;v.涉水,涉过 | |
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