Over 80 per cent of the couples were prepared to spend around 60,000 yuan on the wedding. About 5-8per cent of people would spend more than that, and this percentage is steadily1 risingThe approaching National Day Holiday is going to be special for Jason Li.
The 28-year-old is finally ending his bachelorhood. Also coming to an end are his bank savings2,accumulated over the years.
"I had never thought marrying would be so dear," Li said.
The studio wedding photos alone cost him 5,000 yuan (US). "But it is indispensable, as my fianceefirmly believes that a woman becomes most beautiful when she wears the wedding gown, so that momentmust be captured and kept forever," Li said, forcing a smile.
The price tagBoth Li and his future wife are from traditional families, which determine that a lavish3 weddingbanquet is a must.
Li chose the three-star New Garden Hotel to hold the grand feast. Taking all the necessary guests,including relatives, colleagues, friends and former classmates into account, Li found that they havea total of 250 guests. That is 25 tables.
"When the restaurant showed me the final price after several rounds of bargaining - 35,000 yuan (US,217), I couldn't help drawing a cold breath," Li said.
There are still many other expenditures4 involved in the wedding ceremony. A rough account for thesweets and cigarettes to be handed out at the wedding party is about 6,000 yuan (US), plus a further600 yuan (US.2) for photographs and a video recording5.
The rent of suits to be worn at the wedding party (two dresses for the bride and one for the groom)is 300 yuan (US). "She still bought a 3,000 yuan (US) wedding gown," Li added.
Renting the car and then decorating the car with flowers and hiring a make-up girl for the bride, allthese take money.
Li figures out that the overall cost of the wedding ceremony is at least 60,000 yuan (US,229). Earning2,500 yuan (US) a month, Li has withdrawn6 all his savings for the big day.
Yet according to Yu Jian, manager of Shanghai Hao Yun Matchmaking Agency, the cost of Li's weddingceremony is quite typical for the city.
The general trendYu has recently taken a survey of some 300 newlyweds who have entrusted7 his company to host theirwedding ceremonies. Over 80 per cent of the couples were prepared to spend around 60,000 yuan on thewedding. About 5-8 per cent of people would spend more than that, and this percentage is steadilyrising.
"A trend for higher standards and more expensive wedding ceremonies has emerged," Yu said, and hisremarks won immediate8 agreement from Tony Wang from the Four Seasons Hotel.
"Just take a look at our hotel's thriving wedding banquet business," Wang said.
The five-star hotel's so-called super luxurious9 wedding banquet of 588 yuan (US) per person plus 15per cent surcharge is fully10 booked, despite the fact that at least 10 tables must be reserved.
The same thriving business can be seen at the Hotel Nikko Pudong Shanghai, whose "wedding" business isexpected to show a 60 per cent increase over the same period last year.
What luxury entailsFor those who are determined11 to hold an impressive wedding ceremony, the party can't be limited tojust eating and drinking.
It also requires a band to play up the atmosphere, an experienced host to make the whole ceremonysmooth, and numerous roses to add more romance to the party, which means extra costs of at least 6,000yuan (US).
This is all a radical12 change from the pre-economic reform period of the 1970s when restaurants wererarely mentioned when talking about weddings, let alone five-star hotels or bands. Wedding banquetswere mostly held at the couple's own home, and dishes were prepared by parents and close relatives.
If account is taken of the new apartment, house appliances and the honeymoon13, all of which have nowbeen included among the city's new marriage essentials, the cost of getting married is reallytremendous.
The recently revealed statistics show that the average cost of getting married in Shanghai is at least150,000 yuan (US,000) if these essentials are taken into account.
Who pays the bill?
Compared with 20 years ago, when a couple amassed14 a bicycle, a radio and some furniture then had theirunion rubber-stamped at a local government office, the changes are great.
Yet is the locals' salary increasing at the same speed as the wedding costs?
Relevant government bureaux say the average urban worker earns 1,530 yuan (US) a month. That is to saythat getting married in Shanghai actually costs eight years' salary for an average Chinese worker.
Although many young people find spending too much on the wedding is actually unnecessary, most of themare also finding it hard to resist.
Part of the pressure comes from the parents. Over 95 per cent of local parents strongly support theidea of a lavish wedding ceremony involving several hundred guests.
Novel ideas such as a "travelling wedding", which saves money for the prolonged honeymoon, althoughagreeable to the young, are firmly objected to by their parents.
Then there is peer pressure. When more and more young people are striving for a luxurious weddingceremony, it is easy for the newlyweds to feel embarrassed if their wedding is too simple.
Such an increasingly lavish wedding situation doesn't exist in Shanghai alone, although the weddingexpenses in Shanghai are among the highest in the country.
Statistics show that last year the country's overall marriage related expenditures reached 150billion yuan (US.12 billion), ranking it top among all types of domestic spending.

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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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n.存款,储蓄 | |
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adj.无节制的;浪费的;vt.慷慨地给予,挥霍 | |
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n.花费( expenditure的名词复数 );使用;(尤指金钱的)支出额;(精力、时间、材料等的)耗费 | |
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n.录音,记录 | |
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vt.收回;使退出;vi.撤退,退出 | |
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v.委托,托付( entrust的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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adj.精美而昂贵的;豪华的 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.激进份子,原子团,根号;adj.根本的,激进的,彻底的 | |
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n.蜜月(假期);vi.度蜜月 | |
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v.积累,积聚( amass的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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