amplify1, enlarge, stretch, magnify, reinforce, expand
amplify v.扩大,增加,尤其指通过增强电压或电流使声音扩大;补充叙述(故事、事件等)。
We must ask you to amplify your statement.我们得请你对你的说法作进一步的说明。
enlarge v.扩大,多指具体物品如相片的放大。
enlarge photograph放大照片enlarge a house扩建房屋
stretch v. (有弹性地)伸展,延伸,并有可能超过限度;伸长、伸出(身体某部位)并绷紧肌肉(尤指在放松后或为了够着某物)。
The pullover stretched after I had worn it a few times.这件套头毛衣我穿了几次之后就撑大了。
Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, stretching themselves.完成了早间工作之后,职员们站到桌子后面伸伸懒腰。
magnify v.放大,指用透镜或显微镜使物体看上去大一些。
His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them.他借助眼睛把字放大以便能够阅读。
reinforce v.增援,加固。
expand v.指范围、体积的扩大、增大,也可以指内容或细节的充实。
The balloon expanded, then exploded.气球先是膨胀,然后就爆破了。
anger, fury, indignation, resentment2
anger n.气愤,生气,是一般用语。
After their argument, he expressed his anger by punching the other man in the face.争吵之后,他一拳打在那个人的脸上以发泄怒气。
fury n.暴怒,大怒,程度较anger要强。
indignation n.义愤,尤其指出于道义上的激愤。
general indignation at the sudden steep rise in bus fares公共汽车票价突然猛增激起的公愤
resentment n.愤恨,怨恨,不满,是正式用语,尤指由于受侮辱或自尊心受到伤害后而产生的愤慨。
There was a feeling of resentment in the office after everyone's pay was lowered.大家的工资降低后,办公室里怨声载道。
apparent, evident, manifest, obvious, distinct
apparent a.明显的,显而易见的,尤其指容易观察到或认识到的事物。
He is very unhappy, and it is apparent that he wants to leave now.他很不高兴,显然他现在想走了。
evident a.明白的,明显的,与apparent基本同意,多用于推理或由事实证明的事物。
It is evident that he is guilty; his fingerprints3 were found at the crime scene.显然他是有罪的,在犯罪现场发现了他的指纹。
manifest a.清楚的,明显的,多指根据外部特征或迹象便能看出或了解其意义,常作表语。
Her ability is manifest, but she is not attractive.她才能出众,但长相并不动人。
obvious a.明显的,显而易见的,含有无可辩白,不需证明之意。
It is obvious that that woman has had too much to drink.很显然,那个妇女酒喝的太多了。
distinct a.清楚的,明显的;不同的,独特的。修饰性质明显不同的东西。
Medical care has made a distinct improvement in his health.治疗已使他的健康有了明显的好转。

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vt.放大,增强;详述,详加解说 | |
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n.怨愤,忿恨 | |
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n.指纹( fingerprint的名词复数 )v.指纹( fingerprint的第三人称单数 ) | |
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