More than one in eight U.S.adults finds it hard to stay away from the Internet for several days at a time and about one in 11 tries to hide his or her online habit,according to a study released on Tuesday.根据周二发表的一份研究报告,在美国,每8个成人中就有一个发现自己很难做到一连好几天不上网,每11人中就有一个试图隐瞒他们喜欢上网的习惯。
The study by researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine in California found one in 8 adults admitted they needed to spend less time online,saying this showed “problematic Internet use is present in a sizable portion of the population.位于加州的斯坦福大学医学院的研究人员通过调查发现每八个成人中就有一个承认应该少花些时间上网,这表明时下在相当一部分人群中存在不正确使用网络的现象。
The study involved a nationwide telephone survey of 2,581 respondents in the spring and summer of 2004 with researchers then examining the data and preparing the report which appears in the October issue of CNS Spectrums:The International Journal of Neuropsychiatric Medicine.这项研究包括在2004年春夏对全国2581名被访者进行电话调查,然后由研究人员分析数据,准备这份发表于10月号《国际神经精神病医学月刊》上的分析报告。
The survey found that 68.9 percent of respondents were regular Internet users and 13.7 percent found it hard to stay offline for several days at a time.调查发现68.9%的受访者经常上网,并且13.7%的人说他们很难做到一连几天不上网。
It found 12.4 percent often stayed online longer than intended,more than 12 percent said they saw a need to cut back on their Internet use,and 8.7 percent tried to conceal1 “non-essential”Internet use from family,friends and employers.调查发现12.4%的人在网上花的时间比他们想花的要多。12%以上的人说他们觉得有必要缩短上网时间,8.7%的被访者不想让家人,朋友和老板知道他们有“不必要的“上网行为。
A smaller number,8.2 percent,said they use the Internet to escape problems or a bad mood,while 5.9 percent felt their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use.占8.2%的很小一部分人说他们上网是为了逃避问题和恶劣情绪,而5.9%的人感到他们的人际关系受到了过度上网的影响。
One report published earlier this year said that 5 percent to 10 percent of the population likely will experience Internet addiction2.今年早些时候发表的另一篇报告认为可能有5%到10%的人将上网成瘾。
It said signs include a disregard for health or appearance,sleep deprivation3 and decreased physical activity and social interaction with others,as well as dry eyes,carpal tunnel syndrome4 and repetitive motion injuries of hands and fingers.上网成瘾的症状包括不顾健康和容貌,不睡觉,很少体育锻炼和与他人进行社交活动,还有就是眼睛干涩,出现腕道症候群以及手部和指部反复性地运动损伤。

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v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 | |
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n.上瘾入迷,嗜好 | |
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n.匮乏;丧失;夺去,贫困 | |
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n.综合病症;并存特性 | |
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