You've heard about the power of positive thinking, right? Everyone's raving1 about it. If you simply think positively2, rainstorms will turn into rainbows, red lights will turn green, and your in-laws will suddenly turn into human beings. Right? Right?!
I'll tell you what you can control, though: your words. By making a few changes in your vocabulary, you can turn steaming piles of crap into 100% organic fertilizer. You can turn an inconvenient3 power outage into cuddle time with your sweetie. And you can turn obligations5 into opportunities. Words shape thoughts, and you'll find that if you change your words for the better, your thoughts will change for the better too, and so will your life.
1.Should1.应该Have you heard the expression "Stop shoulding all over yourself"? Well, let's clean that "should" off your pants and replace it with some organic fertilizer, because every obligation4 can be rephrased as a desire. Instead of "I should go to the store," how about "I want to go to the store because I'm hungry and I want to buy some food"?
2.Ought2.应当"I ought to get this work done before I go to the party." What do you want to do? Weigh your preferences. How good or bad would you feel about getting the work done first? How good or bad would you feel about leaving it undone6? Figure out what you most want, and then do it. In any case, let go of the obligation. "I want to get this work done before I go to the party, because I'll feel a lot better once it's finished.""我应当把工作做完后再去聚会"。其实你到底想做什么?权衡下你的喜好。选择先完成工作的你,是什么感觉?选择把它扔一边参加聚会又是什么感觉?想想你最想做什么,接着马上执行。无论如何,别管所谓的义务。你可以说"我想把工作做完后再去聚会,因为一旦工作完成我会感觉更加安稳"。
3.Need to3.需要"I need to walk the dog." How about instead, "I want our dog to be happy and healthy, and I want to have a nice, clean, poop-free house, so I'm going to walk the dog.""我得去遛狗",还是"我想让狗狗健康活泼,也想有个干净漂亮的家,所以我要去遛狗"?
4.Have to4.不得不"I have to go to work." Well, no. You don't have to. It's just that your actions have consequences. Even if you don't enjoy the process of getting there, you might really want the end result. So maybe a more positive way to phrase it would be, "I want to make money, so I'm going to go to work." Keeping your goal in mind can make the process of getting there better for you.""我不得不工作",不要这么说。你没有不得不做的事情。你的行为决定结果。即使你不享受做事的过程,你也确实想得到结果。因此我们可以用更加积极的词汇去表达,"我想赚钱,所以要去工作"。把自己的目标牢记在心,你就可以更加轻松地享受过程。
5.Must5.必须"I must go to bed now or else I'll be tired and groggy7 all day tomorrow." Okay, you got me, nobody actually talks like this. But you get the idea, right? "Must", another obligation word, and again you can rephrase it positively as a desire. "I'll go to bed now because I want to feel alert8 and awake tomorrow." Doesn't that take a weight off your shoulders and make you feel better about it?
6.Can't6.不能Enough of obligation words, limiting words are even more dangerous. How many times do we say "I can't" when it's not really true? "I can't write well." Maybe you don't write well right now, but you can if you put your mind to it. If you wanted to, you could practice and learn and gain new skills. So how about "I'm not that great at writing yet?" "Can't" closes a door. You can stick your foot in that door and prop9 it open by choosing other words.
7.Impossible7.不可能"It's impossible for me to be a professional athlete; I'm just naturally clumsy." You know what? I've seen a one-legged man compete in a Dance Dance tournament — and win. Nothing is impossible, it just takes time, practice, and dedication10. Talent is completely irrelevant11 in the face of determination. How about "It's possible for me to be a professional athlete if I want to put in the time and effort.""我天生就笨,不可能成为职业运动员。" 你知道吗?我看过只有一条腿的残疾人在劲舞锦标赛中出色演出,而且获胜了。所以一切皆有可能。需要的只是时间,练习和你的投入。在决心面前,天赋不堪一击。这么说好不好——"如果我花时间精力的话,成为职业运动员是有可能的。"8.Never8.决不"I could never sing as well as her." Again, you probably could. Even if today, the sound of you singing in the shower sends birds spiraling disoriented into the ground, that's just today. You can improve, you can get better, and you can keep getting better for as long as you want to. She probably took hours and hours of voice lessons, so you're not being fair to yourself. "I could sing as well as her or better if I put my mind to it.""我绝不可能唱得比她好。" 又来了,你为什么不可能?即使今天你在浴室唱歌的声音把小鸟都吓得没头乱飞,那也只是今天罢了。你可以进步,做得更好,你还可以继续保持进步——只要你愿意。她可能上了很久的声乐课,你干嘛要自暴自弃呢?所以要这么说"只要有心,我也可以和她唱得一样动听,甚至更好。"9.Smack9.抽你In addition to limiting words, violent words can bring unnecessary negativity into your life. "I'm gonna smack12 you if you don't shut up right now!" If that's really true, then that's cool, you're speaking authentically13. But I found myself saying this when what I really meant was, "I'm feeling upset and frustrated14 because I can't concentrate with a lot of noise around. Could you please be quiet? I'd really appreciate it." When I rephrased my vocabulary this way, the people around me felt a lot more considered and respected.
另外,一些暴力词汇也只能对你的生活产生消极影响。"你丫再不闭嘴我就抽你了!" 如果你真要那么做,那倒挺不错的,至少你在讲真话。但我发现一般这样说只是为了表达"周围太吵,我注意力集中不了,太让人心烦了。你可以安静点吗?非常感激!" 当我用这种方式来表达时,周围的人也会感觉到被尊重和照顾。
10.Kill10.把你杀了Now this one I hope you're not saying with authenticity15. "I'm going to kill you if you leave the toilet seat up one more time!" That's one way to express anger and frustration16, but how about expressing it directly instead? "I feel angry and hurt when you leave the toilet seat up, because it seems inconsiderate to me, like you don't care about my comfort or our shared space." The "kill" phrasing is likely to lead to an argument, but the "I feel" phrasing is likely to lead to a conversation that might make things better.
These are just 10 of the many words you can rephrase to improve your life. It's even easier and more fun with a partner. Pick a word that you'd like to rephrase, and ask your partner to let you know whenever you use that word. It can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding!

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adj.说胡话的;疯狂的,怒吼的;非常漂亮的;令人醉心[痴心]的v.胡言乱语(rave的现在分词)n.胡话;疯话adv.胡言乱语地;疯狂地 | |
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adv.明确地,断然,坚决地;实在,确实 | |
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adj.不方便的,令人感到麻烦的 | |
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n.(法律、道德上的)义务,责任 | |
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n.债务( obligation的名词复数 );义务;[法律]债券;合约 | |
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a.未做完的,未完成的 | |
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adj.体弱的;不稳的 | |
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adj.机警的,活泼的,机灵的;vt.使...警觉 | |
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vt.支撑;n.支柱,支撑物;支持者,靠山 | |
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n.奉献,献身,致力,题献,献辞 | |
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adj.不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的 | |
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vt.拍,打,掴;咂嘴;vi.含有…意味;n.拍 | |
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ad.sincerely真诚地 | |
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adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧 | |
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n.真实性 | |
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n.挫折,失败,失效,落空 | |
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