Meet Microsoft's latest facial recognition tool 'Twins or Not'.
The tool lets you compare two photos to see how similar their facial features are to give a similarity score percentage.
It did fare good with relatives who are much closer in age, for example 31-year-old Chris Hemsworth and his 25-year-old brother Liam achieved a score of 87 per cent and the tagline 'you two are definitely related.'
如果把年龄相近的亲戚用作测试对象的话,该工具效果还是不错的。例如,测试结果显示,31岁的克里斯?赫姆斯沃思(Chris Hemsworth)和她25岁的弟弟利亚姆(Liam)相似度高达87%,并给出“你俩绝对有血缘关系”的评论。
But it failed to see any similarity at all between North West and her mother Kim Kardashian and Prince William and Prince George.
但在检测诺斯?韦斯特(North West)和她母亲金?卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian),还有威廉王子(Prince William)和乔治王子(Prince George)的相似度时,该工具完全失灵。
Both couples scored zero.
Elsewhere, when Renee Zellweger stepped on to the red carpet Elles's 21st annual Women In Hollywood Awards in October many people expressed how different she looked, compared to when she was in Bridget Jones' Diary in 2001.
去年十月,蕾妮?齐薇格(Renee Zellweger)出现在《Elle》第二十一届好莱坞年度女性贡献奖(Elles's 21st annual Women In Hollywood Awards)红毯时,许多人惊叹:与其2001年在《布里奇?琼斯日记》(Bridget Jones' Diary)中的形象相比,她好像完全变了样。
Microsoft's Twins or Not can't see the difference, though, and believes the two pictures are a 100 per cent match, calling them 'clones'.
The same couldn't be said for George Clooney when the actor was compared with his year book photo.
但比较演员乔治?布鲁尼(George Clooney)和毕业留念册上的照片时,测试结果又有不同。
This comparison only achieved a score of 87 per cent - but it may have been Mr Clooney's 70s hairstyle that got in the way.
The tool is powered by Microsoft’s Project Oxford1 Face API, which helps developers add image recognition services to their sites or apps using the firm's Azure2 cloud platform.
It is a follow-up to the How Old Do I Look? site that launched in April.
这是继4月推出的测颜龄网站后,微软再次推出同类产品 。
tagline 标语
year book 毕业留念册

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