最近,美国国土安全部(United States Department of Homeland Security)的海关和边境保护部门(U.S. Customs and Border Protection)发布消息:从2016年11月起,持有十年美签的中国公民必须完成EVUS(签证更新电子系统)登记,以便获得许可进入美国,否则旅行计划可能会被延迟。
What is the Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS)?
EVUS is the online system used by nationals of China holding a 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 (visitor) visa periodically to update basic biographic information to facilitate their travel to the United States. In addition to a valid1 visa, such travelers will be required to complete an EVUS enrollment3 to be admitted into the United States.
签证更新电子系统是指持有十年有效B1/B2,B1或B2(访问者)签证的中国公民所使用的个人基本信息在线定期更新系统,以协助其赴美旅行。除了有效签证以外,上述旅客必须完成EVUS 登记,以便获得许可进入美国。
How do travelers use EVUS?
As of now, there is nothing Chinese travelers need to do. Beginning in November 2016, Chinese travelers will need to go online and update their information in order to comply with EVUS requirements.
目前为止,中国旅客尚无需使用此更新系统。按照EVUS 要求,自2016年11月起,中国旅客需要开始使用此更新系统在网上更新自己的个人信息。
As the system is developed and the launch date gets closer, the U.S. Government will ensure that information about the EVUS process is readily available. More information will be provided regarding how to make entry into the United States as easy as possible.
Can someone else update information in EVUS on a traveler’s behalf?
其他人是否可以代表旅客在EVUS 更新信息?
Yes, a friend, relative, travel industry professional, or another third party may submit the required information to EVUS on a traveler’s behalf. A third party may also pay related fees on behalf of the traveler. However, the traveler is responsible for the truthfulness4 and accuracy of all information submitted on his or her behalf.
可以。朋友、亲戚、旅游行业专业人士或其他第三方可代表旅客向EVUS 提交所需的信息。第三方可代表旅客支付相关费用。但旅客本人应对代表其提交的全部信息的真实性和准确性负责。
Will EVUS enrollment be required for admittance into the United States?
Starting in November 2016, yes. The Governments of the United States and China entered into an agreement on a reciprocal basis, to issue visitor visas with 10-year validity. The arrangement recognized that travelers would be required to periodically complete an online form updating their biographical information. Completing this form will help facilitate the admission of Chinese travelers into the United States.
是的。自2016 年11 月起即需要登记。美国政府和中国政府就签发十年期旅游签证问题达成了双边互惠协议。该协议规定旅客须定期完成在线表格填写以更新个人信息。此表格的填写将有助于加快中国旅客入境美国。
When will this new requirement take effect?
Travelers holding 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas will begin using the system in November 2016. Before that date, travelers holding 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas may travel to the United States without any further action. All other travelers with valid visas may travel to the United States as they do normally, regardless of the date.
持有十年B1/B2、B1 或B2 有效签证的旅客将从2016 年11 月开始使用此系统。在此日期之前,持有十年B1/B2、B1 或B2 有效签证的旅客尚无需使用EVUS系统即可前往美国旅行。所有持有其他类别有效签证的旅客可正常前往美国,不会受到EVUS启用日期的影响。
Both. Applicants who are holding valid 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas issued before November 2016 will have to enroll2 in EVUS to use their visas any time after the launch of the program. Applicants who receive 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas from November 2016 onwards will have to enroll before their initial trip to the United States. Enrollment for all applicants will remain valid for two years or until the traveler’s visa or passport expire, whichever comes first. The visa holders will then have to update their information before traveling to the U.S. again.
两者都会受到本项新规定的影响。持有2016 年11 月之前签发的 十年有效期B1/B2、B1 或B2 签证的申请者,必须在该规定生效后登陆EVUS登记,方可使用签证。自2016 年11 月起获得 十年有效期B1/B2、B1 或B2 签证的申请者,必须在首次前往美国旅行前登记。所有申请者的登记维持两年有效,若旅客的签证或护照两者中有任何一者过期,EVUS登记的信息便失效。那么签证持有人必须在前往美国前再次登陆EVUS更新个人信息。
I just received a 10-year B1/B2 visa a few months ago. Will I need to obtain a new visa after I enroll in EVUS?
我在几个月前刚刚收到十年有效期的B1/B2 签证。我是否需要在EVUS 登记后申请新签证?
No, your visa remains7 valid. However, you will be unable to travel to the United States after November 2016 unless you have also enrolled8 in EVUS. Enrollment in EVUS is separate from the visa application process.
不需要,您的签证仍然有效。但是,如果您在2016 年11 月以后前往美国,必须先在EVUS 登记。EVUS 登记和申请签证是不同的程序。

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adj.有确实根据的;有效的;正当的,合法的 | |
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v.招收;登记;入学;参军;成为会员(英)enrol | |
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n.注册或登记的人数;登记 | |
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n. 符合实际 | |
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支持物( holder的名词复数 ); 持有者; (支票等)持有人; 支托(或握持)…之物 | |
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申请人,求职人( applicant的名词复数 ) | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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adj.入学登记了的v.[亦作enrol]( enroll的过去式和过去分词 );登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员;记入名册;卷起,包起 | |
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