假爸爸似乎很感兴趣,他做了个手势,表示要跟我一起找。 这短短的十来分钟,是我觉得一生以来最漫长的十多分钟,假爸爸在焦急地找那提款卡,而我也焦急地等警察叔叔赶来。幸亏我还够镇定,也懂装样子,老是「爸爸」前「爸爸」后,让他一点怀疑也没有,直至警察进了屋子,把他的面谱扯起,他才如梦初醒! 原来,他是爸爸公司的护?员,欠了卡钱,知道爸爸家里有些财物,便跟踪爸爸,在爸爸回家上楼梯的时候,把他打晕,换上他的衣服,戴上他的面谱,用他的钥匙开了我家的门,还将事先写好的字条骗我说做默剧,搜掠我家的财物。计划得真周密啊! 爸爸被救醒,了解整件事后就说︰「你的脸上没有戴面谱,但你的隐形面谱比真面谱还能骗人!连贼人也给你骗了!」 我搂住爸爸没有瘤的脖子,开心地大笑起来。
The man was more than interested on hearing that. He gestured to say "let’s find it together". Those few minutes were the longest of my life. When the man was anxiously searching, I was anxiously waiting for the police to come. Fortunately, by keeping calm and pretending as if I had not discovered his secret by calling him "Daddy" this and "Daddy" that, the man actually stayed until the police arrived and took the mask off his face. It turned out that he was the security guard in Daddy’s office. He was desperate to get money to pay his credit card overdrafts1, and he knew that Daddy had some money and valuables at home, so he followed Daddy on his way home, knocked him down on the stairs, changed into his clothes, put on the mask he made, and used his key to enter our house. He even had the slip of paper ready to fool me into believing that he and I would play a mime2 game. He had it all planned! Daddy was saved, and when he had heard all about the incident, he said, "You don’t wear a mask on your face, but your invisible mask is even more convincing than a real one. You actually pulled wool over the burglar’s eyes!" I hugged Daddy on his neck that had no mole3 and laughed heartily4.

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透支,透支额( overdraft的名词复数 ) | |
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n.指手画脚,做手势,哑剧演员,哑剧;vi./vt.指手画脚的表演,用哑剧的形式表演 | |
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n.胎块;痣;克分子 | |
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adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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