Love roasted Peking duck? 爱吃北京烤鸭是吧? We've got the burger for you. 这款汉堡肯定合你心意。 While McDonald's and KFC continue to introduce Chinese-style burgers to appeal to local tastes, high-end Peking duck restaurant DaDo...
Relax. You can wear whatever you want and chances are nobody will say a word to you. And far be it from us to dictate what someone else should wear or not wear. That said, we thought it would be fun to ask our Huff/Post50 Facebook friends what they t...
Apple turns 40 today and you won't be surprised to hear it has a lot to celebrate. 今天,苹果公司40岁了。这是个硕果累累的品牌。 Firstly, it's the most valuable company in the world, which is no mean feat considering it almost wen...
今天是西方的愚人节(April Fools Day)一年中少有的一个心惊胆战的节日。在这一天,您可以充分发挥想象力,让有序而枯燥的生活在您手中瞬时翻转,胡作非为在愚人节完全有充分的理由。但...
Are you always hungry? Here are the four possible reasons why. 你总是感觉到饿吗?这里总结了四种原因。 WE all have those days where no matter how much you eat, youre never totally satisfied. 总有那么几天不管我们吃多少都不...
About a month ago, I thought I would try to go a whole day without judging anyone else I encountered. Have any of you ever tried it? It's incredibly hard. 大约一个月前的一天,我突然想要尝试坚持一天不去评判任何人。有人试过...
In its latest installment, YouTube dating and travel series Dating Beyond Borders looks at female beauty standards across countries to show how vastly they vary and asking: 'how far do we go to look beautiful?' The video displays informative stats ab...
If you don't smoke or do drugs you may think you're clear of bad habits. But what if you bite your nails or pop gum repeatedly? Bad habits aren't generally dangerous, just annoying to those around you. 如果你不抽烟也不沾染毒品,你可能认...
According to the US Department of Labor, the average employed adult spends 7.5 hours a day on the job. Over time, that adds up to a significant chunk of your life, so (as many people know from experience) an unhappy work situation can make the rest o...
We spend a considerable amount of time planning birthdays, wedding and anniversaries. 我们花了很多时间来策划生日、婚礼和纪念日。 But have you ever thought about how you would like to die? 但你可曾想过自己愿意以什么样的...
While Alibaba's Jack Ma is one of the most admired entrepreneurs in China and numbers among the richest men in the world, not many think of him when it comes to art. 虽然阿里巴巴的马云是中国最受推崇的企业家,也是世界上最富有...
Disney fans brace yourself - there is a real life version of the house from Up. 迪士尼粉丝站稳了!现实版的《飞屋环游记》来了。 Hot air ballooning enthusiast Simon Askey has taken to the skies in an inflatable wonder that mimics...
Most people hack off and toss the leafy top of a pineapple. Resourceful people plant these spiky parts to grow yet another pineapple. 菠萝顶部是绿叶,多数人会砍下来扔掉。而创意丰富的人则会利用菠萝扎手的那部分再种个...
A cats charity is raising money for one of its felines to have gender reassignment surgery, after vets realised that it was both male and female. 有一家英国猫咪慈善机构正在筹款,目的是为一只喵星人做性别手术,因为他们发...
The 58-year-old groom, surnamed Zhu, was officially wed to his wife, surnamed Zhang, on Monday afternoon at the Chang'an district civil affairs bureau, where Zhu claimed they had been denied certificates weeks earlier because he couldn't read or writ...