According to government officials in Anhui, starting from March, the province will offer between one to two days leave a month for women who are the victims of painful periods. 安徽省政府官员声明,从三月份起,省内生理期期间的女...
Want to know how to craft a great zinger? study the presidential debates. 想知道怎样说话能切中要害,给对方一万点暴击?研究研究总统政要们的做法。 We've all had this experience: You're in a debate or a discussion. You...
Eating too much doesnt just make your waistline expand, it also makes distances seem bigger. 暴饮暴食不仅会导致腰围暴涨,还会让你觉得山高路远。 Research shows that being overweight distorts perception. 研究表明,过度肥胖...
Ive often wondered how exactly sleep, or lack of it , can have such a devastating effect on our bodies and, guess what, how much we sleep switches good genes on and bad genes off. 我时常思考,睡眠的充足与否会对我们的身体健康带来...
Apple users were ecstatic to learn that the taco and burrito emojis were included in the 9.1 update last year. 去年,苹果公司宣布在最新9.1版本系统中加入了墨西哥卷饼和玉米煎饼的emoji表情符号。这让众多苹果用户喜...
Everyone is familiar with calls to donate blood, sperm, stem cells, bone marrow and organs, but the opening of a new 'poo bank' in the Netherlands means it is now possible to donate your faeces. 献血、捐精、捐献干细胞、捐骨髓、器官捐...
An enormous iceberg in Antarctica has killed off 150,000 penguins and threatens to wipe out an entire colony, which has become trapped and unable to reach food. 南极洲上一枚巨大的冰山已经导致15万只企鹅死亡,整个栖息地的企鹅...
There comes a moment in every woman's life when it's more prudent - not to mention far more elegant - to conceal, rather than to reveal. 每个女人一辈子总会有那么个时候会觉得包住会比露出来更稳重,更别提有多优雅了。...
A small Slovenian town is pressing ahead with plans to build a fountain which spouts beer instead of water, despite opposition from some councillors. 尽管遭到一些地方议员反对,但斯洛文尼亚的一个小镇仍在极力推行一项计划...
消失5年的熊猫阿宝这一次又重返江湖,而且他终于意识到自己真正的身份。比起之前两部,《功夫熊猫3》在中国元素上可谓做足了功夫,也更加贴近中国观众。 The success of Kung Fu Panda 3 is rea...
What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life? 有什么是我可以在10分钟之内学会或了解并且对我之后的生活非常有用的? 获得4.6k好评的答案@Cyndi Perlman Fink 能够快速掌握...
1 in 5 of us spend between 2 to 10 hours per week working from bed. 五分之一的人每周在床上工作2-10小时。 There was an interesting article by Sue Shellenberger in The Wall Street Journal last year about the increasing amount of work be...
An Australian woman has accidentally become a viral online sensation after sharing an image of a 'life hack' which has shown people worldwide they've been using chopsticks wrong all their lives. 一名澳大利亚女性意外成为了网络红人,只...