This week, I signed into law a Wall Street reform bill that willprotect consumers and our entire economy from therecklessness and irresponsibility that led to the worst recessionof our lifetime. It’s reform that will help put a stop to the abusivepractices of mortgage lenders and credit card companies. It willend taxpayer1 bailouts of Wall Street firms. And it will finally bringthe shadowy deals that caused the financial crisis into the light ofday.
Wall Street reform is a key pillar of an overall economic plan we’ve put in place to dig ourselves outof this recession and build an economy for the long run – an economy that makes America morecompetitive and our middle-class more secure. It’s a plan based on the Main Street values of hardwork and responsibility – and one that demands new accountability from Wall Street toWashington.
Instead of giving tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas, we want to give tax breaks tosmall business owners who are creating jobs right here in America. Already, we’ve given smallbusinesses eight new tax cuts, and have expanded lending to more than 60,000 small businessowners.
We’re also investing in a homegrown, clean energy industry – because I don’t want to see newsolar panels and wind turbines and electric cars manufactured in some other country. I want tosee them made in America, by American workers. So far, we’ve provided new tax credits, loanguarantees, and investments that will lead to more than 800,000 clean energy jobs by 2012. Andthroughout America, communities are being rebuilt by people working in hundreds of thousands ofnew private sector2 jobs repairing our roads, bridges, and railways.
Our economic plan is also aimed at strengthening the middle-class. That’s why we’ve cut taxes for95% of working families. That’s why we’ve offered tax credits that have made college moreaffordable for millions of students, and why we’re making a new commitment to our communitycolleges. And that’s why we passed health insurance reform that will stop insurance companiesfrom dropping or denying coverage3 based on an illness or pre-existing condition.
This is our economic plan – smart investments in America’s small businesses, America’s cleanenergy industry, and America’s middle-class. Now, I can’t tell you that this plan will bring back allthe jobs we lost and restore our economy to full strength overnight. The truth is, it took nearly adecade of failed economic policies to create this mess, and it will take years to fully4 repair thedamage. But I am confident that we are finally headed in the right direction. We are movingforward. And what we can’t afford right now is to go back to the same ideas that created thismess in the first place. 这就是我们的经济计划——明智的投资于
Unfortunately, those are the ideas we keep hearing from our friends in the other party. This week,the Republican leader in the House of Representatives offered his plan to create jobs. It’s a planthat’s surprisingly short, and sadly familiar.
First, he would repeal5 health insurance reform, which would take away tax credits from millions ofsmall business owners, and take us back to the days when insurance companies had free rein6 todrop coverage and jack7 up premiums8. Second, he would say no to new investments in cleanenergy, after his party already voted against the clean energy tax credits and loans that arecreating thousands of new jobs and hundreds of new businesses. And third, even though hisparty voted against tax cuts for middle-class families, he would permanently9 keep in place the taxcuts for the very wealthiest Americans – the same tax cuts that have added hundreds of billions toour debt.
These are not new ideas. They are the same policies that led us into this recession. They will notcreate jobs, they will kill them. They will not reduce our deficit10, they will add $1 trillion to ourdeficit. They will take us backward at a time when we need to keep America moving forward.
I know times are tough. I know that the progress we’ve made isn’t good enough for the millions ofAmericans who are still out of work or struggling to pay the bills. But I also know the character ofthis nation. I know that in times of great challenge and difficulty, we don’t fear the future – weshape the future. We harness the skills and ingenuity11 of the most dynamic country on Earth toreach a better day. We do it with optimism, and we do it with confidence. That’s the spirit weneed right now, and that’s the future I know we can build together. Thank you.

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n.纳税人 | |
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n.部门,部分;防御地段,防区;扇形 | |
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n.报导,保险范围,保险额,范围,覆盖 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.废止,撤消;v.废止,撤消 | |
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n.疆绳,统治,支配;vt.以僵绳控制,统治 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.费用( premium的名词复数 );保险费;额外费用;(商品定价、贷款利息等以外的)加价 | |
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adv.永恒地,永久地,固定不变地 | |
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n.亏空,亏损;赤字,逆差 | |
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n.别出心裁;善于发明创造 | |
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