在托福独立任务人物类话题当中,我们可以根据描述人物的类型进行大致的分类,每类人物都具备不同的character, 所以我们的描述方式和答题思路也会有所不同。
In your opinion, what are some of the qualities of agood parent? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why thesecharacteristics are important.
题目要求描述一个好家长应该具备的品质,通过brainstorming1, 我们可以想到以下形容词:
well-educated 受过良好教育的
considerate 体贴的
reasonable 讲道理的
selfless 无私的
patient 耐心的
encouraging 鼓励的
想到这些词我们已经有了一个良好的开头,下面就是选择两个或三个你认为比较重要,关键是比较好找到细节支持的品质来进行接下来的回答。根据“TST”结构,我们的topic sentence可以这样回答:
In my opinion, encouragement and diligence are twoimportant characteristics a good parent should have.
接下来只需要找出支持这两点品质的supporting details, 并且在回答的过程中注意transitional words的添加,我们的任务就完成了。而找到合适有力的supporting details 却不是一个容易的过程。接下来给大家一个sample:
First of all, encouragement can do a really useful partin children’s development. For example, when a child is afraid of going to thestage to perform, a good parent will encourage him to get over the fear andgive him a warm hug. The child can get enough courage from this. Also, a goodparent should be diligent. You know, raising a child isn’t an easy job. Soparents should be hard-working to do all the housework and clean up all thechaos created by their babies. Helping4 their children to form a good personalityalso costs them a lot of energy.
Describe a person thatyou admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples tosupport your response.
Describe an elder personthat you respect. This person could be one of your grandparents or neighbors.Explain why you admire this person,and how thisperson influenced you.
Describe the person towhom you would like to turn for advice when you are in trouble. And explain whyyou would like to turn to this person for advice?
In your opinion, what aresome important characteristics of a good friend? Use reasons and specificexamples to explain why these characteristics are important.
Which do you think is themost important quality of a strong friendship: loyalty5, honestyor sense of humor? Explain why? Please include details and examples in yourresponse.
Describe a special friendin your childhood, why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and detailsto support your response.
以上的这几个话题要求考生们对朋友所具备的品质和特性有所掌握,当然第二个题目也给出了一些提示:loyal、honest、humorous, 都是描述朋友常用的形容词。除了这些,通过brainstorming我们还可以想到:
supportive 支持的
kind-hearted 热心的
reliable 可靠的
creative 有想象力的
caring 关心人的
generous 慷慨的
sympathetic 有同情心的
thoughtful 体贴的
因此,我们的topic sentence可以说For me, a good friendshould be supportive and humorous. 或者For me, a true friend ought to bethoughtful and generous. 当然,supportive和humorous可以替换成任何描述朋友的形容词。
对于第一个主题句,接下来的supporting details可以这样来发挥:First, friends alwayshave many things in common, in other words, they like to do the same things orhave similar characters. So, it is no surprise that good friends always supportyou when you have to make choices. Even though having different ideas, a goodfriend can understand you and support your choice. Also, a humorous friend canalways brighten you up. If you feel down or upset, it’s lucky to have a friendwho can tell jokes for you or take you to do some funny things.
对于第二个主题句,可以用以下的话来支持它:First of all, athoughtful and considerate friend can make you feel safe and comfortable. Whenyou get sick or get hurt when playing sports, you will forget about the painand suffering with the caring from your friends. A thoughtful friend also willconsider your feeling and well-being8 when he does or says something in front ofsomeone else. Secondly9, a good friend can be very generous when you are introuble or in need. We can see that many successful people got a lot of helpmaterialistically and spiritually from their friend. Thus, a generous friendmay be the key when you are heading for your success.
Describe a person who hada positive impact on you. Explain how this person influenced your life. Givespecific reasons and details to support your explanation.
Describe a person whomyou would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend timewith this person. Include reasons and details to support your response.
Describe a person whomyou would like to talk with often (this person could be one of your closefriends, family members or teachers). Explain why you’d like to talk with thisperson and what you talk about?

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