sine qua non 解释 这个词字面上解释Without which, not.。也就是说Without(A),(X)wont be possible.没有A的话X是不可能的,自然就可以理解成A是X的前提或者A对于X至关重要。 不同来源的例句 A solid customer ba...
The choice between continuing to do only those things in which one is proficient and striking out into new, unfamiliar territory is difficult. There is comfort in remaining within familiar parameters, but growth happens only when we exceed those boun...
Leaders of all kinds should have lots of qualities in order to thrive together with the team. Persistence, passion, confidence and personal charisma, to name a few. When it comes to question of whether honesty is the most important qualities of all f...
花式1模板花 官方或者传言并没有在这个北美考试中拒绝模板写法,那么我们就要合理有效地利用这个机会给自己创造高分。有了模板另一个问题就会随之而来,如果千篇一律怎么办? 去模板化...
面是我们总结出的一些背单词的托福培训绝招,应该对正在词海中挣扎的同学们多少有些帮助。 一、大浪淘沙法: 如果你的目标是一天记住100个单词,那么所需背诵的单词数量最好要达到50...
托福考试话题词汇汇总 whitepollute白色污染 sustainabledevelopment可持续发展 ecosystem生态系统 environmentalpollution环境污染 over-fishing(overgrazing)过度捕捞(过度放牧) sandstorm沙尘暴 resourceexhaustion资源枯竭...
托福词汇量大,不背不行,没有了词汇这个基础,接下来的会话、文法、阅读、写作都将无法顺利进行,背单词又极为枯燥,怎么才能高效地背诵托福词汇呢?下面有几招供大家参考。 方法一:...
信号词 : 时间顺序 Time-Sequence:first, later, next, finally, before, after, now, previously, last, then, when, immediately, formerly, subsequently, presently, initially, ultimately meanwhile 举例 Examplef:or example, such as,for instance, il...
托福考试中,词汇类题目对考生托福词汇积累的考查很明显。今天为大家带来新托福词汇类问题解题指导,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。 通常情况下,被考到的单词或短语对于理解文章的一...
社交媒体自恋狂是指迷恋上存在于社交媒体中虚幻自己的人。 One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social mediais that it makes many of us narcissistic. Too many people stare too intentlyat their highly cu...
At the beginning of this year, Angela Merkelhad a good claim to be the mostsuccessful politician in the world. The German chancellor had won threesuccessive election victories. She was the dominant political figure in Europeand hugely popular at home...