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  • 作家创造的新词 看看这些词汇的来历吧!

    小编导读:发明家们创造发明的很多东西是我们的日常生活更加便捷,那作家们创造出的新词对我们又有着什么样的影响呢? 1. Superman 超人 Superman这个单词是爱尔兰作家乔治萧伯纳从德语中的...

  • 英语流行词:脱欧Brexit悔脱Regrexit


  • 英语流行语:这些网络热词你都会用英文说吗?

    What are some Chinese phrases commonly used online? 中国有哪些常用的网络短语? 获得1.3k好评的答案@Thomas Yao 233 means LOL. 233意思就是大声笑。 卧槽 means WTF. 卧槽意思是他妈的。 囧 is a Chinese character which i...

  • 英语热词:“一言不合”英语怎么说?

    最近特别火用一言不合就...各种造句哈,中文版本刷屏那你知道英文版么?咱们可以用Whenever we disagree with each other, ... 例子:比如一言不合就不告诉他邱邱老师的新班Whenever we disagree with each ot...

  • 牛津英语词典又收了一大波新词

    TBH, not everyone will be bovvered by all of the 1,000 new words added to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) in its latest quarterly update, which reveals current trends in the use of language. 在最近的季度更新里,牛津英语词典收录了...

  • 英语热词:一天当中的“愚蠢时段”

    日出而作,日落而息。这是人类社会一代代传承下来的生活作息规律。 当然,随着科技的发展和生活方式的转变,我们不可能在太阳落山以后就进入休息状态。但是,晚上休息、白天工作依然...

  • 英语流行语:午饭恐惧症

    中午吃什么?和中午去哪儿吃?大概是很多职场人士每天都会重复的两句话。没错,对于单位没有食堂的职员们来说,午饭的确是个让人头疼的问题。以致于有人都患上午饭恐惧症了。 Lunch phob...

  • 英语热词:点头族、摇头族还是“随便族”

    职场之大,无奇不有。你提出一个proposal,乐观派满口yay表示支持,悲观派说了一堆nay表示不可行,还有冷漠派在一边耸耸肩膀,说了声meh。 Naysayer refers to a person who says something will not work or...

  • 英语热词:奔三人群面临的“成年危机”


  • 英语词汇:“电视剧限令”英文表达

    请看相关报道: Recent news that the top broadcasting watchdog issued new guidelines restricting the making of six genres of TV serials was denied by a senior official from the watchdog group. 广电总局一位官员对近日有关该局对电视...

  • 英语词汇:你出现过“电话失忆症”吗?

    Phonesia may refer to a) The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer. b) Getting to the end of a list of options on a recorded helpline number, only to forget which option one wanted; forcing them...

  • 英语词汇:以“椅代”劳 与椅子相关的词汇

    下面这些椅子:办公椅office chair, 轻便扶手椅 directors chair,折叠躺椅 deckchair(英),转椅 swivel chair,理发椅 barbers chair, 凳子 stool,摇椅 rocking chair,沙滩椅 sun lounger,儿童餐椅 highchair,折...

  • 英语词汇:七夕风俗大观“乞巧”加“乞福”


  • 英语词汇:办公室的“软面行李箱”

    Soft-sided luggage refers to an employee whose talent and multi-tasking abilities allows him or her to take on assignment after assignment. They, like soft-side luggage, seemingly expand to handle the workload. Of course, they completely collapse on...

  • 英语词汇:摩托罗拉“裁员”热词

    请看新华社的报道: Most of the laid-off employees of Motorola Mobility's Beijing branch agreed to sign labor termination agreements before a Tuesday deadline after the company agreed to boost their compensation, the company's China PR manage...
