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相关教程: 英语口语
  • “再见”如何用英语表达才更美好?

    1. Good day 祝你一天愉快 2. Bye bye 再见 3. So long 再见 4. Cheerio 加油 5. Be seeing you 再见 6. Toodledoo 再见 7. Ciao 再见 8. Cheers 欢呼,喝彩 9. Take care 保重 10. Catch you later 待会儿见 11. Farewell 再见 12. Hav...

  • 炒鱿鱼的英语表达?

    1.I got fired. 我被炒鱿鱼了。 2. I got the boot. 我被开除了。 3. I got the axe. 我被开除了。 4. I got sacked. / I got the sack. 我被开除了。 5. They kicked me out. 他们把我踢出来了。(他们把我开除了。) 6. My b...

  • 用地道英语表达悲观情绪

    1. I'm all at sea. 我是一片茫然。 2. Don't get your hopes too high. 不要期望太高。 3. No chance at all./Fat chance. 不可能的。 4. I'm throwing in the towel. 我认输了。 5. My heart is heavy./I'm heavy-hearted. 我心情很沉重。...

  • 英语美文:早上问自己的10个问题

    1. How can I live in alignment with my values and beliefs in life today? 今天我应该如何遵从我的价值观和信念? 2. What can I do today to fulfill my human needs? 今天我该如何满足我的需求? 3. Why do I go to work every day? 我为...

  • 用英语表达拒绝要值得注意!

    在下决心拒绝的时候往往会采取极端的方式,这样的例子不胜枚举,所以应格外注意。所以以下这些英语表达要值得注意了! 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. Whats w...

  • 12句选秀评委爱说的英文评价

    12. What the hell is that?! 这都是些什么玩意儿啊?! 11. I didn't understand a word of that. 我是一个字儿都没听明白。 10. It's completely pointless/ridiculous/weird. 完全没有意义/荒谬至极/怪异透顶了。 09. Sorry, sw...

  • 你喜欢打折优惠吗?

    1. It was 20% off. 打八折! 2. It's a real bargain. 真便宜。 3. All goods have been marked down by 15%. 所有货物一律85折。 4. I bought these shoes at half price. 这鞋是我半价买的。 5. French wine is on special offer this week...

  • 如何用英语夸人“太有才”?

    1. Your work is really impressive. 你的工作很出色! 2. He is really something. 他真了不起。 3. As a writer, she is enormously talented. 她是个才华横溢的作家。 4. They have a knack for telling interesting stories. 他们讲故事...

  • 情景口语:如何表达赞美?

    第一句:You look so gorgeous(great/wondeful/beautiful) in this dress. 你穿这条裙子真漂亮。 A: You look so gorgeous in this dress. 你穿这条裙子真漂亮。 B: Does it suit me? 我穿合适吗? A: Absolutely, I love the color. 完全...

  • 英文说说“难看”的脸色

    1. Why've you got such a long face? 你干吗拉着个脸? 2. I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face! 我从来也不知道老板到底喜不喜欢我的工作。他脸上可真是一点表情都没有。 3. Te...

  • 如何表达“松口气”?

    1. Thank God! 谢天谢地! 2. It's a big relief. 现在轻松多了。 3. Good for you. 能这样真好! 4. Everything worked out well. 都解决了。 5. I'm so relieved to hear that. 听你这么一说,我就放心了。 6. That's a weight o...

  • 关于"miss"的口语表达

    I missed my stop. 我坐过站了。 It was a near miss. 那次差点出事。 You can't miss it. 你绝对不会错过的。 We missed the target by a mile. 我们跟目标相差得很远。 You're missing out on all the fun. 你错过了所有的乐趣...

  • 关于“身体部位”的地道口语短语

    关于【hand】的地道口语短句: 1. Need a hand? 要帮忙吗? 2. I saw it first hand. 我亲眼所见。 3. Get your hands off me! 把手拿开。 4. I've got to hand it to him. 不佩服不行。 5. He's my right-hand man. 他是我的得力...

  • “淡定”用英语怎么说?

    淡定,淡定啊这句我们常常挂在嘴边的经典台词,怎么用英语来表达呢? 淡定用英语怎么说? Keep your hair on 表达的就是这个意思,意思是 沉住气,别着急 Used for telling somebody who is angry or ver...

  • 地道口语:有话你就直说吧!

    1. Don't pull any punches. Tell it straight. 别有顾虑,直说吧! 2. Dont beat around the bush. 别拐弯抹角了! 3. We may as well put all cards on the table. 我们不妨打开天窗说亮话。 4. Let me lay it on the line to you,... 我还...
