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相关教程: 英语口语
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    1. Did the alarm clock go off? 闹钟响了吗? Go off 在英文里有好几个意思,可以表示离开、爆炸等,这里专门指闹钟突然发出吵闹的声音。 2. It's time to get out of bed. 该起床了! 起床在英文里可以说get...

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  • 教你如何“礼貌”地给人让路

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  • “女汉子”用英语该怎么表达呢?

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    1)Thank You: Common courtesy? Sure. But tell me this: When was the last time you forgot (or rejected) gratitude? Whether given in private or public, a sincere thanks creates goodwill. Dont forget your mothers advice: Say please. People are always hap...

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