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Peruvian Video Game Pokes Fun at Recent Scandals
Nico Colombant
Rio de Janeiro
16 Jun 2001 08:11 UTC

In Peru, where corruption charges are mounting against allies of former President Alberto Fujimori, there is a videogame that 1)pokes fun at the scandals and turns computer players into defenders of 2)justice. But this game is also causing 3)controversy.
The hero is called "Nico Justo." He is nine years old and wears a 4)bandanna. He has a toy gun to shoot sponge balls at politicians 5)depicted as dragons, witches or two-headed 6)monsters.
The name of the game is "Vladigame", called after Peru's 7)fugitive former spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos. He fled the country last year after a video showed him trying to buy support for former President Alberto Fujimori from an opposition politician.
Other so-called "Vladi-videos" came to light showing Mr. Montesinos 8)bribing other politicians. This prompted the 9)demise of then-President Fujimori, who fled to his 10)ancestral home, Japan.
In "Vladigame", Nico the hero has to pass several levels avoiding monsters who throw bundles of cash in bribes before attempting to put Mr. Montesinos and Mr. Fujimori in jail.
One of the game's creators, Sebastian Zileri from the Peruvian political magazine Caretas, says Nico is a model for a cleaner Peru. "We're happy to have done something to create some sort of conscience on kids because Nico represents in some way the normal kid here in Peru who sees his interests as a boy being affected by the situation how these people left the country," he says. "So he wants to fight against the corruption because his 11)pocket money is not being given anymore. Nico tries to share with other kids in Peru that you know corruption is something we have to fight against."
Mr. Zileri says the game has sold about 20,000 copies since Caretas put it on the market last month. He says many fans are adults.
A lobbyist in Lima fighting against corruption, private banker Adrian Rebilla, says many people see the game as a funny joke. "We have been hearing for a long period of time about corruption and every single day there is something new and you get tired of that," he says. "The people don't want to know anything more about that. I've been talking with friends and they say I don't want to talk anymore about this. And when they suddenly appear with this videogame it becomes in a way a joke from something terrible that's going on in the country."
In the game, Nico is told by someone: we are suffering from the 12)consequences of the reality of our country. Here is an opportunity to end corruption.
But not everybody finds this funny. Martha Chavez, a Congresswoman and former Montesinos ally, appears in the game as a 13)witch.
She is so 14)infuriated that she has 15)sued the makers of the game, saying they are damaging her image. "This game, which is meant for young people, gives an image of me as perverse and negative," she says, "someone who has to be eliminated. This violates basic human rights and I find it 16)despicable."
Mr. Zileri, whose father owns the magazine Caretas, the game's 17)distributor, says he will fight against the congresswoman's legal action. He welcomes the 18)controversy, saying it has been good publicity. "My father was invited to a television show to talk about the lawsuit that we have from this congresswoman and the interview was like for 15 minutes," he says. "You can't beat that on advertising; you know 15 minutes instead of a 20 second advertisement."
The makers of "Vladigame" say a new version is coming out next month with the hero 19)tackling corruption not just in Peru but throughout the world.

(1) poke[pEJk]n.刺, 戳vt.戳, 捅, 拨开vi.戳, 刺, 捅
(2) justice[5dVQstIs]n.正义,公平,司法, 审判
(3) controversy[5kRntrEv:sI]n.论争, 辩论, 论战
(4) bandanna[bAn5dAnE]n.大手帕
(5) depict[dI5pIkt]vt.描述, 描写
(6) monster[5mRnstE(r)]n.怪物, 妖怪
(7) fugitive[5fju:dVItIv]adj.逃亡的,易变的n.逃亡者, 亡命者
(8) bribe[braIb]n.贿赂vt.贿赂, 向...行贿
(9) demise[dI5maIz]n.死亡,让位vt.让渡, 遗赠, 转让
(10) ancestral[An5sestr(E)l]adj.祖先的, 祖传的
(11) pocket money n.零用钱
(12) consequence[5kRnsIkwEns; (?@) 5kRnsIkwens]n.结果
(13) witch[wItF]n.巫婆, 女巫, 迷人的女子vt.施巫术, 迷惑
(14) infuriate[In5fjJErIeIt]adj.狂怒的vt.激怒
(15) sue[sU:]vt.控告, 向...请求vi.提出诉讼, 提出请求
(16) despicable[des5pIkEb(E)l]adj.可鄙的, 卑劣的
(17) distributor[dI5strIbjJtE(r)]n.发行人
(18) controversy[5kRntrEv:sI]n.论争, 辩论, 论战
(19) tackling[`tAklIN]n.抱住, 卷起

