
1. The president's nominee to the US Supreme Court is planning to meet with senators starting Wednesday. Republicans are giving no indication they'll try to prevent a vote on Elena Kagan's nomination. But they are expected to grill her over her lack of judicial experience, her thin record of legal writings and her decisions as dean of Harvard's Law School.

2. A remote-controlled submarine has sent a chemical dispersant into the massive undersea oil leak. It's more evidence authorities expect the oil to keep pouring into the Gulf for weeks or more.

3. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says he wants his Labor Party to govern in coalition with the Liberal Democrats. He says he will step down within months if that happens.

4. And Tiger Woods says he doesn't know what's wrong with his neck. The golfer says he's positive, it has nothing to do with his car accident last November. Woods says his neck started bothering him two weeks before the Masters.
