
1. It is primary day around the nation, and it could end being a tough day for incumbents a year after switching parties. Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter is in a tough primary fight as a Senator Blanche Lincoln whose battle against Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter is neck and neck.

2. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is expected to face tough questions from two Senate committees today on what the government did and didn't do to prevent the gulf oil spill. Salazar is expected to be questioned about allegedly lax regulation of offshore rigs.

3. A Haiti court has convicted American missionary Laura Silsby for arranging to transport 33 children out of the country, following the January earthquake, but the judge sentenced her to time served and she is free to leave the country.

4. The Afghan government says at least 12 people have been killed in a suicide car bombing in Kabul. Forty-seven others were wounded. Seventeen other vehicles were damaged which official say appear to target US vehicles.
