英语播客EnglishPod 226(在线收听

 A:    Alright, children, let’s review. Tommy! Pay atten-

 B:    Sorry Miss Kadlec.

 A:    Okay, Crystal, now tell  me,  what’s  four plus

 C:     Um...fifteen!

 B:    Miss  Kadlec  always  asks  Crystal;  she’s  such  a
       teacher’s pet.

 A:    Okay...and what about fifty six minus sixty?

 C:     Um... negative four!
 A:    Very good... twelve times twelve?

 B:    Very good. Suck up.

 C:    One hundred and forty four!

 A:    Zero divided by one?

 C:    Zero!

 A:    How did you know that?  Okay, smarty pants, the
       square root of two!

 B:    Bet you’re not going to get that one, know-it-all.

 C:    Um...one point four one four two one three five...
