A: What’s up? You don’t look too good.
B: Yeah, my head hurts, that’s all. I’ve been in
physics class all day. It’s killer!
A: I liked physics. It’s all math, really; arcs, curves,
velocity, cool stuff.
B: Yeah, yeah, but today’s lesson was all about the
creation of the universe.
A: A physics class about the creation of the uni-
verse? That’s some pretty unscientific language
there. Sounds more religous to me.
B: It’s all religion. Take the theory of the Big Bang.
How is it possible that all of the stuff in the uni-
verse comes from an explosion? That’s no bet-
ter than Atlas carrying the globe on his back or
African myths about turtles and stuff.
A: Turtles? Whatever... Look, all that’s required for
the creation of matter an imbalance of particles
and anti-particles. At least, that’s what the math
B: Math, shmath. What’s the evidence?
A: There is evidence! You know Edwin Hubble? He’s
the guy who in the early twentieth century was the
first scientist to measure the drift of matter in the
universe, thus advancing notions of an expanding
universe. What would it be expanding from? Well,
the Big Bang... DUH!
B: Anyway, it’s just a theory. Why do people go
around touting theories? Where’s the scientific
rigor in that?
A: Dude, don’t equivocate. A theory only becomes
a theory after withstanding rigorous testing. You
slept through class, didn’t you?
B: Agh! You’re making my head hurt again! Quit with
the questions!