
1. The longest-serving senator in history has died. Robert Byrd died overnight at the age of 92. He had been in the hospital since late last week. Byrd was first elected to Congress in 1952. His elevation to the Senate came six years later.

2. Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan start this morning. Republicans are prepared to question Kagan on hot button issues, like abortion and campaign finance. Democrats do have enough votes to get Kagan confirmed.

3. Tropical storm Alex is swirling across the Gulf of Mexico. The forecasters believe it will miss the area dealing with the oil spill. Alex could become a hurricane tomorrow, and heavy rains are expected to start lashing Mexico by midweek.

4. The admiral in charge of the Gulf oil spill response is due in New Orleans today, where he will brief the media about the latest on the spill. Admiral Thad Allen has not yet responded to criticism from local officials, who feel he might not be the right man for the job. Meantime, oil has now washed ashore in Mississippi.
