学个词Learn a Word 第316期 Incentive(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是, incentive。 Incentive, 是刺激、优惠的意思。Tax incentive, 是税收方面的好处。"The government uses tax incentives to encourage savings," 政府利用税收方面的优惠鼓励民众储蓄。

"The rising price of fuel is an incentive for people to take public transportation," 油价上涨让大家更愿意使用公共交通工具。韩国准备向北韩提供能源,作为让平壤放弃核项目的好处, "South Korea agreed to provide energy aids as an incentive for Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear program." 好的,今天我们学习的词是incentive...

