学个词Learn a Word 第327期 Unveil(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是unveil。 Unveil, 是揭去面纱的意思。埃及著名法老图坦卡门的面容上星期天首度公诸于众, "King Tut's face was unveiled Sunday for the first time in public."

欧盟司法官员将公布一项新的反恐提案。 "The EU justice officials will unveil an anti-terror proposal to collect personal data from airline passengers and store them for 13 years," 提案要求收集飞机乘客的个人信息,并储存13年。加拿大政府上星期公布了秋季经济状况报告, "The Canadian government unveiled its fall economic statement last week." 好的,今天我们学习的词是unveil...

