
    There are many places a young man can go for romantic advice--friends, family, and if the worst comes to the worst, the internet.
    Now, desperate bachelors are taking dating tips from a nine-year-old boy.
    Alec Greven, from Colorado, is the author of How To Talk To Girls. The book, which started as an elementary school project, has become a New York Times best-seller.
    "I just observed around the playground how boys mess up and what mistakes they make," said Alec. "A lot of boys made the wrong conversations."亚历克说:“我只是在操场上观察男孩子和女孩子在一起的时候都搞糟了哪些事情,犯了哪些错误。很多男孩子的交谈方式都有问题。”
    Alec believes showing interest is the key to winning a girl's heart. He said: "Your goal is to make sure she does most of the talking so then you can't mess up."亚历克认为:要赢得女孩子的芳心,关键是要表现出感兴趣。他说:“你要做的是确保她在交谈中占主导地位,这样事情就不会搞砸。”
    In his book, Alec suggests that men find a cool role model to base their behaviour on. "The best choice for most boys is a regular girl." he said.
    Alec also offers advice for when relationships don't work out so well.
    On breaking-up, he said: "You say something like, 'I don't think this is really going to work but would you like to be friends'." On being dumped, he replied: "I say, life is hard, move on. If you can't get over it, it's ruined."比如分手时,他认为:“这种情况下应该说‘我认为我们俩在一起不合适,但能让我们继续做朋友吗’之类的话。”如果是被甩了,则回答:“我会说生活就是如此艰难,继续生活吧。要抛开过去,否则你的生活就毁了。”
    Despite his junior love-guru status, Alec says there are no ladies in his life, aside from his mother. "I'm a little too young for all that dating and everything," he said.
    Alec is working on several follow-ups to How To Talk To Girls. How To Talk To Moms, How To Talk To Dads and How To Talk To Grandparents are already in the pipeline.
