学个词Learn a Word 第590期 For sale(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是for sale。 For sale, 是待售的意思。 "The house is for sale," 这栋房子正在市场上出售。 "Tickets will go on sale next week for the playoff games," 季后赛的球票下星期开始销售。 "Despite the fact that the company is losing money, the CEO declared it is not for sale," 公司首席执行官宣布,尽管公司出现亏损,但是并不准备出售。 "The Iraqi government is putting Saddam Hussein's luxury yacht up for sale," 伊拉克政府决定出售萨达姆.侯赛因的豪华游艇。预计售价可能会达到三千万美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是for sale...

