AP 2010-07-09(在线收听

1. Three billion and counting, that's how much BP says it has spent in attempts to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. The money also includes settling damage claims and reimbursing both the federal and local governments. So far, BP has settled about half of the more than 90,000 claims for payment.


2. Toyota has started recalling Lexus vehicles in Japan and overseas markets will soon follow. The problem is with defective engines that could make the vehicle stall when it is moving. In all, more than 270,000 vehicles have been recalled. 138,000 are in the US.


3. Police in Iowa say a 60-year-old woman has died after a freak accident during a Fourth of July parade. Authorities say two horses became startled then bolted and galloped for several blocks. The horses trampled several people including some small children. Twenty four people were injured, including five critically.


4. The cleanup is underway after fireworks celebrations across the country. The First Family hosted service members and others on the South Lawn of the White House, and then watched the fireworks along the National Mall
