学个词Learn a Word 第706期 Morale(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是morale。 Morale, 士气。眼下经济不景气, "Some companies are allowing employees to bring their pets to work in hopes of boosting morale," 一些公司为了调动员工士气,允许他们带宠物上班。工作士气跟精神抑郁有关吗? "A new study found a link between low workplace morale and depression," 一项最新研究发现,工作场所的士气低落跟员工精神抑郁之间有联系。问题是: "Does low morale lead to depression, or do depressed people have low job morale?" 是低落的士气造成了精神抑郁,还是精神抑郁造成了士气低落?研究没有得出结论。好的,今天我们学习的词是morale...

