1--Where were you born? 2--I was born in Sydney. 1--Is that where you lived all your childhood? 2--Yes, I lived there all my childhood. 1--Mmm. How long have you been in Britain? 2--Ooh--I've been here since 1972. 1--Why did you come here? 2--I married an Englishman! It was quite a romantic situation. We were both in France, and we met and married there.
=================================== 注解; 1)Sydney:悉尼,澳大利亚港市。 2)childhood:童年,幼年时代。 3)a romantic situation:富有浪漫色彩的境遇。
=================================== 译文:
1--你出生在什么地方? 2--我出生在悉尼。 1--你是在那儿度过了你的童年时代吗? 2--是的,我的童年都是在那儿度过的。 1--那,你来英国多长时间了? 2--噢,从1972年以来我就住在这儿了。 1--你为什么要移居到英国来? 2--我嫁给了一个英国人!说起来挺有点儿罗曼蒂克。 那时我们俩都在法国。在那儿我们相识并结了婚。