新概念英语85年上外美音版第四册 第6课(在线收听

  Lesson 6 Youth 青年
  People are always talking about' the problem of youth '. If there is one-which I take leave to doubt--then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings--people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is. When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain--that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.
  I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent an lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. All that is in my mind when I meet a young person. He may be conceited, illmannered, presumptuous of fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders--as if mere age were a reason for respect. I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong. 
  New words and expressions  生词短语
  sb. take leave to do sth. 允许某人做某事,冒昧做某事
  get down to sth.   认真研究  get down to +名词/动名词
  glorious 光辉灿烂的
  rub 难题
  teenager 青少年
  for one thing 原因之一,有一点是…   连接词… for another
  identity  身份
  air of freedom 无拘无束   air:神态、气势
  dreary 沉郁的
  ambition 追名逐利
  cosmic being 宇宙人  human being 人
  violent 强烈的,暴力的
  suburban 见识不广的,有偏见的
  conceited 自高自大的
  presumptuous 自以为是的,放肆的
  fatuous 愚蠢的
  cliché 陈词滥调
  I take leave to say…
  我冒昧地说… I take leave to be frank
  恕我直言。口语:maybe I’m too bold…  or .  I’m bold enough… or.  Allow myself to say …
  Take one’s leave = take leave 离开(正式用法)
  Would you please take your leave?
  What a bore. What a nuisance. What a trial What a jerk.
  get down to + 名词/动名词
  例:我开始学习了。 I get down to my studies. I get down to learning my book.
  to- 介词  同义词: be engaged in
  glory n. 光荣
  (rosy ,shining , brilliant , magnificent , gorgeous)
  in one’s glory: 在某人的鼎盛时期
  in one’s day   in one’s golden days
  in one’s prime time  in the pride of one’s life
  rub 摩擦
  at odds 有矛盾
  have words with sb. 和…拌嘴
  Do you get the rub?  Do you get the picture?
  Do you catch me ?  Do you get me ?
  What’s the range?问年龄
  Teenager 14到18  Under thirteen.Adolescent: 13到16
  Juvenile 青少年  Youth 20到30
  Air :神态(多用复数) He always puts on airs. 摆谱
  Arrogant airs :  傲气 Bureaucratic airs : 官气  Finicky airs 娇气
  Dreary 同: drearisome  a.无味,无聊
  Sterile : 枯燥无味  Monotonous: 乏味无聊
  Gloomy: 沉闷  Lifeless: 无生气的
  I have ambition for going abroad/to gao abroad.
  Fish …(wealth and fame)
  Chase …(fame and gains)
  Pursue …
  Cosmic 宇宙
  Cosmonaut 宇航员 = astronaut Astro-/aster 天体
  Disaster Cosmic place :大都市 Metropolis: 大都市
  Violent   nonviolence 非暴力
  狂风:violent wind 暴死:violent death
  vehement 猛烈的
  同义词:turbulent  tumultuous
  suburb 郊区
  urbane: 有礼貌的 short-sighted 目光短浅的
  narroe-minded/small-minded  insular 绝缘,目光短浅的 provincial
  conceited 自高自大的
  骄傲的 conceit(n.)  pride 自豪
  big-headed 头发胀的 cocky 自负的
  chicken 胆小鬼 sweller 膨胀的 over-confident
  people are always talking about ‘ the problem of youth’.
  Are talking _ 到目前为止一直讨论
  ‘the problem of youth ’ 加引号,引用。
  -which I take leave to doubt 插入语 “我冒昧的说”,表示怀疑
  -If there is any,同样表示怀疑
  straight forward 开门见山
  it is older people who creat it.-强调句
  let us (speaker exclusive) - Let’s (speaker inclusive)
  get down to fundamentals
  fundamental = basic 基本的
  fundamentalist 信奉正统基督教的人
  after all - 退一步
  like - (介词) 省略了谓语 are
  people are just lije their elders
  glorious future 光辉的未来
  splendid future光辉的未来(已过去的,对老年人而言)
  where the rub is 症结所在,问题就出在这
  hatred : 憎恨  ironical 讽刺的,用反语的 uncertain 后面省略用法
  I would have been 虚拟语气
  Something 重要的东西  You are somebody. 你是重要人物
  So .. as … 后置定语
  出色: outstanding stand out 站出来,鹤立鸡群 cut figure 崭露头角
  one of the things 正是其中之一
  seeking = looking for exciting 令人激动的
  air of freedom 无拘无束  = carefree , freedom from care
  commitment 专注(to + 名词/动名词)
  love = seek 追求 mean 意味着,小气卑鄙 = disgusting
  anxious 虎视眈眈的
  polish 擦,磨 apple polisher 溜须拍马 bootlicker 拍马屁者
  no devotion to 热爱(贬) material things 物质享受 to me 在我看来(插入语)
  life 生机  lifeless 没生机的,死气沉沉的
  link with 把什么联系起来 origin 起源 original 原本的
  as if 虚拟假设
  in some sence 可以这么说吧(插入语 )
  in contrast with 与…比较
  violent 强烈= strong
  lovely 生动的,完美的
  后置的同位语- suburban creatures
  前面用得是 - cosmic beings
  mediocre 平庸的
  idol 偶像  idiot 傻瓜
  conceited 自负
  ill-mannered 粗暴
  presumptuous 自以为是的
  fatuous 愚蠢无比的
  turn for protection to 寻求保护 turn to 求助
  dreary  = boring cliché 沉郁的
