Is there a good and a bad smile?(在线收听

Is there a good and a bad smile?

Yvonne: Welcome to 6 Minute English! I’m Yvonne Archer and joining me today is Kate.
Hello, Kate!
Kate: Hello, Yvonne!
Yvonne: Now Kate, you’ve got a shy but pretty smile, I'd say. Are you happy with it?
Kate: Oh, thank you very much. Yes, I am happy with it. But Yvonne, you've got a
fantastic, big smile.
Yvonne: Oh thanks, but according to recent research, simply having a pretty or a big smile
isn't good enough any more. But before we find out more, here's today's question:
Kate, we’ve all become really used to the smiley face, for example, in e-mails. But
when did the very first smiley face appear?
a: In the early 1960s
b: in the early 1970s or
c: in the late 1970s
Kate: Well, I think the smiley face is a sort of iconic image and I can imagine it being
around in the hippy era. So, I'm going to say a) – the 1960s.
Yvonne: As usual, we'll find out whether you're right later on. Now, here are three sayings
about how powerful a smile can be from the BBC's Jonny Hogg. Which is your
Jonny Hogg
Peace begins with a smile…A smile is the universal(普遍的) welcome…Life is short, but a smile only
takes a second.
Yvonne: Kate, what did you think of the saying: "peace begins with a smile"?
Kate: I really like that saying and I think it's true. I think if everybody smiled more,
there'd be less war and aggravation(加剧) and fighting.
Yvonne: So what about: "a smile is the universal welcome"
Kate: I like that one too. I think it's a universal sign – it's a signal. Everybody
understands a smile, no matter what language you speak.
Yvonne: And what about "life is short, but a smile only takes a second"? I think that's my
Kate: Yes, I like that one too. I think it's very important to smile because it's free and it's
easy to do and it makes everyone feel better.
Yvonne: But which was your favourite? You liked them all, Kate!
Kate: I think I agree with you; I like the last one – life is short, but a smile only takes a
Yvonne: Yes, you can never be too busy to smile at someone really.
Kate: Exactly!
Yvonne: But it’s really important to give the right type of smile - as the Go Group recently
found out. The company is based in Scotland and helps other businesses. Now
here’s the BBC’s Jonny Hogg with a description of three different types of smile
that the company says they are not good. So, this can be useful information for job
interviews. But why are the following, bad smiles?
Jonny Hogg
The first is 'The Enthusiast' - very wide, all teeth showing, possible evidence that you can
have too much of a good thing. Then there is the 'Big Freeze' - a fixed grin that looks
practised and fake. Finally comes 'The Robot', a small thin smile lacking in warmth.
Yvonne: Oh dear, I think my smile is ‘the enthusiast’ – it’s very wide with lots of teeth
showing. So why is it possible that my smile isn’t good, Kate?
Kate: Well, he said that someone who’s an enthusiast is extremely eager, really
interested and perhaps even excited about what they do – or on a job interview,
about the job they want.
Yvonne: Yes, that’s me – I love what I do!
Kate: Yes, but the research shows that your smile might be ‘possible evidence’ – that it
might be proof, that you're a little too enthusiastic for some people - and that’s not
always good apparently.
Yvonne: It can be annoying, I suppose. Now, what about ‘the big freeze’ and ‘the robot’
smiles? They both seem cold and unwelcoming, don’t you think?
Kate: Well yes – both ‘the big freeze’ and the ‘the robot’ are cold – they’re ‘lacking in
warmth’ he said, and so they don’t welcome people. And as we heard, ‘the big
freeze’ doesn’t look real or natural - so it looks ‘fake’ and looks like the person has
worked on it carefully – like they’ve ‘practised’ it.
Yvonne: And everyone probably gets the same smile, every time, in every situation. So ‘the
big freeze’ is a fixed smile. Now ‘the robot’ is obviously mechanical – without any real feelings.
Kate: Yes, robots can’t think, can they? So that smile is given automatically – and it’s
the opposite to your smile, Yvonne. It’s thin and small.
Yvonne: Well, I’ve been given ‘the big freeze’ and ‘the robot’ smile in shops from
unenthusiastic people who don’t really like their jobs.
Kate: Yes, so have I. And I always get it from air hostesses on airplanes because they
have to smile all day at so many people. I don't blame them at all.
Yvonne: That's true – they definitely have a fixed smile. OK, those were three examples of
bad smiles. But what makes a really good one? Here's more from the BBC's Jonny
Jonny Hogg
The group also warns about smiling too quickly, saying it can make you look insincere. The best
smile, they say, is slower and floods naturally across the whole face.
Yvonne: So Kate, how can we give the best type of smile?
Kate: Well, according to the research, the best type of smile comes slowly rather than
quickly so that it looks sincere – genuine or real. And the best smile floods
naturally across the face. So don’t force yourself to smile and don’t just smile with your mouth.
Yvonne: No! So a smile should cover the entire face. Well, there’s certainly a lot to think
about – and I think it would be really difficult for me to change my natural smile.
Kate: And I don't think you should either. You've got such a nice smile.
Yvonne: Oh, thank you. Anyway, it’s time for the answer to today’s question. Kate, when
did you say the very first smiley face appeared?
Kate: I said the early 1960s.
Yvonne: And you were absolutely right!
Kate: Oh good!
Yvonne: It was 1963. Well that's all for today’s 6 Minute English; we hope we made you smile.(本文由在线英语听力室整理编辑)
