ESL Podcast 252 – A Workers Strike(在线收听

Masako: I think we should strike. We need to force management to listen to our grievances.

Salvador: Hold on. I think you’re being too hasty. It’s up to our union to call a strike, not the workers.

Masako: I’m not suggesting a formal strike, but we could organize a sickout. That would send a message that we mean business.

Salvador: Yeah, but that may also get their backs up. We need to give collective bargaining a chance to get us the contract we want.

Masako: The union has been negotiating for two months and things have stalled. We need to do something to put pressure on the company to come to our terms. At the very least, we should picket outside the building.

Salvador: We should only do that if there’s a strike. We don’t want to make employees feel like they’re crossing the picket line every time they come to work. That would be bad for morale.

Masako: Nobody’s going to feel like a scab if they all know why we’re picketing. Let’s call a meeting and see what everyone else thinks.

Salvador: You can do that if you want, but count me out. I’m going to let the union do its job.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
