澳洲广播电台商业英语教程 Unit11:商务会谈A mee(在线收听

English For Business
第十一课:   商务会谈
Lesson 11:  A meeting
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第十一课:   商务会谈
Lesson 11:  A meeting
在这一课中,我们要学习如何主持商务会议,怎样说明会议的目的和各项议程。另外,我们还要学习如何礼貌地打断他人的讲话以及在别人打断你的讲话时你应该如何应对。当然,简单扼要地概括他人的观点也是我们要在这一课学习的内容之一。 现在就先让我们一起来听这段对话的前半部份的录音。这段对话的背景是这样的,道格拉斯、卡罗琳、哈维和维多利亚在星期一的早晨一起开会,讨论第二天向丽安和洛克夫妇介绍公司情况的议题。
Douglas:  All right, let’s make a start.  Can someone volunteer to take the  minutes?
道格拉斯:  好,我们现在开始吧。有没有人自告奋勇做会议记录?
Harvey: I will.
哈维:  我来吧。
Douglas:  Thanks, Harvey. Now the agenda isn’t a long one.  We need to prepare for this presentation with Silver Heaven tomorrow. 
道格拉斯:  谢谢你,哈维。这次会议的内容并不多,我们需要做的是准备明天向“银色天堂”公司介绍情况。
Douglas:  Caroline has just got back from Brisbane so she’s been out of  the loop on this issue. 
道格拉斯:  卡罗琳刚刚从布里斯班回来,所以她对这件事情毫不知情。
Douglas:  Harvey and Victoria will bring us up to scratch on what they   know about Lian and Lok Lee.  
道格拉斯:  哈维和维多利亚会向各位介绍他们所了解到的有关对丽安和洛克的情况。
Douglas:  Then we’ll work out what needs to be done and who’ll do what.
道格拉斯:  然后我们将决定需要做些什么和谁来做这些工作。
Douglas:  Harvey would you like to start by filling us in on what you know about Lee’s intentions?
道格拉斯:  哈维,是否可以请你先向我们介绍一下李氏夫妇的意向?
我们可以从这段对话中了解到,做为公司的首席执行官,道格拉斯主持了这次会议。目前在一些西方公司中流行的做法是所谓的大家“轮流坐庄”,也就是说一个团队中的同事无论职位高低轮流主持公司的业务会议,这样每个人都能够从中学习到对工作有用的技能。另外,在英语中主持会议我们称之为chair, 所以会议的主持人就是chairman,不过这个词汇在目前的西方社会中已经比较少用了,大家都习惯将会议的主持人称为 chairperson, 或者直接了当地说chair.
在会议的开始,道格拉斯首先说了这样一句话,let's make a start. 我们现在开始吧。此外他还可以这样开场: we'll begin with the first item on the agenda. 我们首先讨论会议议程上的第一个议题。 好,我们现在接着听道格拉斯在开场白之后是如何主持会议的。
Douglas:  Now the agenda isn’t a long one.  We need to prepare for this presentation with Silver Heaven tomorrow. 
道格拉斯:  这次会议的内容并不多,我们需要做的是准备明天向“银色天堂”公司介绍情况。

We need to prepare for tomorrow’s presentation.
We’re here to discuss the new coffee campaign.
The purpose of this meeting is to establish a timeline for the  HR interviews.
We need to prepare for tomorrow’s presentation. 
We’re here to discuss the new coffee campaign. 
The purpose of this meeting is to establish a timeline. 
Douglas:  Harvey, would you like to start by filling us in on what you know about  the Lee’s intentions?
道格拉斯:  哈维,是否可以请你先向我们介绍一下李氏夫妇的意向?
Victoria, you had your hand up.   
Do you have anything to add, Caroline?   
Peter, I believe you’re next.  
比如 to bring someone up to scratch 和 to fill someone in ,其实这两个
习惯用语的意思是一样的,那就是“将某事的最新情况告知某人”。另外道格拉斯还用了这样一个短语to be out of the loop. 意思是某人对某件事情的前因后果不甚了解。现在就让我们把这些习惯用语结合到完整的句子里来练习一下。
I didn’t know Jack was leaving.  I was out of the loop on that one.
I’ve been away. Could you fill me in on the facts?
Helen missed yesterday’s meeting. Will you bring her up to scratch on the Bank Project?
I’m out of the loop on that issue. 
I haven’t heard about that. Could you fill me in?  
Could you bring me up to scratch on the project?  
第十一课:   商务会谈
Lesson 11:  A meeting
Harvey: Sure. It’s Mrs Lee, Lian, who’s pushing to extend their   distribution to Australia… 
哈维:  好的。其实推动他们公司在澳洲业务的想法是李太太,也就丽安提出的。
Victoria:  Lok Lee just wants a holiday.
维多利亚:  李先生则只是想度假而已。
Douglas:  Thanks, Victoria… Let’s hear Harvey out first. 
道格拉斯:  谢谢你,维多利亚。。。不过还是先让我们听听哈维的发言吧。
Harvey:  Their main purpose doesn’t seem to be for financial gain. Lian wants  to expand to give her children more responsibility.  She said they’re all ambitious and the business is too small for them as it is.
哈维:  看起来他们的主要目的并不是为了获得商业利益。丽安是想扩展业务,让她的孩子们有更多的责任感。她说这些孩子们都志向远大,而公司现在的规模对于他们来说太小了。
Douglas:  So you’re saying that it’s family rather than money, that’s their main concern? 
道格拉斯:  所以你的意思是说他们关注的议题是家庭,而不是金钱?
Harvey:  It would seem so, primarily.
哈维:  看起来是这样的。
Douglas:  Victoria, you have something to add?
道格拉斯:  维多利亚,你有什么要补充的吗?
Victoria:  Yes.  It’s their youngest son that Lian’s really worried about. He clashes with his older brother and he’s threatening to  leave the estate for good..  Lian feels that if they go  international, she’ll be giving him a chance to travel and keep  him within the company..
维多利亚:  是的。丽安担心的是他们的小儿子。他与自己的哥哥不和并且威胁要彻底脱离这个家族企业。丽安觉得如果他们的公司能够走向国际,她就能让这个小儿子有机会到外地走走并把他留在公司内。
Douglas:  You’ve really done your homework, Victoria.  
道格拉斯:  你调查得真是详细啊,维多利亚。
Victoria:  Thank you, Douglas. I did some research on the  weekend..
维多利亚:  谢谢你的夸奖,道格拉斯。我周末的时候做了一些调查工作。    
Douglas:  Thanks, Victoria… Let’s hear Harvey out first. 
道格拉斯:  谢谢你,维多利亚。。。不过还是先让我们听听哈维的发言吧。 
Yes, we’ll come back to you in a moment, Jan. 
One at a time please.  Peter, you were saying?
Please let Sue finish.
Thanks, Victoria… Let’s hear Harvey out first. 
Yes, we’ll come back to you in a moment, Jan. 
One at a time please.  Peter, you were saying?  
Please, let Sue finish.  
Excuse me, may I interrupt?
Could I say something here?
Could I just come in here?
Could I just comment on that? 
Excuse me, may I interrupt?  
Could I say something here? 
Could I just come in here? 
Could I just comment on that? 
Douglas:  So you’re saying that it’s family rather than money, that’s their main concern? 
道格拉斯:  所以你的意思是说他们关注的议题是家庭,而不是金钱?
I’ve been out of the loop
I’ve been out of the loop
I’ve been out of the loop on that.
Could you fill me in
Could you fill me in
Could you bring me up to scratch?
I’ve been out of the loop
I’ve been out of the loop
I’ve been out of the loop on that.
Could you fill me in
Could you fill me in
Could you bring me up to scratch?
