学个词Learn a Word 第954期 Muscle(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是muscle。 Muscle, 大家都知道,是肌肉的意思,但除此之外,muscle还可以用来指权力、实力,比如说, military muscle, 军事实力;political muscle 政治实力。 "The team signed the veteran running back to prop up its offensive muscle," 球队找来这个老练的跑锋,加强球队的进攻实力。 "He decided to flex his political muscle in order to get the bill passed," 他决心施展自己的政治实力,努力让议案得到通过。 "The army is showing its military muscle through the exercises," 陆军部队通过军事演习展示自己的军事实力。好的,今天我们学习的词是muscle...

