学个词Learn a Word 第976期 Massive(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是massive。 Massive, 大规模的。欧元区成员和国际货币基金组织同意向希腊提供巨额援助贷款。 "Euro members and the IMF approved a massive bail out plan for Greece," 美国总统奥巴马前往发生原油泄露事件的墨西哥湾地区视察。 "Obama called the oil spill 'a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster,'" 奥巴马说,这次泄露是“一起大规模的,可能是前所未有的环境灾难”。 "Tens of thousands of immigrants and their supporters staged massive rallies to protest Arizona's tough law against illegal immigrants," 数以万计的移民及其支持者举行大规模集会,抗议亚利桑那州针对非法移民的严格立法。好的,今天我们学习的词是massive...

