
    One in this world there are two things we can not do: First, hurry, and second, to stop and see if they have a good mentality. A good state of mind is that people a good partner in life, people pleasure and health. Insights on life: You must be sun-like mentality.2, there is no love life is like a desert, gifts were roses, hand there are lingering fragrance, "learn to love other people, in fact, love of self," so that love, as the afternoon sun, warm everyone's atrium. Insights on life: learn to love someone else!
    3 more to respect, understanding others, Chang Huai tolerance and grateful heart, tolerance is a virtue, a kind of wisdom the Sea the sea only a broad, appreciate your friends is that they give you help: thank you the enemy, they make you to become stronger. Insights on life: to understand tolerance and thanksgiving.4, control of their mouth, talking not just focus on momentary gratification lip service, "remarks to a three Winter, wounding a cold phrase in June," to speak to use the brain,?? Things prudent about their words, if more than useless. Young people are not evil, naturally turning hostility into friendship. Insights on life: Remember loose lips!
    5, human feelings, human feelings, human nature, to charity, often with the exchanges, "more than usual burn incense, when it was urgent to help," Therefore, "human to be more storage, just like bank deposits, deposit the more, the longer the dividends will be.'s insights on life: multi-stored human.6, failing not impatient! Do not jump to conclusions, especially when angry, do decision, we must learn empathy, or wait a minute, major issues to small, nothing. The complicated things as simple as possible, and absolutely not to simple things complicated. Insights on life: when we come Mo impatient!
    7, really learn contentment. The greatest worry is there is no meaningful comparison since Boundless there like you and stronger than you people, "When I cry do not wear shoes, I discovered that someone Quemei feet." Insights on life: The real learn contentment.8, if the enemy make you angry, it means you still win his grasp, and do not have to go back to see who the curse you. If there is a mad dog bites you one, do not you have to get on the ground to bite back an do it? Insights on life: Do not care about, and bad people angry.9, Do not work when the burden, since the present not change lines, there is no better alternative, rather than angry, complaining, it is better to face the positive and happy. When you work as a life and the arts, you'll enjoy the fun of life. Insights on life: Enjoy the work of happiness.10, were alive for one day is a blessing, in relation to treasure life just a few decades, do not give myself more regret. Sunrise East China Sea off the sun, unhappy even a single day, joyful day; failing to into a dead end, people are comfortable, the heart is also comfortable. Insights on life: cherish their own lives.1、这个世界有两件事我们不能不做:一是赶路,二是停下来看看自己是否拥有一份好心态。好心态是人们一生中的好伴侣,让人愉悦和健康。人生感悟:要有阳光般的心态。
