
    1. 新年来个“北极熊跳”!
    On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water to celebrate the new year. Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States and Australia are the most popular countries for this. These events are sometimes known as polar bear plunges, and are sometimes organized by groups to raise money for charity. Polar Bear Clubs in many northern hemisphere cities near bodies of water, have a tradition of holding organized plunges on New Year's Day。
    英式橄榄球赛2. 英式橄榄球赛In Britain an extra round of football fixtures is played (unless New Year's Day falls on a Thursday, Friday or Sunday)。
    玫瑰游行和玫瑰球赛3.玫瑰游行和玫瑰球赛In Pasadena, California, United States, the Tournamentof Roses is held, with revellers viewing the parade from the streets and watching on television, followed by the Rose Bowl college football game. The game is one of several post-season bowl games played in college football in the United States。
    维也纳新年音乐会4. 维也纳新年音乐会 Vienna New Year Concert, in Austria奥地利在新年晚上会举行维亚纳新年演奏会(偷笑:话说欧洲人的确比美国人有文化)。这场演唱会在全球的知名度无须多讲,中央电视台每年必转,也受到很多国内观众的喜爱呢。
    5. 伦敦新年大游行The New Year's DayParade is held in London. Performers include acts from each of the city’s 32 boroughs, as well as entertainment from around the world。
    美国南方的好运新年餐6. 美国南方的好运新年餐In the Southern United States, people traditionally prepare a meal of collard greens, black-eyed peas and pork for a year of good luck. A dime is often placed beneath the plate as a part of the tradition。
    德国移民的新年大餐7. 德国移民的新年大餐In Pennsylvania and Ohio, mostly in or near Pennsylvania "Dutch"(Deitch/German) areas, it is common to celebrate New Year's Day with a meal of pork, sauerkraut,and mashed potatoes. The practice comes from a Pennsylvania "Dutch" tradition that dictates these foods will bring good luck in the new year。
