万花筒 2010-10-10&10-11 美房产大亨Donald Trump有意参(在线收听

Well, a lot of people have asked me to do it and until recently I would have no interest but somebody has to do something and that's not only having to do with our country but also having to do with your country. It's, would not been, this been, there's been a lot of talk about me running, and a lot of people want me to run. A recent poll was done and I guess it was very favorable based on all of the questions had been getting, but I have not decided. What's your opinion about President Obama's still in office?
About Obama? Well, he is having a hard time. President Obama is having a very hard time. He is, I think, he would be the first to admit that things have not been easy for him. Why would you want you to be president?
Well, I am really not, I'd rather talk about the great Gov,of course it would be building,to be honest. But the United States is a great country. It's not doing very well, it's should be doing much better and I think with proper leadership, it would do unbelievably well. So it's one of those things.
