231 和平主义者呼吁巴以双方停止流血冲突(在线收听

231 和平主义者呼吁巴以双方停止流血冲突

Israeli, Palestinian Peace Activists Call for End to Bloodshed
Meredith Buel
Ramallah, West Bank
25 Jul 2001 17:03 UTC

A group of Palestinian and Israeli politicians, academics and 1)intellectuals has issued a joint statement urging leaders from both sides to end ten-months of bloodshed and return to peace 2)negotiations.
The violence between Israel and the Palestinians has almost silenced liberals and 3)moderates on both sides 4)dedicated to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.
For the first time since the Palestinian uprising began last September, Israeli and Palestinian members of the so-called peace camp came together in Ramallah to issue a joint declaration calling for an end to the bloodshed.
The statement says, despite the 5)deteriorating situation, both sides continue to have in each other a partner for peace, and that a negotiated solution is possible.
An architect of the Oslo peace 6)accords between Israel and the Palestinians, Yossi Beilin, says the cycle of violence must stop. "It is endless, endless. It is always justified," Mr. Beilin said. "I mean on both sides you may say. Well we are only reacting. We are reacting all the time and we are killing ourselves. One should get up and say, hey, what about 7)sanity? Put an end to this crazy situation. Talk with each other. Don't 8)sacrifice your own kids."
A member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Hanan Ashrawi, signed the declaration, which says both sides need to move urgently to rebuild a partnership for peace. "We believe that we have to deal with the causes," she said. "The occupation is the cause of the violence and the 9)instability and this dangerous 10)escalation is making people on both sides lose faith in a long-term just peace."
The joint statement calls for a total freeze in construction of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, the 11)implementation of agreements the parties have already signed and a 12)resumption of peace talks.
Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo called the document a "beginning, a cry for peace. There are so many 13)agonies and difficulties occurring every day and every moment," Mr. Raboo said. "We need the Israeli public opinion to face such 14)atrocities and to call for an end to them. These atrocities will escalate the tension, will lead to more violence and more violence without a winner. We will both be losers."
Representatives of both sides say they feel a majority of Israelis and Palestinians support a return to the peace process and an end to the conflict.
The joint declaration will be printed in Arabic and Hebrew newspapers, and will be 15)circulated as a 16)petition asking Israelis and Palestinians to use their signatures to show support for peace.

(1) intellectual[IntI5lektjJEl]adj.智力的, 有智力的n.知识分子
(2) negotiation[nI^EJFI5eIF(E)n]n.商议, 谈判, 流通
(3) moderate[5mRdErEt]adj.中等的, 适度的, 适中的v.缓和
(4) dedicated[5dedIkeItId]adj.专注的, 献身的
(5) deteriorate[dI5tIErIEreIt]v.(使)恶化
(6) accord[E5kC:d]n.一致,协定vt.一致, 给与vi.符合
(7) sanity[5sAnItI]n.心智健全
(8) sacrifice[5sAkrIfaIs]n. v.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉
(9) instability[InstE5bIlItI]n.不稳定(性)
(10) escalation[9eskE`leIFLn]n.扩大, 增加
(11) implementation n.执行
(12) resumption[rI5zQmpF(E)n]n.取回, 恢复, (中断后)再继续
(13) agony[5A^EnI]n.苦恼, 极大的痛苦
(14) atrocity[E5trRsItI]n.残暴, 暴行, 凶恶
(15) circulate[5s:kjJleIt]v.(使)流通, (使)运行, (使)循环, (使)传播
(16) petition[pI5tIF(E)n]n.请愿, 情愿书v.请求, 恳求, 请愿

