
  Two former U.S. State Department officials say the Bush administration has done little to fight corruption in Iraq. In testimony to a congressional panel Monday, they said administration policy has allowed corruption to fester - an accusation the State Department vehemently denies.
  两名前美国国务院的官员说,布什政府在伊拉克打击腐败的力度甚微 。星期一在国会一个小组委员会的听证会上,这两名前官员表示,布什政府的政策允许腐败滋生。美国国务院强烈地否认了这种指责。
  Arthur Brennan briefly served as director of the State Department's Office of Accountability and Transparency in Baghdad last year.
  In testimony before a Democratic Policy Committee hearing, which no Republicans attended, Brennan accused the Bush administration of thwarting the efforts of his office to probe and fight corruption in Iraq. He said the administration did not aggressively pursue corruption out of concern that that could undermine its relationship with the Iraqi government.
  "The Department of State's actual policy not only contradicted the anti-corruption mission, but indirectly contributed to and has allowed corruption to fester at the highest levels of the Iraqi government," he said.
  State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey told VOA it is not true that the department condones corruption in Iraq.
  In an exchange with Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Brennan said U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, has avoided addressing the problem.
  MCASKILL: "It is your testimony today that Ambassador Crocker knows the level of corruption in the Iraqi government and has failed to be honest with the American people about it?"
  BRENNAN: "If he does not know than he is negligent. If he does know, then he is intentionally misleading Congress and the American public."
  布伦南说:“如果他不了解的话那就是他失职了。如果他了解,那就是有意误导国会和美国公众 。”
  Brennan said corruption has cost Iraq and U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars, and warned that some of the money could be funding insurgents.
  James Mattil, who served as chief of staff in the Office of Accountability and Transparency from October 2006 to October 2007, agreed that the Bush administration had not done enough to press the Iraqi government to fight corruption. "It seems reasonable to conclude that the reasons are either gross incompetence, willful negligence or political intent on the part of the Bush administration and more specifically, the State Department," he said.
  詹姆斯.马蒂尔从2006年10月到2007年10月担任问责与透明办公室的幕僚长,他对布什政府没有尽力敦促伊拉克政府打击腐败的说法表示赞同。 他说:“我们有理由作出结论,那就是布什政府,更确切地说是国务院,这样做或者是由于严重的无能,故意渎职,或者是出于政治上的意愿。”
  Mattil said the Office of Accountability and Transparency was dismantled last December.
  Senator Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat and chairman of the committee, says he plans to send a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice seeking a response to Monday's testimony.
  State Department's Casey, who spoke to VOA on the phone, said Brennan and Mattil are entitled to their opinions, but it is not true that Washington has ignored the issue of corruption in Iraq. He said the United States takes the issue very seriously, and has worked with the Iraqis for a very long time to combat it.
