王强口语 第一册 long conversation 3.4(在线收听

  Dodge:How's it going, John?
  John:Not too good, Mr. Dodge.
  Helen:(Seeing two guys standing there) Wow! Those gorgeous hunk models are to die for!
  John:Our female model took sick and cancelled on us. (Looking at Helen) Say! I think this young lady might fit the bill. She's even wearing the right running clothes!
  Helen:  (Looking worried) B-But... I look a mess!
  John:No problem. Our stylist and makeup crew can take care of that. Besides, a touch of sweat and grime adds to the realism we want!
  Dodge:  Good luck, Helen. See you later.
  Helen:Bye, dad!
  John:(He starts to take pictures while Helen is jogging.) Beautiful! Beautiful! Keep jogging! (When he finishes) Helen, you did so well today I'd like you to join us next week for our swimsuit shoot.
