王强口语 第二册 Dialogue Completion 010B(在线收听

  Lesson Ten
  Dictation: Please prepare your paper and pen.
  _____ generally _______________ than ________; however, __________ doesn't just continue ________ with ___. ____ people, especially ___, may _______ with ______________ to the bathroom and then have ___________in __________ to sleep. It's also ______ for sleep ________ to ______ as you get _____, and many people find themselves __________ at _______.
  Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape.
  Maid: Good evening, miss.
  Woman: ________________. I'll not _____________ again.
  Maid: Oh ________, miss?
  Woman: I've just been ______ with a man my father _____________ that _____.
  Maid: Ooh, Banker Harwell.
  Woman: Banker Harwell, yes. _______ years and ________ of height and ___________________ him.
  Maid: He does have money _____, miss.
  Woman: And never let's a _____ forget it. I'm _______ he has the ________ to ______. He's so _______ wedded to his ____.
  Maid: Perhaps it won't be all that bad miss. There must be something you like about him?
  Woman: Yes. His _________. The man of ________ has almost _____ now.
  Maid: And what man is that, miss?
  Woman: The one I have _______ in ______. ____________ man, the true men __________ in the _____ and most _____________ of our ____. I can almost see him now before me. What would I say to him, if he ____ really here? Forgive me, I've never known ___________. I've lived _______ it __________. Is it any _______ then I ___ to ________ you? You ________ it to me for the first time. Is there ________ that I can tell you how my life has changed, _________ at all to let you know what _________ you have given me? There's so much to say I...I can't ____ the _____. Except for _____: I love you.
