王强口语 第二册 Dialogue Completion 011(在线收听

  Lesson Eleven
  Dictation: Please prepare your paper and pen.
  Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape.
  Man: You've no (actual medical) training.
  Erin: No. I _____. I _____ a lot right there. Yeah, I've seen ______ give my son ______ cultures and what is it? You ____ a giant cuptit down our ____ and ___. Or a urine _____, where you ____ that dip stick to see whether or not the white _____ high?
  Man: Yes, I understand.
  Erin: Yeah. _____________ people. You have to ______ me to ____________ but you can _______ me ___ that. Yeah...I'm _____________ fast _____. You show me something in the ___ once and I've __________. You know, I always wanted to go to medical school, you see, that was my first ______ really. But then I ___________and had a kid too young and I _________ blew that but...when I first __________ high school I got a job with Flore Engineers and Constructors in Irvine.
