王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 10A(在线收听

  Caller: I'm a _______. I've been ______ for a long time and I think it's just the ___________________________ to _________ in the pipe.
  Presenter: You don't think smoking is bad for you?
  Caller: Well I do, I do, but you know the _________, uh...
  Presenter: Are ________!
  Caller: Are _______, yeah I mean, I could ________ like everybody else. You know, they have this thing called a runner's high, where marathon runners go out and after ___,_______, and they get this little buzz? Well Jim, I can ___________________________________! I don't need to run.
  Presenter: Hahaha! So smoking _______________. Oh man! Pretty soon he'll say, "well, I get the same effect just ________________________________, I can't _______________ without the _____________________. I get the same ____ as a miler does running just by hooking up the __________________ to my ________ apparatus!"
