美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2011-01-12(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama says the latest jobs report shows the economy is heading in the right direction. The report shows the country's unemployment rate dropped to 9.4 %, the lowest level since May of 2009.


2. Republicans in the House are one step closer to holding a vote to repeal the healthcare overhaul law. They passed a measure today that sets the rules for next week's debate. However, the move is all symbolic as the Democrat-led Senate is certain to block the bill.


3. A pair of sisters have been released from their life sentences in Mississippi. Jamie and Gladys Scott were freed under the condition that Gladys donates her kidney to her ailing sister within a year.


4. Rescued Chilean miner Edison Pena says he was living a dream as he toured Elvis Presley's Graceland. Pena was known to belt out Elvis tunes underground to lift the spirits of 32 other miners while they were trapped.
